Top fun Quotes Collection - Page 15

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 15 provides more fun quotes.

Image of Kevin Stirtz
Providing great customer service is the most natural activity in the world. It’s fun to help others because it feels good.
- Kevin Stirtz
Collection: Fun
Image of Victor LaValle
There are really only two ways to react to the extraordinary. The first is to ponder the grand purpose until all the fun is sucked away, the second is to enjoy it.
- Victor LaValle
Collection: Fun
Image of Maureen Lipman
As for blondes having more fun, well, let me dispel that rumor forever. They do.
- Maureen Lipman
Collection: Fun
Image of Charles S. Swartz
I'll bet living in a nudist colony takes all the fun out of Halloween.
- Charles S. Swartz
Collection: Fun
Image of Anders Sandberg
One week ago I said that cloning of mammals was years away... it is fun to be alive at this point in history.
- Anders Sandberg
Collection: Fun
Image of Chris Messina
The rain probably dampened the spirits of those that decided not to come. But the people who were here didn't know it was raining because they were having so much fun.
- Chris Messina
Collection: Fun
Image of Chris Messina
I was shooting on The Mindy Project while I was editing Alex of Venice, which was the stupidest thing I could've done. It was like having two full-time jobs. But in editing some characters were dropped, some storylines were dropped. It just starts dictating what it's supposed to be.It's scary, but fun to try to be brave and to "kill your darlings." To get rid of the stuff that you were like, "Oh, I'll never get rid of that. I love that. As long of a take as it is, I'm gonna keep that in."
- Chris Messina
Collection: Fun
Image of Lenny Kaye
I just hope you have as much fun letting it spin as I did putting it together.
- Lenny Kaye
Collection: Fun
Image of Jenji Kohan
Also, this is our lives for a huge part of the year and we did not want to be in prison, 24/7. It was too oppressive. So, we were like, "How can we get out? Let's see their lives, a little bit." That was really fun.
- Jenji Kohan
Collection: Fun
Image of Jenji Kohan
I think a good story, well told is a good story, well told, whether you're watching the episodes all in a row or not. However, it might be fun to take a closer look at how the previous episode ends and how that end relates to the beginning of the next episode.
- Jenji Kohan
Collection: Fun
Image of Jenji Kohan
But, how many times can you get exactly what you want, when you want it? Not very often. So, why not have it with entertainment? That's what it's fun. It's fun! I find that's how I'm watching, more and more. My kids go on binges, and I get sucked in. And then, it's the middle of the night and they're late for school, the next day.
- Jenji Kohan
Collection: Fun
Image of Alan Bradley
I had thought for years, probably 30 or 40 years, that it would be a lot of fun to try my hand at a classic English mystery novel... I love that form very much because the reader is so familiar with all of the types of characters that are in there that they already identify with the book.
- Alan Bradley
Collection: Fun
Image of Corey Stoll
Having an opportunity to play different characters, and work in different mediums, that's what's fun. The worst question you could be asked is, "What do you like better, film, television or theater?"
- Corey Stoll
Collection: Fun
Image of Renee O'Connor
All the pictures in magazines and all of that is fun but in the end it's all about your soul and who you are and have you connected with the people.
- Renee O'Connor
Collection: Fun
Image of Stephanie Klein
I'm human. But overall, whenever I see anyone being made fun of or given a hard time, I rush to their defense. I want to help them because I know how it feels.
- Stephanie Klein
Collection: Fun
Image of Phil Collins
Wait for it, wait for it! Anticipation is half the fun, So I've been told...
- Phil Collins
Collection: Fun
Image of Sidney Crosby
I have been practising since I was 4 or 5 years old, but that wasn't really practice. I was just having fun.... I just loved to play hockey.
- Sidney Crosby
Collection: Fun
Image of Lorin Stein
I hadn't thought about the balance in mood. You see that we did it in alphabetical order, so if there's any kind of shape, or any kind of flow, it's random. Gender...we didn't think much about it. It was sort of interesting to see that women often were choosing women and men often were choosing men. And sometimes they wouldn't and that was fun. I didn't know that I would be excited by that, until I saw it happen.
