Top fathers day Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of fathers day quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Ron Reagan
He never stopped wanting to save the world.
- Ron Reagan
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Spike Milligan
My father confused me. From the ages of one to seven, I thought my name was Jesus Christ!
- Spike Milligan
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Laurance Rockefeller
Father taught us that opportunity and responsibility go hand in hand. I think we all act on that principle; on the basic human impulse that makes a man want to make the best of what's in him and what's been given him.
- Laurance Rockefeller
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Mike Myers
Having a kid is like falling in love for the first time when you're 12, but every day.
- Mike Myers
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Al Roker
I've never been part of anything so great as those three kids.
- Al Roker
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Li-Young Lee
To pull the metal splinter from my palm my father recited a story in a low voice. I watched his lovely face and not the blade. Before the story ended, he'd removed the iron sliver I thought I'd die from. I can't remember the tale, but hear his voice still, a well of dark water, a prayer. And I recall his hands, two measures of tenderness he laid against my face.
- Li-Young Lee
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Harry Hill
My dad used to say 'Always fight fire with fire,' which is probably why he got thrown out of the the fire brigade.
- Harry Hill
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Alan Valentine
For thousands of years, father and son have stretched wistful hands across the canyon of time.
- Alan Valentine
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Will Arnett
I want my son to wear a helmet 24 hours a day. If it was socially acceptable I'd be the first one to have my kid in a full helmet and like a cage across his face mask.
- Will Arnett
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Will Arnett
I want my son to wear a helmet 24 hours a day.
- Will Arnett
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Alison Lohman
There will always be a few people who have the courage to love what is untamed inside us. One of those men is my father.
- Alison Lohman
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Pam Brown
Dads don't need to be tall and broad-shouldered and clever. Love makes them so.
- Pam Brown
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Connie Schultz
My sisters and I can still recite Dad's grilling rules: Rule No. 1: Dad is in charge. Rule No. 2: Repeat Rule No. 1.
- Connie Schultz
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Jan Hutchins
When I was a kid, my father told me every day, 'You're the most wonderful boy in the world, and you can do anything you want to.'
- Jan Hutchins
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Michael Chabon
A father is a man who fails every day.
- Michael Chabon
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Luther Vandross
My father would lift me high. And dance with my mother and me and then. Spin me around til I fell asleep. Then up the stairs he would carry me and I knew for sure I was loved.
- Luther Vandross
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Mary Mapes Dodge
What a dreadful thing it must be to have a dull father.
- Mary Mapes Dodge
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Wally Schirra
You don't raise heroes, you raise sons. And if you treat them like sons, they'll turn out to be heroes, even if it's just in your own eyes.
- Wally Schirra
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Steve Young
My dad, like any coach, has always stressed the fundamentals. He taught me responsibility, accountability, and the importance of hard work.
- Steve Young
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of John Aubrey
Sir Walter, being strangely surprised and put out of his countenance at so great a table, gives his son a damned blow over the face. His son, as rude as he was, would not strike his father, but strikes over the face the gentleman that sat next to him and said, "Box about: twill come to my father anon."
- John Aubrey
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Eugene Mirman
I don't have a kid, but I think that I would be a good father, especially if my baby liked to go out drinking.
- Eugene Mirman
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Jack Baker
Every dad, if he takes time out of his busy life to reflect upon his fatherhood, can learn ways to become an even better dad.
- Jack Baker
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Derek Williams
You don't need to be right all the time. Your child wants a man for a father, not a formula. He wants real parents, real people, capable of making mistakes without moping about it.
- Derek Williams
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Chien Chung Pei
Being Chinese immigrants in the United States, it was important for my parents to maintain ties that went back a long time. They led by example. My dad didn't bring his work pressures home. We were always aware of them and would go as kids to his office and run around. But when he came home, he was able to leave things behind, at least from our perspective, and focus on us.
- Chien Chung Pei
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Michael Foot
Of course my father was a great influence on me. He taught me how to read.
- Michael Foot
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Naomi Mitchison
Of course there were areas of safety; nothing could get at me if I curled up on my father's lap, holding his ear with one thumb tucked into it... All about him was safe.
- Naomi Mitchison
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Sheldon Glueck
The most effective guard against delinquency is a father who is at the same time both strict and loving.
- Sheldon Glueck
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Larry Christenson
It is unreasonable [for a father] to expect moral success with [his] children without submitting to the laws of morality.
- Larry Christenson
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Jim Gaffigan
There should be a children's song: 'If you're happy and you know it, keep it to yourself and let your dad sleep'.
- Jim Gaffigan
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of William C. Richardson
In times of trouble you can count on your self. In times of disaster you can count on your friends. In times of sorrow you can count on your Father.
- William C. Richardson
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Clarence Budington Kelland
Henry James once defined life as that predicament which precedes death, and certainly nobody owes you a debt of honor or gratitude for getting him into that predicament. But a child does owe his father a debt, if Dad, having gotten him into this peck of trouble, takes off his coat and buckles down to the job of showing his son how best to crash through it.
- Clarence Budington Kelland
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Natasha Josefowitz
My father died many years ago, and yet when something special happens to me, I talk to him secretly not really knowing whether he hears, but it makes me feel better to half believe it.
- Natasha Josefowitz
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Jerry Lewis
When I was a kid, I said to my father one afternoon, 'Daddy, will you take me to the zoo?' He answered, 'If the zoo wants you, let them come and get you.
- Jerry Lewis
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Chris Martin
Men should always change diapers. It's a very rewarding experience. It's mentally cleansing. It's like washing dishes, but imagine if the dishes were your kids, so you really love the dishes.
- Chris Martin
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Steve Martin
A father carries pictures where his money used to be.
- Steve Martin
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Jada Pinkett Smith
What makes Will the best father in the world to me is that he's there, not just there in a way that's traditional. The emotional support he offers his children is immeasurable.
- Jada Pinkett Smith
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Chris Rock
When you have kids, there's no such thing as quality time. There's just time. There's no, 'Ooh, his graduation's better than going to the mall.' It's all kind of equal. Changing her diaper and her winning a contest - it's all good.
- Chris Rock
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Elisabeth Elliot
If you take being a father seriously, you'll know that you're not big enough for the job, not by yourself...Being a father will put you on your knees if nothing else ever did.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Eleanor Roosevelt
The kind of man who thinks that helping with the dishes is beneath him will also think that helping with the baby is beneath him, and then he certainly is not going to be a very successful father.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of George Saunders
He was a father. That's what a father does.Eases the burdens of those he loves. Saves the ones he loves from painful last images that might endure for a lifetime.
- George Saunders
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Dan Savage
Parenting is about being competent and responsible. It's not about gender, necessarily.
- Dan Savage
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
What was silent in the father speaks in the son, and often I found in the son the unveiled secret of the father.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of David Platt
Our great need is to fall before an almighty Father day and night and to plead for him to show his radical power in and through us, enabling us to accomplish for his glory what we could never imagine in our own strength.
- David Platt
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Aeschylus
"Reverence for parents" stands written among the three laws of most revered righteousness.
- Aeschylus
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Barack Obama
Being a father is sometimes my hardest but always my most rewarding job. Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Jon Stewart
Don't confuse [Father's Day] with Valentine's Day, and here's why. Boy, will you creep him out. I can just tell you from last year, uh, even if they do like chocolate, they don't want it from their son.
- Jon Stewart
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of William Wordsworth
Father! - to God himself we cannot give a holier name.
- William Wordsworth
Collection: Fathers Day
Image of Woody Allen
I don't know what I'm doing, but my incompetence has never stopped my enthusiasm.
- Woody Allen
Collection: Fathers Day