Top fun Quotes Collection - Page 16

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 16 provides more fun quotes.

Image of J. J. Watt
I'm a little more goofy than I think people give me credit for. I like to have fun. I like to have a good time. People don't always get to see that.
- J. J. Watt
Collection: Fun
Image of Bob Backlund
As President, I will institute a procedure in which all convicted criminals will have this brass ring will be surgically implanted into their foreheads-Americans have a right to know who they can trust. I don't care if you're 5, 6, or 7 years old, if you're a first-time offender, you're gonna go to Purgatory and it's not gonna be fun!
- Bob Backlund
Collection: Fun
Image of Carey Lowell
Modeling was something that fell into my lap. It was fun to travel and make money, but it always seemed like a hobby.
- Carey Lowell
Collection: Fun
Image of Mat Kearney
I enjoy changing; I think it's more fun to try something different than to just do what you did last time.
- Mat Kearney
Collection: Fun
Image of Daniel Bryan
I just try to put as much logic into what I'm doing as possible and try to have fun with it.
- Daniel Bryan
Collection: Fun
Image of Mark Frauenfelder
I like hanging around people who knit. They are usually in a good mood. People who are staring into their iPhones *and* demanding your attention at the same time are not as much fun to be around.
- Mark Frauenfelder
Collection: Fun
Image of Mark Frauenfelder
I looked around the iTunes store and came across Dr. Moku's Hiragana Mnemonics. Thirty minutes later I had memorized all 46 hiragana. Now my 9-year-old is learning them, and having a lot of fun.
- Mark Frauenfelder
Collection: Fun
Image of Mara Wilson
You always worry that everybody is secretly talking about you behind your back, everybody is secretly making fun of your voice, your figure, the way that you are during puberty, but it turned out, in real life, everybody was. On movie sets, they were all talking about these things, because they had to.
- Mara Wilson
Collection: Fun
Image of Jon Glaser
"Smooth Sailing" and "Hall of Fame" are my top two nicknames. "Cool Guy." "Jolly Jon." "Fun Jon." There's a lot of derivatives of Jon. "Cool Jon." Some people took "Smooth Sailing" and "Fun Jon" and made "Smooth Jon." That's a good one. It's just starting to catch on with the general public. Just every now and then, "Hey! Smooth Jon!" Or "You're Smooth Jon, right?!" People aren't quite sure. I'm like, "Yeah." "Okay, cool, that's what I thought!"
- Jon Glaser
Collection: Fun
Image of Jon Glaser
I didn't necessarily set out to think of a show to make fun of reality shows.
- Jon Glaser
Collection: Fun
Image of Shari Sebbens
One of my earliest memories is being backstage at Bran Nue Dae in Darwin when I was about eight. Its such a fun, happy show and a real celebration of being Aboriginal... it felt really great and achievable as a career. It all felt normal.
- Shari Sebbens
Collection: Fun
Image of Ralph P. Boas, Jr.
Somebody came up to me after a talk I had given, and say, "You make mathematics seem like fun." I was inspired to reply, "If it isn't fun, why do it?"
- Ralph P. Boas, Jr.
Collection: Fun
Image of Dana Delany
I believe we are put on this earth to be of service. It's how I find meaning in my life. And it's fun!
- Dana Delany
Collection: Fun
Image of Kelly Bishop
I love stage actors. There's something special about all people who have to do a performance eight shows a week, and musical people, especially, are so much fun.
- Kelly Bishop
Collection: Fun
Image of Lucas Till
On the first one, X-Men: First Class, it would be James McAvoy, Nicholas Hoult and I. I'd basically inhale, there would be a red flashing light, and then the stuff at the end of the hallway would just blow up. It really felt like I could do those things, but, sadly, I can't. It was a lot of fun; I got to play a superhero that I was familiar with since I was a kid. It doesn't really get much better than that.
- Lucas Till
Collection: Fun
Image of Tommy Rettig
I wanted to go to regular high school- it looked like a lot of fun.
- Tommy Rettig
Collection: Fun
Image of Kyra Zagorsky
But, it takes some of the characters to some very dark places, and they start doing things that they might not do, if they were in regular circumstances. Their true humanity comes out - the good and the bad. Something else that was fun was that every director would come in so excited to go with their own creativity.
- Kyra Zagorsky
Collection: Fun
Image of Kyra Zagorsky
Sometimes directors get hired into TV shows, and it's so formulaic and they're a slave to whatever everybody wants them to do. But everyone came in with their own style, and it blended together with the Helix style that was set, and at the same time, they're bringing their own ideas and their own input. It was really fun working with all of them.
- Kyra Zagorsky
Collection: Fun
Image of Scott Eastwood
I had fun to be a little bit of a nerd.
- Scott Eastwood
Collection: Fun
Image of Gary Coleman
I try to make fun of myself and let people know that I�m a human being, and these things that have happened to me are real. I�m not just some cartoon who exists and suddenly doesn�t exist.
- Gary Coleman
Collection: Fun
Image of Misha Collins
It's fun to see people blow through their own perceived limitations.
- Misha Collins
Collection: Fun
Image of Misha Collins
When I was in high school, I liked to pretend that I was a Russian foreign exchange student. I would do things like go into a pizza restaurant and tell them Id never had pizza before, and theyd bring me into the kitchen and show me how to make an American pizza. Its really fun.
