Top fun Quotes Collection - Page 10

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 10 provides more fun quotes.

Image of Margaret Oliphant
Laughing is not the first expression of joy. ... A person laughs in idleness, for fun, not for joy. Joy has nothing, nothing but the old way of tears.
- Margaret Oliphant
Collection: Fun
Image of Larry Ziegler
The last time I had this much fun was a root-canal operation.
- Larry Ziegler
Collection: Fun
Image of Bernie De Koven
For every Way there's a way of following that Way that's fun
- Bernie De Koven
Collection: Fun
Image of Bernie De Koven
You can only have fun helping other people have fun if you're having fun doing it.
- Bernie De Koven
Collection: Fun
Image of Bernie De Koven
In a Game Community, the rules and officials decide if the players are good enough to play. If not, they change players. In a Play Community, the players decide if the game is fun enough to play. If not, they change rules.
- Bernie De Koven
Collection: Fun
Image of Bernie De Koven
It's easier to change the game than to change the people playing it.
- Bernie De Koven
Collection: Fun
Image of Bernie De Koven
Games are like Rorschachs made of human relationships.
- Bernie De Koven
Collection: Fun
Image of Bernie De Koven
Joy is overwhelming fun - fun so big that it overflows your mind, heart, body - as if all of life and love were spilling into you and you were spilling out.
- Bernie De Koven
Collection: Fun
Image of Bernie De Koven
Ask not what fun does for you. Ask rather what you do for fun.
- Bernie De Koven
Collection: Fun
Image of Bernie De Koven
The purpose of fun is to live it.
- Bernie De Koven
Collection: Fun
Image of Bernie De Koven
Fun is where it's at. That's why you have to be there.
- Bernie De Koven
Collection: Fun
Image of Martin Rees
It's better to read first rate science fiction than second rate science-it's a lot more fun, and no more likely to be wrong.
- Martin Rees
Collection: Fun
Image of Wendy Kaminer
In this climate - with belief in guardian angels and creationism becoming commonplace - making fun of religion is as risky as burning a flag in an American Legion hall.
- Wendy Kaminer
Collection: Fun
Image of Armand Assante
I don't champion the idea of being in a Hollywood movie. I never had fun in one of them
- Armand Assante
Collection: Fun
Image of Jerry Della Femina
Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half. Advertising is the most fun you can have with your clothes on.
- Jerry Della Femina
Collection: Fun
Image of Alicia Sacramone
I think having the right music can really help you have fun while staying in shape. Make a great playlist that motivates you!
- Alicia Sacramone
Collection: Fun
Image of Kathy Whitworth
Make sure that the career you choose is one you enjoy. If you don't enjoy what you're doing, it will be difficult to give the extra time, effort, and devotion it takes to be a success. If it is a career that you find fun and enjoyable, then you will do whatever it takes. You will give freely of your time and effort and you will not feel that you are making a sacrifice in order to be a success.
- Kathy Whitworth
Collection: Fun
Image of Nancy Sinatra
I got married and basically forgot about Elvis. Then Speedway came. That was the most fun of all, to see him every day all those weeks.
- Nancy Sinatra
Collection: Fun
Image of Aaron Paul
For an actor, for me, I love being able to tap into just heavy emotions. I don't need to be balling in every scene, but I just love to feel different emotions when heading to set. It's a lot of fun to play with.
- Aaron Paul
Collection: Fun
Image of Dan Chaon
Fiction is fun because you get to steal an identity and try to make it authentic.
- Dan Chaon
Collection: Fun
Image of Landon Donovan
Relaxing, going on vacation, sleeping, having fun when I want, golfing when I want, do whatever I want - I am going to enjoy it.
- Landon Donovan
Collection: Fun
Image of Don Tapscott
Don’t have work-life balance - at least in the sense of trying to escape from work so you can have a life. Work should be fun - so make work enjoyable and satisfying for everyone - among other reasons because it pays off.
- Don Tapscott
Collection: Fun
Image of Lance Berkman
Theres a little more margin for error this year. Last year, it felt like we had to win every game. That wasnt a lot of fun.
- Lance Berkman
Collection: Fun
Image of Shelley Long
Everyone wants the two characters to be together, but then once they are, it's not that much fun.
- Shelley Long
Collection: Fun
Image of Lilly Pulitzer
We focus on the best, fun, and happy things, and people want that. Being happy never goes out of style.
- Lilly Pulitzer
Collection: Fun
Image of Jean Kilbourne
The fact is that much of advertising's power comes from this belief that advertising does not affect us. The most effective kind of propaganda is that which is not recognized as propaganda. Because we think advertising is silly and trivial, we are less on guard, less critical, than we might otherwise be. It's all in fun, it's ridiculous. While we're laughing, sometimes sneering, the commercial does its work.
- Jean Kilbourne
Collection: Fun
Image of Lily Allen
We're in the age of the selfie. It's just encouraging vanity. It's not even representative of anything except how you want people to perceive you. Think of when people are partying and having fun. They're like, "Hey, look at us!" You're obviously not having that much fun because otherwise you wouldn't be stopping to document it. It's stupid.
