Ayelet Zurer

Image of Ayelet Zurer
The age of 20 was all about stupid things. I did crazy things but never lost it. I was, you know, a little crazy. I once broke up with my boyfriend in London and went to an Indian guy's apartment who I didn't know and who told me he saw my aura and gave me a massage.
- Ayelet Zurer
Image of Ayelet Zurer
Even in the big movies, if the scenes are very big, I'm not fond of them as much as I'm fond of small actor scenes.
- Ayelet Zurer
Image of Ayelet Zurer
You really want to make sure that you have fun, at the end of the day. If it's not fun, what's the point.
- Ayelet Zurer
Image of Ayelet Zurer
If I get lucky and I can choose, I would always choose a really good story and screenplay, even if I don't know the director. If there's a good screenplay, there's a chance that something good is going to happen.
- Ayelet Zurer
Image of Ayelet Zurer
TV is the place that writers want to be.
- Ayelet Zurer
Image of Ayelet Zurer
I did an episode on the TV show 'Awake,' and I thought, 'Wow, that's really hard.' To do that so fast and to do that, if it's very successful, for nine months out of the year, for a bunch of good years, that's challenging. But, it was interesting. It's a good show. You'd have to have a very good character, I guess.
- Ayelet Zurer
Image of Ayelet Zurer
I do tend to like movies that challenge me professionally. That's mostly on a smaller scale, when you have one or two or five actors, and it's all about the acting and not the camera.
- Ayelet Zurer
Image of Ayelet Zurer
I got 'Munich' after I had done 'In Treatment' in Israel, which was very successful. But, when I actually shot it, nobody knew it was going to be sold all over the world and be so successful.
- Ayelet Zurer
Image of Ayelet Zurer
If there's a good screenplay, there's a chance that something good is going to happen. If you don't have a brilliant screenplay, then you either have amazing actors who give you the chance to improve whatever is on the page, or an interesting director who has enough faith in the project that they can carry it through and get it somewhere.
- Ayelet Zurer
Image of Ayelet Zurer
I've always had questions about how things work and why it was that way. From all kinds of perspectives, from the physical to the spiritual.
- Ayelet Zurer
Image of Ayelet Zurer
I think in Israel there is so much talent in the TV world because there's less movies done.
- Ayelet Zurer
Image of Ayelet Zurer
There's no such thing as too late. There are different roles for different ages, assuming an actress has something to offer. There aren't many Helen Mirrens and Meryl Steeps, and it takes a lot of talent to get to that level. I hope I have it. That's the model I aspire to if I'm lucky enough. It's all about luck.
- Ayelet Zurer
Image of Ayelet Zurer
I'm an actress. In this sense, my profession is less complex than that of a model. True, they're into beauty in Hollywood, and it is age-related, but you can't put a girl with hot lips and no wrinkles and say: 'That's the mother of a 14-year-old.'
- Ayelet Zurer
Image of Ayelet Zurer
From a very young age, I would fall off the bed and wake up on the floor because of dreams. I have a memory from the age of four in which I felt God.
- Ayelet Zurer
Image of Ayelet Zurer
I never see myself as the famous person. It never was a part of my life, and I hope this doesn't become the most eminent thing about what I do. I just hope that I'll do things that have meaning for me and for others somehow.
- Ayelet Zurer
Image of Ayelet Zurer
You really want to make sure that you have fun, at the end of the day. If its not fun, whats the point.
- Ayelet Zurer
Collection: Fun
Image of Ayelet Zurer
I do tend to like movies that challenge me, professionally. That's mostly on a smaller scale, when you have one or two or five actors, and it's all about the acting and not the camera.
- Ayelet Zurer
Collection: Two
Image of Ayelet Zurer
If you don't have a brilliant screenplay, then you either have amazing actors who give you the chance to improve whatever is on the page, or an interesting director who has enough faith in the project that they can carry it through and get it somewhere. One of those factors needs to happen. If not, it's sad.
- Ayelet Zurer
Collection: Giving
Image of Ayelet Zurer
There are so many directors that I want to work with, but I can't tell you that there's one role. If I knew it, I would write it for myself.
- Ayelet Zurer
Collection: Writing
Image of Ayelet Zurer
TV is the place that writers want to be. When you don't have a very strong indie market going on, talented writers want to have their voice heard, so they'll go somewhere else, and everyone goes to TV because their voices are heard.
- Ayelet Zurer
Collection: Strong
Image of Ayelet Zurer
Even if the dramatic scenes are really hard, if you're happy with what you have and it's been creative and you had a good time with the people you worked with, that's a good day.
- Ayelet Zurer
Collection: Good Day
Image of Ayelet Zurer
I grew up watching a lot of Italian and French movies, so I want to have that '70s look, in my dream movie. I want that thing that's not so much happening now, that's existentialist.
- Ayelet Zurer
Collection: Dream