Top fun Quotes Collection - Page 13

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 13 provides more fun quotes.

Image of Marc Benioff
You have chosen the wrong path if it's not fun. And you are probably not taking enough risk if it's not hard and rocky sometimes.
- Marc Benioff
Collection: Fun
Image of Alan Cooper
Ironically, the thing that will likely make the least improvement in the ease of use of software-based products is new technology. There is little difference technically between a complicated, confusing program and a simple, fun, and powerful product.
- Alan Cooper
Collection: Fun
Image of Carl Pomerance
Theorems are fun especially when you are the prover, but then the pleasure fades. What keeps us going are the unsolved problems.
- Carl Pomerance
Collection: Fun
Image of John C. Dvorak
In all large corporations, there is a pervasive fear that someone, somewhere is having fun with a computer on company time. Networks help alleviate that fear.
- John C. Dvorak
Collection: Fun
Image of Olivia Williams
The trouble with audition process is, when you're an unemployed actor, it's the only time you get to act, and it can be quite fun. If you feel in control of the material and you feel that the people are pleased to see you and are excited by you auditioning for them, it can be a really rewarding process. But it can also be a very humiliating process.
- Olivia Williams
Collection: Fun
Image of Andre Simon
The first of all considerations is that our meals shall be fun as well as fuel.
- Andre Simon
Collection: Fun
Image of Helen Gahagan Douglas
If you tell me that there are obstacles in the way of your ambition that make it impossible to pursue, then I know it's not a real ambition. There are always obstacles. The 'perversity of events,' as someone once called it, is always ready to lick us. Events are never right for achieving what we most want to achieve. If this were not so, there would be no real fun in being 17 -- or even in being alive.
- Helen Gahagan Douglas
Collection: Fun
Image of Rochelle B Lazarus
The ad industry isn't struggling for a new set of principles or abandoning the ones that made it great from the start. It's simply in the midst of a business cycle. I don't think it's more profound than that. And despite the economic downturn, I'm having more fun today than at any other moment in my 30-year advertising career. The game is more interesting and more relevant than ever.
- Rochelle B Lazarus
Collection: Fun
Image of Matt Barr
I think there's something fun about television where, as an actor, when you read the script each week, it's like how the audience experiences watching the show each week.
- Matt Barr
Collection: Fun
Image of Matt Barr
I have to give props to my stunt double, who is the real deal and gets to do all the fun stuff and make me look good.
- Matt Barr
Collection: Fun
Image of Brian Aldiss
Science fiction is for real, space opera is for fun.
- Brian Aldiss
Collection: Fun
Image of Ken Green
Golf is a diabolical game. It's easy to make fun of something that's so bizarre, so painful, so humiliating... yet so joyous.
- Ken Green
Collection: Fun
Image of Christopher Plummer
I just can't tell you what fun I've had being a member of the world's second oldest profession.
- Christopher Plummer
Collection: Fun
Image of Christopher Plummer
If the movie is terrible you can have fun. You can joke about it and have a ball. The movie is already sort of established as a kind of extraordinary piece of work even though it hasn't opened yet to the public. It is harder because you can't go against it and you can't be interesting. You have to go with the flow. Although one is very happy to be in it, it is sort of hard to talk about it. It is hard to talk about successful. It is much easier to talk about failure.
- Christopher Plummer
Collection: Fun
Image of William McDonough
Don't get me wrong: I love nuclear energy! It's just that I prefer fusion to fission. And it just so happens that there's an enormous fusion reactor safely banked a few million miles from us. It delivers more than we could ever use in just about 8 minutes. And it's wireless!
- William McDonough
Collection: Fun
Image of Sammy Sosa
Mark McGwire is thirty-four years old. I'm twenty-nine. He's probably a little bit tired and I'm just having some fun.
- Sammy Sosa
Collection: Fun
Image of Edgar Wilson Nye
We can never be a nation of snobs so long as we are willing to poke fun at ourselves.
- Edgar Wilson Nye
Collection: Fun
Image of Marie-Philip Poulin
Everything went well, we had a good first period. We wanted to win, and we did. We have a big game in two days, and it will be fun. We worked hard, and it is our ultimate goal. We are ready. There is always a big rivalry between Canada and the United States; it's always fun, and we are really motivated.
- Marie-Philip Poulin
Collection: Fun
Image of George Porter
Should we force science down the throats of those that have no taste for it ? Is it our duty to drag them kicking and screaming into the twenty-first century ? I am afraid that it is.
- George Porter
Collection: Fun
Image of John Lahr
First and foremost, I'd say my father, Bert Lahr ... gave me a love of theatre--its kinetic and emotional potential and its raffish backstage fun--and also set an artistic example of the importance of corrupting an audience with pleasure.
- John Lahr
Collection: Fun
Image of Sharon Needles
I consider myself a very passionate person, so as much fun as I like to have, I'm also the biggest asshole I know.
- Sharon Needles
Collection: Fun
Image of Blake Griffin
If you love the game and you love playing, just have fun and enjoy it. Work hard and don't get bogged down by it.
- Blake Griffin
Collection: Fun
Image of Robert Ruark
'The best thing about hunting and fishing,' the Old Man said, 'is that you don't have to actually do it to enjoy it. You can go to bed every night thinking about how much fun you had twenty years ago, and it all comes back clear as moonlight.'
- Robert Ruark
Collection: Fun
Image of Brigid Brophy
Whenever people say, 'We mustn't be sentimental,' you can take it they are about to do something cruel. And if they add, 'We must be realistic,' they mean they are going to make money out of it.