- Lily Allen
Collection: Fun
Image of Natalie Babbitt
The only thing I would want to say is that storytelling is ancient; it's something that everybody does. Kids mustn't be in awe of it. Reading should be a joy - fun, fun, fun - not a responsibility, not something you do because society demands it, but something you do because it's a pleasure.
- Natalie Babbitt
Collection: Fun
Image of Warren Gatland
My aim is to create a happy environment where the players are working hard, but enjoying themselves. You've got to enjoy yourself, and you've got to have a bit of fun as well.
- Warren Gatland
Collection: Fun
Image of Jane Birkin
There's no fun in a bag if it's not kicked around, so that it looks as if the cat's been sitting on it-and it usually has. The cat may even be in it! I always put on stickers and beads and worry beads. You can get them from Greece, Israel, Palestine-from anywhere in the world. I always hang things on my bags because I don't like them looking like everyone else's.
- Jane Birkin
Collection: Fun
Image of Jane Birkin
I don't know why people keep banging on about the '60s. I was very conventional because I came from a conventional family and I didn't go off with different people - I rather wish I had now, seeing all the fun everyone else was having.
- Jane Birkin
Collection: Fun
Image of Jerry Reed
We want Old Town Square to be a focal point for fun in Bandera, a place where locals can hold their special events and meetings, or just visit us for a relaxing dinner with friends on the patio. Likewise, tourists can use Old Town Square as a home base during their visit to Bandera. They can stay overnight and dine with us, but also explore all that Bandera has to offer. This was the place to come to. We want to make it that kind of place again.
- Jerry Reed
Collection: Fun
Image of Rachel Bloom
Sometimes I write music, sometimes I don't. I think I'm just writing more what's close to my heart, and musical stuff is close to my heart, and it's fun to write, and when something's fun to write you don't think about what statement you're trying to make or what genre you're trying to hone in on.
- Rachel Bloom
Collection: Fun
Image of George Vaillant
Life ain't easy. Terrible things happen to everyone. You have to keep your sense of humor, give something of yourself to others, make friends who are younger than you, learn new things, and have fun.
- George Vaillant
Collection: Fun
Image of Evgeni Plushenko
I skate for the fans. It's not as fun without them there supporting me. I get energy from them and I want to skate well for them. They relax me. They make me happy when I skate for them. I feel the Americans like me more and more each time I tour.
- Evgeni Plushenko
Collection: Fun
Image of Rick Bayan
But God has the most fun with artists and writers: he inflames them with the desire to rival his own creations, then douses their overheated ambitions with a cold spray from the garden hose of reality. If they persist, he slams them to the ground and tweaks them on the proboscis for good measure. A fortunate few break free and prosper; the others lament the day they didn't become bank clerks.
- Rick Bayan
Collection: Fun
Image of Martin Tyler
You have to realize that the game is played by people and not by robots. You have to try to get across in the broadcast the difference in personalities of these players, and that's part of the fun, of course, being in a position where you can pass along that knowledge because you represent the fan.
- Martin Tyler
Collection: Fun
Image of Bridgit Mendler
I want people to be able to relate to the music, to enjoy the music, in a sense of it being fun and interesting and maybe kind of quirky. I want people to be impacted by the story.
- Bridgit Mendler
Collection: Fun
Image of Bridgit Mendler
I don't want to be one of those people that's constantly promoting myself on Twitter. I think the fun thing about Twitter is being able to share all the little random things that happen in my life.
- Bridgit Mendler
Collection: Fun
Image of Bridgit Mendler
I think I learned a lot about collaboration and about joint creativity with other people. It is honestly so much fun and I don't think that I would have had the same album if I had just written it by myself.
- Bridgit Mendler
Collection: Fun
Image of Patricia Churchland
If you want to understand the nature of something, to find out the truth, that is one thing. If you want to play semantics, make up wild thought 'experiments', that is another thing. I am not so interested in the latter, though I do appreciate that it can be fun, however unproductive.
- Patricia Churchland
Collection: Fun
Image of Michelle Wie
I might go play the LPGA full-time and then, after I get better, go to the PGA full-time. Or just try to play both. It will be fun.
- Michelle Wie
Collection: Fun
Image of Billy Campbell
Oh, I’m nerdy about science fiction and fantasy and graphic novels and reading, and I’m nerdy about board games. My favorite board game is a board game I’m working on right now. It’s a game of Napoleonic era naval warfare, and it’s going to be fun.
- Billy Campbell
Collection: Fun
Image of Richard Petty
We drove for the sheer fun of driving because there wasn't that much money to be made.
- Richard Petty
Collection: Fun
Image of Siobhan-Marie O'Connor
At my 30th birthday party, one of my best friends gave a toast and said I'd been waiting for that day since I was 13. Everyone laughed, but he was right! Life continues to get more fun, more surprising, more delightful.
- Siobhan-Marie O'Connor
Collection: Fun
Image of Ellen Lupton
Working within the constraints of a problem is part of the fun and challenge of design.
- Ellen Lupton
Collection: Fun
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
I think it's fun to love-to-hate people.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Collection: Fun
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
There's a big difference to me in making fun of something and having fun with something.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Collection: Fun
Image of Tommy Tune
I think Texans have more fun than the rest of the world
- Tommy Tune
Collection: Fun