- Lorin Stein
Collection: Fun
Image of Lorin Stein
I've never thought that it made sense to put something out that I didn't actually find really fun to read. Or, if not "fun," engaging. My tastes are whatever they are, but I may be a little bit afraid of certain kinds of density. I may get turned off by certain kinds of show-offyness.
- Lorin Stein
Collection: Fun
Image of Simon Cowell
Every single negative can lead to a positive. Any negative situation... don't get too down about it - you'll work it out. You learn it as you go along. You don't get smart at 17. You just don't unless you're one of a billion. it will happen over time and it's the getting there which will be the most fun.
- Simon Cowell
Collection: Fun
Image of Dabo Swinney
It takes a lot to be Dabo Swinney, and not everyone can live this lifestyle. But, boy is it fun.
- Dabo Swinney
Collection: Fun
Image of Timothy Dalton
It's horrid to be called a Shakespearean actor because that's incredibly limiting, and we love acting. We like telling stories, anything that excites us we want to be a part of. Science fiction is fun too!
- Timothy Dalton
Collection: Fun
Image of Pete Docter
Any great movie you watch has some element of darkness or loss or some suffering in it. That's what makes the fun parts fun.
- Pete Docter
Collection: Fun
Image of Kurt Browning
Doing shows is always a side of skating that I've loved, it's the performing. I get to do that without the pressure, it's always fun between the skaters and the preparation, the show is always so much fun.
- Kurt Browning
Collection: Fun
Image of John D. Voelker
I fish because I love to . . . because I love the environs where trout are found . . . because I suspect that men are going along this way for the last time, and I for one don’t want to waste the trip . . . and, finally, not because I regard fishing as being so terribly important but because I suspect that so many of the other concerns of men are equally unimportant––and not nearly so much fun.
- John D. Voelker
Collection: Fun
Image of John D. Voelker
Fishing is such great fun, I have often felt, that it really ought to be done in bed
- John D. Voelker
Collection: Fun
Image of Frank Stallone
I'm on social media a lot. It kind of revises or revives your career. Because of social media I get pictures and autographs from all over the place. If that wasn't around, people would wonder, "What's Frank Stallone up to?" Now they can just got to YouTube and see a million things. It's quite a bit of fun.
- Frank Stallone
Collection: Fun
Image of Vanessa Lengies
I'm so lucky to play Sugar because she does get the best wardrobe. Sugar is always in something fluffy, feathery, animal print-y, sparkly she doesn't ever stop with the amazing wardrobe. There's a neon number I thought, when I saw the wardrobe in my trailer, that everyone was going to be wearing neon, but no - just Sugar. And it was fantastic it was so fun, I love neon!
- Vanessa Lengies
Collection: Fun
Image of Barry Nelson
The fun for me is knowing what the other person is saying and what my character would be thinking at that time. On the stage you get the chance to do all that, to analyze and build a part, to react, to contribute something no one else can-not the author, not even the director.
- Barry Nelson
Collection: Fun
Image of Josh Kilmer-Purcell
Blackouts can be fun if approached with the right mindset. You just can't sweat the fact that you've lost a small portion of your life for all eternity. Occasionally, little bubbles of memory will float up like surreal Mylar party balloons at unexpected times throughout the net day and start piecing together a colorful, if incomplete, version of reality.
- Josh Kilmer-Purcell
Collection: Fun
Image of Josh Kilmer-Purcell
I am not an alcoholic. I'm a social catalyst. People pay me to illustrate for other partygoers the chemical process involved in transforming from one persona into another drunker, more fun one. It's a matter of going from dull point A to exciting point B. And I'm a raving success at it. So successful that sometimes I wind up at Mysterious Point C.
- Josh Kilmer-Purcell
Collection: Fun
Image of Paul F. Tompkins
Now I don't care what people think. I did some internet campaign where I was the voice of a puppet for Ford Focus ads because they were paying me a lot of money to do it, it was a very easy gig, but then the bonus was, it turned out to be an enormous amount of fun. I've learned not to turn my nose up at things just because they're not what other people might consider cool to do. Because I've also matured enough to know, you never know where these things are going to lead, and you never know what the experience is going to be like.
