Jonathan Horton

Image of Jonathan Horton
It's not about winning or losing a competition, it's about beating the doubt from within yourself and knowing at the end of each day you are one step closer to your goals.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Motivational
Image of Jonathan Horton
After thorough reflection, I realized that my desire to achieve my goals in this sport outweighed my self-doubt. This perseverance has helped me to be successful not only in gymnastics, but in my non-athletic life as well.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Sports
Image of Jonathan Horton
It’s called the pursuit of perfection. The pursuit is the idea that you’ll never be perfect in gymnastics but you can continue to pursue it as long as you’re doing it. I don’t think it’s possible to be perfect in gymnastics. It’s just one of those sports that you’re always trying to improve and pursue that perfection.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Sports
Image of Jonathan Horton
One of the things about my sport that's important is consistency - being able to do your routines consistently and training consistently. If you change it up or try to make everything more intense because the Olympics is coming up, you tend to put too much pressure on your mind and your body.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Sports
Image of Jonathan Horton
Part of being a good gymnast is being very disciplined - you have to know how to train right, eat right, sleep right.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Sleep
Image of Jonathan Horton
A line I like to use is, "Every day is training. Every day of life is a pursuit of perfection."
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Perfection
Image of Jonathan Horton
There's mornings when my body aches or my mind is just not with it. But that's part of being an athlete and accomplishing a goal that seems unattainable. You have to find your motivation, what inspires you.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Morning
Image of Jonathan Horton
I’m a true believer in the mental side of gymnastics – the 95% mental and 5% physical. It’s totally true. As you get to an older age, at 25 years old, I’ve pretty much learned everything that I need to learn in gymnastics. Now it’s, can I mentally push through the daily grind? Can I push through the small injuries and the aches and pains?
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Pain
Image of Jonathan Horton
I eat very clean foods, healthy foods and drink a lot of water.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Water
Image of Jonathan Horton
I'm very disciplined in many aspects of my life, and I think a lot of that has to do with how I was raised and the sport I've been in my whole life.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Sports
Image of Jonathan Horton
I am completely honest and truthful when I say I don’t want a gold for myself. I want a gold for the team. You go up there and do it as a collective group and it’s so much more satisfying, I mean you look around and you see the faces and just wow, this was a team effort and we did this together. It’s incredible and that’s my dream. I wanna win a gold medal and see the flag go up, hear the national anthem and just know that I did it with my brothers standing next to me.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Dream
Image of Jonathan Horton
There's mornings where I have to clear my mind and think, "OK, why am I doing this? Why am I putting myself through this kind of training every day?" I can literally see myself standing on top of a medal podium winning a gold medal next to my teammates, something I've never accomplished. It reminds me: That's why I do what I do. That's why I love it. Let's get in the gym and have a good workout.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Workout
Image of Jonathan Horton
The Olympics is a huge deal, and there's such an adrenaline rush, but I am one of those people that finds every little victory in life extremely satisfying - the day I got married, the day I moved into my house, the first car I bought, becoming an uncle. The little victories in life really keep you going, and none of those are any less special than the Olympic team.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Uncles
Image of Jonathan Horton
It was definitely a big change in my life going from the college scene to really kind of being on my own. I got married and moved to Houston and started a whole new journey. It was scary in a way, but what's great for me is just focusing on gymnastics and my wife. I'm really able to put 100% into what my goals are.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Gymnastics
Image of Jonathan Horton
There is a period of tapering when we're not in the gym quite as long to try to save our bodies, but leading up to the competition we try to keep things similar to the rest of the year.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Years
Image of Jonathan Horton
I tell my coach all the time "Hey, listen, coach. You know the hardest person on me isn't you, right? It's me." I'm the hardest person on myself, my biggest critic, always pushing. But there are days when I have to tell myself, "Relax, breathe, you're too stressed out." When it's no longer fun, when it's no longer something you can tolerate, that's when you have to take a break.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Fun
Image of Jonathan Horton
I want to stay involved in gymnastics forever, but the Olympics really opened up doors in terms of motivational speaking. I'd like do some type of broadcasting or commentating for gymnastics events on TV, or even give my insights as a gymnast into other sports; I'm kind of a sports junkie in general.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Sports
Image of Jonathan Horton
When I was 22, I finally reached that huge goal. Now I'm going for another one. It's so satisfying. It's something that I worked for for so long, and just to know that I got it feels so great.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Long
Image of Jonathan Horton
It's hard to put what it means into words. It's just a dream I had when I was a little kid. It's not every day [you] get to make your lifelong dream come true. The point of doing things in life is you pursue a goal, and you go after it, you reach it and you pick another one. But they're hard to attain.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Dream
Image of Jonathan Horton
It's tough. Gymnastics isn't basketball or football or baseball, where you can get these huge contracts and make a lot of money.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Basketball
Image of Jonathan Horton
My first workout starts at 9:00 a.m. every morning. I'm in the gym from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. We do strength conditioning, stretching, pretty intense workouts in the morning. We go back in the gym at 1:00 p.m. and train until 5:00 p.m. It's all routines, repetition, doing the same skills over and over again, trying to polish and perfect everything. I head home, eat dinner, spend some time with my wife and start over the next day. I train about six days per week.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Morning
Image of Jonathan Horton
I'm on my own, luckily doing well, but like I said, we don't make a ridiculous amount of money and I have to be disciplined with what I do with it.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Ridiculous
Image of Jonathan Horton
I'm able to support my wife and family off of gymnastics. But at the same time I do take it very seriously - it is a job for me.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jonathan Horton
There's a point in gymnastics where once you get to a certain age your body just isn't going to be able to handle it anymore. But I'd like to continue on as long as I'm able to help the team out and be a contributor to the success of the U.S. team.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Team
Image of Jonathan Horton
Another big difference about not being in college: In college, you're on the team, you're competing for the NCAA - luckily I had a full scholarship and I was taken care of - then all of a sudden you're a pro and you've got to take care of yourself. I'm gonna keep doing the same thing, keep training, and hopefully everything works out.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Team
Image of Jonathan Horton
There's very few of us who are able to be successful, which is why so many guys out of college can't continue the sport. It's unfortunate because there's just no financial backing. I've been very blessed with sponsors.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Sports
Image of Jonathan Horton
When I moved down to Houston, I had people who were willing to support me with sponsorships and different endorsement deals. That's really how I stayed afloat. It isn't ridiculous money where you can live however you want - I still have to be disciplined - but I've been very blessed with having people to support me.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Blessed
Image of Jonathan Horton
When I was younger, the people making the sacrifice were my parents. It's not a cheap sport. Luckily, I had parents who made a lot of life sacrifices so I could continue in gymnastics.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Sports
Image of Jonathan Horton
My mom and dad were extremely supportive. But my mom, she definitely made a lot of sacrifices, specifically because she wasn't working at the time. She ended up going and finding a job so she could continue to put me through gymnastics.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Mom
Image of Jonathan Horton
I changed my diet drastically. In college, I was a typical college guy who ate junk food all the time. When you're in college, your metabolism is through the roof. I felt like my body started to change when I was 22 or 23, so I started meeting with a nutritionist and it completely changed everything.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: College
Image of Jonathan Horton
Gymnastics is definitely my job, but the great thing about that is I love my job.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jonathan Horton
I'm no perfect gymnast. I want to go out and eat junk food, or I maybe don't sleep as much as I should, or some days I'll leave the gym and think, "Maybe I should have worked a little harder. Maybe I'm not as tired as I need to be." Every day you push a little harder, eat a little better, maybe go to bed a little earlier.
- Jonathan Horton
Collection: Tired