- Brigid Brophy
Collection: Fun
Image of Brigid Brophy
The person who kills for fun is announcing that, could he get away with it, he'd kill you for fun. may be of no consequence to anyone else but is invaluable to you because it's the only one you've got. Exactly the same is true of each individual deer, hare, rabbit, fox, fish, pheasant and butterfly. Humans should enjoy their own lives, not taking others'.
- Brigid Brophy
Collection: Fun
Image of Charlotte Sophia Kasl
If I could summarize my suggestions to parents over the past twenty-five years it would be: worry less, criticize less, preach less, listen more, have more fun, be more honest with your own feelings, develop your own joys and friendships, and don't sweat the small stuff (which is nearly everything). The goal is not to be a perfect parent, because no such thing exists. The hope is to be a good enough parent so that your child leaves home a responsible adult who can take care of him or herself.
- Charlotte Sophia Kasl
Collection: Fun
Image of Ann M. Dibb
Being true to our beliefs—even when doing so isn’t popular, easy, or fun—keeps us safely on the path that leads to eternal life with our Heavenly Father.
- Ann M. Dibb
Collection: Fun
Image of Neil L. Andersen
We can work, study, laugh and have fun, dance, sing, and enjoy many different experiences. These are a wonderful part of life, but they are not central to why we are here. The opportunity to choose good over evil is precisely why we are here. Not one of us would say, "I want to choose evil." We all want to choose the right. However, the choice of good over evil is not always easy, because evil frequently lurks behind smiling eyes.
- Neil L. Andersen
Collection: Fun
Image of Kara Goucher
Racing is the fun part; it's the reward of all the hard work.
- Kara Goucher
Collection: Fun
Image of Margaret Culkin Banning
It isn't easy to be the person who sometimes has to try to preserve your happiness at the expense of your fun.
- Margaret Culkin Banning
Collection: Fun
Image of Alan Titchmarsh
Airports - they're not my idea of fun at all. Some of the staff are lovely, but you do always get one or two that seem to forget that it's actually costing you a lot of money to be there and be insulted by their surliness. Times have obviously changed and we need to get used to being more strictly vetted, but they could be more pleasant about it. A smile wouldn't go amiss.
- Alan Titchmarsh
Collection: Fun
Image of David Leadbetter
The Epson M-Tracer provides real-time feedback and immediate solutions that help golfers develop a more efficient and powerful swing. This information empowers golfers to improve their swing in an easy and intuitive manner, ultimately resulting in lower scores and more fun.
- David Leadbetter
Collection: Fun
Image of Julia Neuberger, Baroness Neuberger
As for the bitter herbs.... To see everyone with tears coursing down their faces, laughing and gasping at the same time, is fun and also makes the point - bitter herbs must be really bitter to experience the suffering.
- Julia Neuberger, Baroness Neuberger
Collection: Fun
Image of Donald Trump, Jr.
I say that in jest a little bit, but Donald Trump is a blue collar guy with a balance sheet. That's the way he likes to have fun.
- Donald Trump, Jr.
Collection: Fun
Image of Russell L. Ackoff
For me there has never been an amount of money that makes it worth doing something that is not fun.
- Russell L. Ackoff
Collection: Fun
Image of Dav Pilkey
I think if you can show a kid that reading can actually be fun, it can make you laugh, inspire imagination - that can make a huge difference, that can help a child who's struggling with reading to really look at it differently.
- Dav Pilkey
Collection: Fun
Image of Dav Pilkey
Having a sense of fun in books is a huge, huge deal, because a lot of times kids - even me when I got to third or fourth grade - don't associate reading with fun.
- Dav Pilkey
Collection: Fun
Image of Leslie Mann
We discovered that we have a fun chemistry physically. Cameron [Diaz] has really long legs and a short torso, and I have a really long torso and shorter legs.
- Leslie Mann
Collection: Fun
Image of Tyler Blackburn
If you have a solid friendship before dating, there's this understanding that you can be just youBut you should still have fun hooking up!
- Tyler Blackburn
Collection: Fun
Image of James Cromwell
I was so moved by the intelligence,sense of fun and personalities of the animals I worked with on Babe that by the end of the film I was a vegetarian.
- James Cromwell
Collection: Fun
Image of Andrew Davies
The older I get, the more fun it is to write young people. It's just a holiday from what is becoming old age, really.
- Andrew Davies
Collection: Fun
Image of Gwen Harwood
Sometimes my poetry is an attempt to keep off existential terror; sometimes it is a grappling with philosophical problems; sometimes just fun.
- Gwen Harwood
Collection: Fun
Image of Marina Keegan
I plan on having parties when I’m 30. I plan on having fun when I’m old. Any notion of THE BEST years comes from clichéd ‘should haves ‘if I’d’ ‘wish I’d’
- Marina Keegan
Collection: Fun
Image of Kate Snow
Make A Difference Day is a great way to introduce kids to the rewards of volunteering. It's fun, it's focused and it's empowering to know that millions are motivated to do the same.
- Kate Snow
Collection: Fun
Image of Gaby Hoffmann
It's fun to play somebody who's kind of struggling.
- Gaby Hoffmann
Collection: Fun
Image of Dale Peck
We had the fun of being outlaws. But there's a whole generation now coming up with new gender identities. For this generation of kids who don't think that being gay is anything special, they might be more interesting than any of us.
- Dale Peck
Collection: Fun
Image of Steve McConnell
Heuristic is an algorithm in a clown suit. It’s less predictable, it’s more fun, and it comes without a 30-day, money-back guarantee.
- Steve McConnell
Collection: Fun