Top fun Quotes Collection - Page 12

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 12 provides more fun quotes.

Image of Russ Feingold
I believe that Bruce Springsteen is terrific, but I don't think he's God. That's the only real disagreement between me and my wife. Music is really fun, and it is something that my wife and I like to share.
- Russ Feingold
Collection: Fun
Image of Caryl Churchill
Parties are a cruel kind of fun.
- Caryl Churchill
Collection: Fun
Image of Woody Allen
Human beings are divided into mind and body. The mind embraces all the nobler aspirations, like poetry and philosophy, but the body has all the fun.
- Woody Allen
Collection: Fun
Image of Bennett Cerf
I think it's become fashionable for the snobbish egghead today to make fun of television. I've heard many people, boast, "I would never have a television set in my house," well, these people are fools.
- Bennett Cerf
Collection: Fun
Image of Magnus Carlsen
When you have fun then you're more interested in learning.
- Magnus Carlsen
Collection: Fun
Image of Raph Koster
Fun from games arises out of mastery. It arises out of comprehension. It is the act of solving puzzles that makes games fun. In other words, with games, learning is the drug.
- Raph Koster
Collection: Fun
Image of Raph Koster
Fun is just another word for learning.
- Raph Koster
Collection: Fun
Image of Raph Koster
There's a good case to be made that having fun is a key evolutionary advantage right next to opposable thumbs in terms of importance. Without that little chemical twist in our brains that makes us enjoy learning new things, we might be more like the sharks and ants of the world.
- Raph Koster
Collection: Fun
Image of Eric S. Raymond
We hackers are a playful bunch; we'll hack anything, including language, if it looks like fun (thus our tropism for puns). Deep down, we like confusing people who are stuffier and less mentally agile than we are, especially when they're bosses. There's a little bit of the mad scientist in all hackers, ready to discombobulate the world and flip authority the finger - especially if we can do it with snazzy special effects.
- Eric S. Raymond
Collection: Fun
Image of Ian K. Smith
Those who achieve happiness understand the basic fact that regardless of how much fun you're having or how many things you accomplish, life through the lens of history is incredibly short.
- Ian K. Smith
Collection: Fun
Image of Raymond Loewy
As a boy I had liked both drawing and physics, and I always abhorred the role of being a spectator. In 1908, when I was 15, I designed, built and flew a toy model airplane which won the then-famous James Gordon Bennett Cup. By 16 I had discovered that design could be fun and profitable, and this lesson has never been lost on me.
- Raymond Loewy
Collection: Fun
Image of Derek Luke
I don't think people come to television for spectacle. And I don't really have a lot of fun writing spectacle for television, I'll do that in features.
- Derek Luke
Collection: Fun
Image of Alvin Francis Poussaint
Grandfathers do have a special place in the lives of their children's children. They can delight and play with them and even indulge them in ways that they did not indulge their own children. Grandfather knows that after the fun and games are over with his adorable grandchildren he can return to the quiet of his own home and peacefully reflect on this phenomenon of fatherhood.
- Alvin Francis Poussaint
Collection: Fun
Image of Sherilyn Fenn
They've offered me every variation on Audrey Horne, none of which were as good or as much fun.
- Sherilyn Fenn
Collection: Fun
Image of Phil Dusenberry
The work, the work, the work. This is what the business is all about. This is the fun, the glory, the pleasure. It's the only true measure of an agency. In the absence of great work, nothing else matters.
- Phil Dusenberry
Collection: Fun
Image of John Cale
I've just recently started doing the promo bits for the new album, and the funny thing is that the people who come to talk to me about these things seem to be getting younger. It's like the people who like the music are all young kids and they're on top of you - they know all about what you're doing, and they're excited and animated about it. So it's a lot of fun.
- John Cale
Collection: Fun
Image of Emile Hirsch
Sometimes good days are not always fun, sometimes they are good because of how hard they were and gratifying for those reasons.
- Emile Hirsch
Collection: Fun
Image of Tricia Helfer
Burn Notice' is a show that definitely has some levity to it and it's a fun show, but it's also, you fully believe, you're fully invested that Michael Westen does this stuff. You want Michael Westen on your team.
- Tricia Helfer
Collection: Fun
Image of Gish Jen
... there is ... a big aspect of play in writing novels, and making the story more and more elaborate is just more and more fun.
- Gish Jen
Collection: Fun
Image of Tony Horton
All I ask is that you do your best, and forget the rest.
- Tony Horton
Collection: Fun
Image of Ty Burrell
Comedy can be fun no matter what you're playing small or big comedy part. It always has the potential to be a blast.
- Ty Burrell
Collection: Fun
Image of Ty Burrell
I've done animated TV stuff, but I'd never done animated film work, which is much more involved and much more labor intensive. The animators are much more meticulous and detailed. It's just been really fun and really satisfyingly creative.
- Ty Burrell
Collection: Fun
Image of Emily Deschanel
I like doing the comedic episodes because it's refreshing. I enjoy doing comedic things and physical comedy. It's fun.
- Emily Deschanel
Collection: Fun
Image of Emily Deschanel
I think he gets a lot of respect just because he's my dad, too. Even if he hadn't had any experience. But I think he comes with a lot of experience and all of that as well, so I think people enjoyed working with him and had fun and also respected him, which was nice.
