David Platt

Image of David Platt
If you can trust God to save you for eternity, you can trust him to lead you for a lifetime.
- David Platt
Collection: Trust In God
Image of David Platt
When you come to Jesus, you don't come to get health, wealth and prosperity. You come to Jesus to get Jesus
- David Platt
Collection: Jesus
Image of David Platt
Radical obedience to Christ is not easy... It's not comfort, not health, not wealth, and not prosperity in this world. Radical obedience to Christ risks losing all these things. But in the end, such risk finds its reward in Christ. And he is more than enough for us.
- David Platt
Collection: Christian
Image of David Platt
Nothing is impossible for the people of God who trust in the power of God to accomplish the will of God.
- David Platt
Collection: People
Image of David Platt
If we want to know the Glory of God, if we want to experience the beauty of God, and if we want to be used by the hand of God, then we must LIVE in the WORD of God.
- David Platt
Collection: Hands
Image of David Platt
God involves us in his mission not because he needs us but because he loves us.
- David Platt
Collection: Needs
Image of David Platt
We are settling for a Christianity that revolves around catering to ourselves when the central message of Christianity is actually about abandoning ourselves.
- David Platt
Collection: Messages
Image of David Platt
The modern-day gospel says, 'God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. Therefore, follow these steps, and you can be saved.' Meanwhile, the biblical gospel says, 'You are an enemy of God, dead in your sin, & in your present state of rebellion, you are not even able to see that you need life, much less to cause yourself to come to life. Therefore, you are radically dependent on God to do something in your life that you could never do.
- David Platt
Collection: Love You
Image of David Platt
In a world where everything revolves around yourself-protec t yourself, promote yourself, comfort yourself, and take care of yourself-Jesus says, 'Crucify yourself. Put aside all self-preservati on in order to live for God's glorification, no matter what that means for you in the culture around you.'
- David Platt
Collection: Jesus
Image of David Platt
Every saved person this side of heaven owes the gospel to every lost person this side of hell.
- David Platt
Collection: Heaven
Image of David Platt
The primary purpose of prayer is not to get something, but to know Someone.
- David Platt
Collection: Prayer
Image of David Platt
People will never know how glorious the cross is until they know how serious sin is.
- David Platt
Collection: People
Image of David Platt
Jesus has not given us options to consider. He has given us commands to obey.
- David Platt
Collection: Jesus
Image of David Platt
Suddenly contemporary Christianity sales pitches don't seem adequate anymore. Ask Jesus to come into your heart. Invite Jesus to come into your life. Pray this prayer, sign this card, walk down this aisle, and accept Jesus as your personal Savior. . . We have taken the infinitely glorious Son of God, who endured the infinitely terrible wrath of God and who now reigns as the infinitely worthy Lord of all, and we have reduced him to a poor, puny Savior who is just begging for us to accept him. Accept him? Do we really think Jesus needs our acceptance? Don't we need him?
- David Platt
Collection: Jesus
Image of David Platt
This is how God works. He puts people in positions where they are desperate for his power, and then he shows his provision in ways that display his greatness
- David Platt
Collection: Faith
Image of David Platt
There is indescribable joy, deep satisfaction and an eternal purpose in dying to ourselves and living for Christ.
- David Platt
Collection: Joy
Image of David Platt
We will not wish we had made more money, acquired more stuff, lived more comfortably, taken more vacations, watched more television, pursued greater retirement, or been more successful in the eyes of this world. Instead, we will wish we had given more of ourselves to living for the day when every nation, tribe, people, and language will bow around the throne and sing the praises of the Savior who delights in radical obedience and the God who deserves eternal worship.
- David Platt
Collection: Retirement
Image of David Platt
Salvation has absolutely nothing to do with human merit and absolutely everything to do with divine mercy.
- David Platt
Collection: Merit
Image of David Platt
Faith is the realization that God's pleasure in you will never be based upon your performance for him.
- David Platt
Collection: Realization
Image of David Platt
The more Christ fulfills the cravings of our souls, the more he changes our taste capacities from the inside out. The more we walk with him, the more we want him. The more we taste of him, the more we enjoy him. And this transforms how we live and what we live for.
- David Platt
Collection: Soul
Image of David Platt
Do you realize the weight of the one who has invited us to follow him? He is worthy of more than church attendance and casual association; he is worthy of total abandonment and supreme adoration.
- David Platt
Collection: Church
Image of David Platt
No sound system. No band. No guitar. No entertainment. No cushioned chairs. No heating or air-con. Nothing but the people of God and the word of God. And strangely, that's enough. God's Word is enough for millions of believers who gather in house churches... Jungles... Rainforests, and middle-eastern cities. But is his Word enough for us?
- David Platt
Collection: Air
Image of David Platt
The call of Christ is to deny ourselves and to let go of our lives. To relinquish control of our lives, to surrender everything we are, everything that we do, our direction our safety our security is no longer found in the things of this world. It is found in Christ. And that is great risk when it comes to the things of this world.