- Paul F. Tompkins
Collection: Fun
Image of Frank Moore Colby
That is the consolation of a little mind; you have the fun of changing it without impeding the progress of mankind.
- Frank Moore Colby
Collection: Fun
Image of Victoria Moran
In terms of days and moments lived, you'll never again be as young as you are right now, so spend this day, the youth of your future, in a way that deflects regret. Invest in yourself. Have some fun. Do something important. Love somebody extra. In one sense, you're just a kid, but a kid with enough years on her to know that every day is priceless.
- Victoria Moran
Collection: Fun
Image of Liz Curtis Higgs
Fun is temporary at best; it's risky, even dangerous, at worst. Joy, on the other hand, was mystery I couldn't seem to decipher.
- Liz Curtis Higgs
Collection: Fun
Image of Dane DeHaan
When anything is easy, it becomes very monotonous for me. But, if I can find something that is really going to take all of my body and all of my mind to really even come close to pulling off, that sounds like fun.
- Dane DeHaan
Collection: Fun
Image of Gavin McInnes
I've always found that word ["hipster"] is used with such disdain, like it's always used by chubby bloggers who aren't getting laid anymore and are bored, and they're just so mad at these young kids for going out and getting wasted and having fun and being fashionable.
- Gavin McInnes
Collection: Fun
Image of Asa Butterfield
Doing something different, doing something original is always fun because there is a lot of creativity that comes with it.
- Asa Butterfield
Collection: Fun
Image of Leo Fitzpatrick
I'm interested in the way each piece comes together to work as one bigger thing. But The whole point was for people to have fun with it and not be taking it too seriously. I think a lot of people succeeded in that.
- Leo Fitzpatrick
Collection: Fun
Image of Sara Quin
Yes here I am doing what I do best; and that's taking a selfie. People make fun of me but the reality is if I didn't take them you would never see me as I want to be seen. I'm a difficult subject and my greatest fear is dying and someone finding my phone and the hundreds upon hundreds of selfies.
- Sara Quin
Collection: Fun
Image of James D'arcy
I've played my fair share of unpleasant character, and I have to tell you that you sleep better when you're playing fun characters. You think you don't take it home with you, at the end of the filming day, but subconsciously, there's something floating around in the background there.
- James D'arcy
Collection: Fun
Image of Suzanne Enoch
If you ask for an opinion, expect to receive one, and don't make fun of it.
- Suzanne Enoch
Collection: Fun
Image of Joel Stein
I always thought that being at Time and tweaking your bosses and exploiting your expense account was just fun. Just joyous.
- Joel Stein
Collection: Fun
Image of Joel Stein
The fun thing about journalism is if you go do a story about something, you can now ask three intelligent questions about it. Or say three intelligent things. And that gets people talking.
- Joel Stein
Collection: Fun
Image of Scott Berkun
Big thoughts are fun to romanticize, but it's many small insights coming together that bring big ideas into the world.
- Scott Berkun
Collection: Fun
Image of John DiMaggio
It's fun, I didn't have enough money as a kid to buy a drum set, so I had to do something. I would mimic the sounds. That was it. And it worked. It worked for years.
- John DiMaggio
Collection: Fun
Image of Irina Shayk
Everyone needs to find something they love to do - it's not about what they have to do. You need to make it fun! So if shopping is your love and you hate exercise, walk to the shops!
- Irina Shayk
Collection: Fun
Image of Charles E. Schaefer
We are never more fully alive, more completely ourselves, or more deeply engrossed in anything than when we are playing
- Charles E. Schaefer
Collection: Fun
Image of Dominic Cooper
I would like to do any way possible that Howard Stark can make a return. He's such a fun character to play, and I really believe that he could make quite an exciting character to watch more of. The flawed entrepreneur, the kind of crazy playboy, from that era is an exciting concept.
- Dominic Cooper
Collection: Fun