- Emily Deschanel
Collection: Fun
Image of Bonnie Prudden
Seeing ahead is fun. But pushing is very hard work.
- Bonnie Prudden
Collection: Fun
Image of Alan Tudyk
Those are always fun characters to play, the ones who are stupid but speak with authority.
- Alan Tudyk
Collection: Fun
Image of Hans Zimmer
The rules are: The more playful we get, the more we can get rid of the rules.
- Hans Zimmer
Collection: Fun
Image of Hans Zimmer
The thing that hasn't changed, and I don't think will ever change, is that the operative word in music is "play." You have to have a playfulness about it. As the world shifts, it's starting to understand more and more that to have a playfulness about any and everything is actually the way of having a better life, or being more creative, or being more productive.
- Hans Zimmer
Collection: Fun
Image of Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy
The space of play and the space of thought are the two theaters of freedom.
- Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy
Collection: Fun
Image of Lindsey Vonn
I think the most important thing in skiing is you have to be having fun. If you're having fun, then everything else will come easy to you.
- Lindsey Vonn
Collection: Fun
Image of Jonathan Horton
I tell my coach all the time "Hey, listen, coach. You know the hardest person on me isn't you, right? It's me." I'm the hardest person on myself, my biggest critic, always pushing. But there are days when I have to tell myself, "Relax, breathe, you're too stressed out." When it's no longer fun, when it's no longer something you can tolerate, that's when you have to take a break.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Fun
Image of B.J. Penn
It comes down to having fun and doing what I love.
- B.J. Penn
Collection: Fun
Image of Kate McKinnon
The after-party is always at a restaurant, and for me, the fun starts when I get a cheese platter. That's as f-ed up as I get.
- Kate McKinnon
Collection: Fun
Image of Dustin Penner
I didn't have all the expectations and the publicity. It probably made me work harder and learn more. It was a blessing in disguise.
- Dustin Penner
Collection: Fun
Image of Steve Crocker
An elegantly organized tour of the Internet, both fun and informative, a rare combination!
- Steve Crocker
Collection: Fun
Image of Alison McGhee
We'd decided to write a book about two friends. I gave her some coffee and then we sat there not knowing what to do. How do you start writing a book together? So Kate [DiCamillo] got up after about 10 minutes into this endeavor, and said, 'Well, that was fun,' and started to head out the door. I said, 'Wait, wait, wait, no no no,' because I'm a bit more patient.
- Alison McGhee
Collection: Fun
Image of Alison McGhee
We had so much fun together as friends that I suggested we [with Kate DiCamillo] write a book together.
- Alison McGhee
Collection: Fun
Image of John Cleese
Political correctness is a bit like a granny, a maiden aunt arriving at a party when everyone's having a good time. And she comes in, they all start sort of buttoning up and becoming self-conscious and behaving properly and then when she leaves, you can have fun again.
- John Cleese
Collection: Fun
Image of Alex Kozinski
For better or worse, we are the Court of Appeals for the Hollywood Circuit. Millions of people toil in the shadow of the law we make, and much of their livelihood is made possible by the existence of intellectual property rights. But much of their livelihood - and much of the vibrancy of our culture - also depends on the existence of other intangible rights: The right to draw ideas from a rich and varied public domain, and the right to mock, for profit as well as fun, the cultural icons of our time.
- Alex Kozinski
Collection: Fun
Image of Brian Andreas
If you hold on to the handle, it's easier to maintain the illusion of control. But it's more fun if you just let the wind carry you.
- Brian Andreas
Collection: Fun
Image of Dominik Hasek
I try to have fun. Sometimes I have more fun, sometimes I have less fun. But overall I still believe that this team can do it without me and when I'll be ready, I'll be ready.
- Dominik Hasek
Collection: Fun
Image of Kim Clijsters
I'm not really playing for the money, ... I just want to go out there and have fun. I really missed it so much last year.
- Kim Clijsters
Collection: Fun
Image of George Clinton
Funk is fun. And it's also a state of mind, ... But it's all the ramifications of that state of mind. Once you've done the best you can, funk it!
- George Clinton
Collection: Fun
Image of Cam Newton
I just like having fun with my style and keeping it new.
- Cam Newton
Collection: Fun
Image of Tina Brown
I just wanted to have fun for myself - I felt I had a lot to say, and I realized that I missed having a magazine as a place to express my ideas. The Times column is a place for me to unload those perceptions
- Tina Brown
Collection: Fun
Image of Leonard Marx
If I lose today, I can look forward to winning tomorrow, and if I win today, I can expect to lose tomorrow. A sure thing is no fun.
- Leonard Marx
Collection: Fun
Image of Leonard Marx
A sure thing is no fun.
- Leonard Marx
Collection: Fun
Image of Donald Sutherland
I never think of this business as fun. I don't know why. I think I've actually said something about it being fun, but I don't think of it that way. It's not fun, doing it. It's joyful, it's passionate, it's rewarding, it's a pursuit of truth, but I don't think of it as fun. It's not a game.
- Donald Sutherland
Collection: Fun
Image of Jimmy Buffett
It's important to have as much fun as possible while we're here. It balances out the times when the minefield of life explodes.
- Jimmy Buffett
Collection: Fun