- Misha Collins
Collection: Fun
Image of David Morse
I have so many people who still talk to me about The Long Kiss Goodnight, about that being one of their favorite movies, and it really was a fun movie.
- David Morse
Collection: Fun
Image of Masahiro Sakurai
It's fun making new skills for new characters.
- Masahiro Sakurai
Collection: Fun
Image of Dule Hill
I actually enjoy comedy; it's a lot of fun.
- Dule Hill
Collection: Fun
Image of Peggy Hopkins Joyce
It takes all the fun out of a bracelet if you have to buy it yourself.
- Peggy Hopkins Joyce
Collection: Fun
Image of Larry Craig
It's not terribly fun defending you (oil companies), but I do.
- Larry Craig
Collection: Fun
Image of Christie Golden
I have a rule, and that is that I don't take on any project that I don't A) already know and love or B) believe I could get to know and love. Some of the most fun projects have come from franchises I knew nothing about initially. I would steep myself in the material, get all excited and geeky about it, then be able to produce something that hopefully both the creators and the fans would enjoy.
- Christie Golden
Collection: Fun
Image of Andrew Breitbart
It's fun to be liked, but when standing up for what you believe in, it's also very fun not to be liked.
- Andrew Breitbart
Collection: Fun
Image of Roy MacGregor
Sources also confirm that there is no one left in Canada who can remember when hockey was a simple game, played for fun.
- Roy MacGregor
Collection: Fun
Image of Richard Summerbell
The faith that education would destroy intolerance is false. It may be partly true, but people find that intolerance is fun.
- Richard Summerbell
Collection: Fun
Image of Warren Brown
"Fun to drive" is a pleasant illusion in most places robustly inhabited where "safe to drive" makes much more sense.
- Warren Brown
Collection: Fun
Image of Toks Olagundoye
I just have fun doing what I do. If it looks like a good time, I'm up for it!
- Toks Olagundoye
Collection: Fun
Image of Daniel Humair
Music should use everything. The sadness of life and the fun of life. Anything that provokes a sound that is exciting is good.
- Daniel Humair
Collection: Fun
Image of Sophie Sumner
Modeling is more fun in the Philippines
- Sophie Sumner
Collection: Fun
Image of Kaya Scodelario
It's great to have people to bounce off and I love working with people my age. I think young actors have such energy about them and such a passion and a drive to do their best and prove themselves constantly, and to work with that is really fun and interesting.
- Kaya Scodelario
Collection: Fun
Image of Paul Wall
I love music so much, and as long as I got all this enthusiasm and ambition, and passion for this music; as long as I'm having' fun - I'm gonna keep doin' it.
- Paul Wall
Collection: Fun
Image of Kaitlyn Dever
Mostly I've just worked with actors and actresses that are fun and easy to talk to and had nothing but great experiences.
- Kaitlyn Dever
Collection: Fun
Image of Frank Muller
Go is no Erlang, Smalltalk or Scheme, nothing pure. But it works great and is fun!
- Frank Muller
Collection: Fun
Image of Amy Plum
He ran his finger along my jawline and down my neck. "The wait will be fun, but it's not going to be easy."
- Amy Plum
Collection: Fun
Image of Marcus Giles
I like to have fun, and the only way to have fun is to win.
- Marcus Giles
Collection: Fun
Image of Nicola Peltz
There's just this stage in a guy's life where they need to be free and have fun and just be independent and enjoy their life.
- Nicola Peltz
Collection: Fun
Image of Nicola Peltz
I saw Paranormal Activity on Halloween with all my friends. It scared me, but it was so much fun.
- Nicola Peltz
Collection: Fun
Image of Santino Marella
I'm Jerry Lawler, I make fun of women because I have no self-esteem.
- Santino Marella
Collection: Fun
Image of Tim Matheson
Sam Kinison was one of the most compulsive people I'd ever seen. James Belushi was that way, and Chris Farley was that way. He was incredibly talented and made me laugh so hard, and there was nothing he wouldn't say. Such a unique, amazing, cynical, realistic, but still optimistic look at life he had. It was great fun to get to know him.
- Tim Matheson
Collection: Fun
Image of Tim Matheson
I read Animal House and I said, "I will burn down a house to be in this. I have to be in this movie." I read 1941 and I went, "Well, if Steven Spielberg likes it..." But it just wasn't on the page. It was a very big, unwieldy thing, and there were so many characters. It was fun to shoot, but I didn't know what the core of it was.
- Tim Matheson
Collection: Fun
Image of Keke Palmer
It's very fun to be single, because you know what happens? You find yourself. You understand what it means to love yourself, instead of putting all this energy into give-and-tug in a relationship.
- Keke Palmer
Collection: Fun
Image of Gillian Jacobs
I'm a very boring person in my real life so I got to act out misbehaving fantasies was really fun.
- Gillian Jacobs
Collection: Fun
Image of Peter Jurasik
We were just a gaggle of kids, and everybody played together and had a good time. You know how kids can be completely horrible; abusive but fun. But anyway, it was a nice childhood.
- Peter Jurasik
Collection: Fun