- David Platt
Collection: Letting Go
Image of David Platt
We don’t go to Scripture for permission to do what we think is best, but for direction to do what He says is best.
- David Platt
Collection: Thinking
Image of David Platt
As Christ begins to live in us, everything begins to change about us.
- David Platt
Collection: Christ
Image of David Platt
If you claim to be a follower of Christ, I encourage you to consider your present commitment to a local church.
- David Platt
Collection: Commitment
Image of David Platt
Repentance is a rich biblical term that signifies an elemental transformation in someone's mind, heart, heart, and life.
- David Platt
Collection: Heart
Image of David Platt
If we are going to accomplish the global purpose of God, it will not be primarily through giving our money, as important as that is. It will happen primarily through giving ourselvs. This is what the gospel represents and this is what the gospel requires.
- David Platt
Collection: Giving
Image of David Platt
It is a constant battle to resist the temptation to have more luxuries, to acquire more stuff, and to live more comfortably.
- David Platt
Collection: Luxury
Image of David Platt
We live in a church culture that has a dangerous tendency to disconnect the grace of God from the glory of God. Our hearts resonate with the idea of enjoying God's grace. We bask in sermons, conferences, and books that exalt a grace centering on us. And while the wonder of grace is worthy of our attention, if that grace is disconnected from its purpose, the sad result is a self-centered Christianity that bypasses the heart of God.
- David Platt
Collection: Book
Image of David Platt
Let me introduce you to Jesus.
- David Platt
Collection: Jesus
Image of David Platt
Privatized faith in a resurrected Christ is practically inconceivable.
- David Platt
Collection: Christ
Image of David Platt
God creates, blesses and saves each of us for a radically global purpose
- David Platt
Collection: Purpose
Image of David Platt
If our lives do not reflect radical compassion for the poor, there is reason to wonder if Christ is really in us at all
- David Platt
Collection: Compassion
Image of David Platt
Whereas disinfecting Christians involves isolating them and teaching them to be good, discipling Christians involves propelling Christians into the world to risk their lives for the sake of others. Now the world is our focus, and we gauge success in the church not on the hundreds or thousands whom we can get into our buildings but on the hundreds or thousands who are leaving our buildings to take on the world with the disciples they are making
- David Platt
Collection: Christian
Image of David Platt
We are not the end of the gospel; God is.
- David Platt
Collection: Ends
Image of David Platt
Every Christian has unique opportunities to engage the most pressing social issues of our day by praying, proclaiming the gospel, and participating with God in all that he is doing in the world.
- David Platt
Collection: Christian
Image of David Platt
For God to be holy does not just mean He is without error. It means He is without equal. May it not be said of any one of us that there is not respect for the author of the universe. He is sovereign over all nature, over all nations and over every single one of our lives.
- David Platt
Collection: Mean
Image of David Platt
Real success is found in radical sacrifice. Ultimate satisfaction is found not in making much of ourselves but in making much of God. The purpose of our lives transcends the country and culture in which we live. Meaning is found in community, not individualism; joy is found in generosity, not materialism; and truth is found in Christ, not universalism. Ultimately, Jesus is a reward worth risking everything to know, experience, and enjoy.
- David Platt
Collection: Country
Image of David Platt
And this is why Jesus came: to endure the holy wrath of God due us.
- David Platt
Collection: Jesus
Image of David Platt
Consider what it takes for successful businessmen and businesswomen, effective entrepreneurs and hardworking associates, shrewd retirees and idealistic students to combine forces with a creative pastor to grow a "successful church" today. Clearly, it doesn't require the power of God to draw a crowd in our culture. A few key elements that we can manufacture will suffice.
- David Platt
Collection: Successful
Image of David Platt
Peruse the Christian marketplace, and you will find a plethora of books, songs, and paintings that depict God as a loving Father.
- David Platt
Collection: Encouraging
Image of David Platt
Why not begin operating under the idea that God has given us excess, not so we could have more, but so we could give more?
- David Platt
Collection: Ideas
Image of David Platt
Orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names; but once you know, everything changes.
- David Platt
Collection: Names
Image of David Platt
In direct contradiciton to the American dream, God actually delights in exalting our inability.
- David Platt
Collection: Dream
Image of David Platt
Our possessions can be deadly. They can be subtly deadly.
- David Platt
Collection: Possession
Image of David Platt
The way we use our money is a barometer of our present spiritual condition. Our neglect of the poor illustrates much about where our hearts lie. But even more than that, the way we use our money is an indicator of our eternal destination. The mark of Christ followers is that their hearts are in heaven and their treasures are spent there
- David Platt
Collection: Spiritual
Image of David Platt
Accept Him? Do we really think Jesus needs our acceptance? Don't we need Him?
- David Platt
Collection: Jesus
Image of David Platt
We have a dangerous tendency to misunderstand, minimize, and even manipulate the gospel in order to accommodate our assumptions and our desires.
- David Platt
Collection: Order
Image of David Platt
God blesses his people with extravagant grace so they might extend his extravagant glory to all peoples on the earth
- David Platt
Collection: Encouraging