Chase Your Dreams: Inspiring Quotes to Keep You Motivated - Page 25

Unleash your potential with our collection of dream quotes that inspire you to chase your passions and envision a greater future. Page 25 provides more dream quotes.

Image of Richard Jeni
In life your dreams may not come true, but sooner or later one of your nightmares will.
- Richard Jeni
Collection: Dream
Image of Sophia Amoruso
Abandon anything about your life and habits that might be holding you back. Learn to create your own opportunities. Know that there is no finish line; fortune favors action. Race balls-out toward the extraordinary life that you’ve always dreamed of, or still haven’t had time to dream up. And prepare to have a hell of a lot of fun along the way.
- Sophia Amoruso
Collection: Dream
Image of Sophia Amoruso
If you listen only to those around you, the chances of your dreams coming true are very small.
- Sophia Amoruso
Collection: Dream
Image of E. T. A. Hoffmann
I may be permitted, kind reader, to doubt whether you have ever been enclosed in a glass bottle, unless some vivid dream has teased you with such magical mishaps.
- E. T. A. Hoffmann
Collection: Dream
Image of Anne Carson
Could you visit me in dreams? That would cheer me. Sweet to see friends in the night, however short the time.
- Anne Carson
Collection: Dream
Image of Anne Carson
Sometimes I dream a sentence and write it down. It’s usually nonsense, but sometimes it seems a key to another world.
- Anne Carson
Collection: Dream
Image of Rudy Ruettiger
Focus on your dream and never quit. It is always too soon to quit. If you quit, you can't succeed. By achieving your dream you will be an inspiration to others. You will set the example and make an enormous impact on the world.
- Rudy Ruettiger
Collection: Dream
Image of Rudy Ruettiger
Quit making excuses. What we're really talking about here is commitment. Until you make a commitment to your dream, it's not a commitment at all. It's just another fantasy. And fantasies don't come true because they're not real, we're not committed to them. When we make commitments, they become dreams. And dreams are very real.
- Rudy Ruettiger
Collection: Dream
Image of Rudy Ruettiger
When you have passion and commitment, you don't need a complex plan. Your plan is your life is your dream.
- Rudy Ruettiger
Collection: Dream
Image of Bubba Watson
I've never had a dream go this far, so I can't really say it's a dream come true.
- Bubba Watson
Collection: Dream
Image of S. N. Goenka
We cannot live in the past; it is gone. Nor can we live in the future; it is forever beyond our grasp. We can live only in the present. If we are unaware of our present actions, we are condemned to repeating the mistakes of the past and can never succeed in attaining our dreams for the future.
- S. N. Goenka
Collection: Dream
Image of Aaron Carter
Having a dream, living that dream, losing that dream, dreaming again and then having that dream come true again is one of the greatest feelings ever because I`m stronger.
- Aaron Carter
Collection: Dream
Image of Arlene Dahl
In the rush of complex modern living, we have a tendency to laugh at the 'bring-Papa-his-pipe-and-slippers' approach to marriage - but most men are more than a little wistful at its demise. A man dreams of home as a haven and his wife as a romantic, fragrant creature whose most important goal in life is making him comfortable.
- Arlene Dahl
Collection: Dream
Image of Tom C. Clark
Our forefathers had civilization inside themselves, the wild outside. We live in the civilization they created, but within us the wilderness still lingers. What they dreamed, we live, and what they lived, we dream.
- Tom C. Clark
Collection: Dream
Image of Michael Buble
It's all about love. We're either in love, dreaming about love, recovering from it, wishing for it or reflecting on it. That's what this record [Call Me Irresponsible] is about.
- Michael Buble
Collection: Dream
Image of Thomas Dolby
Switch off the mind and let the heart decide who you were meant to be Flick to remote and let the body glide There is no enemy! Etch out a future of your own design Well tailored to your needs Then fan the flame and keep the dream alive ... ...the future is roses! Roses!
- Thomas Dolby
Collection: Dream
Image of Colin McEnroe
I have... had a disturbing dream in which I break through a cave wall near Nag Hammadi and discover urns full of ancient Coptic scrolls. As I unfurl the first scroll, a subscription card to some Gnostic exercise magazine flutters out.
- Colin McEnroe
Collection: Dream
Image of Jennifer Nettles
I'm always dreaming and doing.
- Jennifer Nettles
Collection: Dream
Image of Will Arnett
I am humbled by the nomination. I got to work with a cast and writers made up of geniuses. The good news is I can finally realize my life long dream and buy my wife a solid gold speed boat.
- Will Arnett
Collection: Dream
Image of Melvin Burgess
I've done everything. All of it. You think it, I've done it. All the things you never dared, all the things you dream about, all the things you were curious about and then forgot because you knew you never would. I did 'em, I did 'em yesterday while you were still in bed. What about you? When's it gonna be your turn?
- Melvin Burgess
Collection: Dream
Image of Jimmy Iovine
When you learn to harness the power of your fears it can take you places beyond your wildest dreams.
- Jimmy Iovine
Collection: Dream
Image of Leo Robin
Come with me while the moon is on the sea The night is young and so are we Dreams come true in Blue Hawaii And mine could all come true This magic night of nights with you
- Leo Robin
Collection: Dream
Image of David Gill
Playing for Manchester United is something that most people want and very few people do - but there is no harm in having a dream as long as you are realistic with it.
- David Gill
Collection: Dream
Image of Christopher Rice
If you're doing something, if you're following something that is directly at odds with who you are, you've got to slow down and ask yourself why you're following that dream.
- Christopher Rice
Collection: Dream
Image of Thomas Haynes Bayly
Fly away, pretty moth, to the shade Of the leaf where you slumbered all day; Be content with the moon and the stars, pretty moth, And make use of your wings while you may. . . . . But tho' dreams of delight may have dazzled you quite, They at last found it dangerous play; Many things in this world that look bright, pretty moth, Only dazzle to lead us astray.
- Thomas Haynes Bayly
Collection: Dream
Image of Will Durst
You can't kill America. We're more than a nation. We're a notion. We're an idea. The American Dream. You never heard of the Afghanistani Dream have you. Except by bearded hermetic recluses with a fetish for uneducated women dressed as giant shuttlecocks.
- Will Durst
Collection: Dream
Image of Gerrard Winstanley
When the people stare at the sky and dream of blessedness, or when they quiver with fear for hell after death, their eyes get blinded so they can't see their own right of primogeniture.
- Gerrard Winstanley
Collection: Dream
Image of Karrie Webb
I still can't believe that I've achieved what I have. It's like I've lived a dream for about five years now
- Karrie Webb
Collection: Dream
Image of Mavis Gallant
Against the sustained tick of a watch, fiction takes the measure of a life, a season, a look exchanged, the turning point, desire as brief as a dream, the grief and terror that after childhood we cease to express.
- Mavis Gallant
Collection: Dream
Image of Mavis Gallant
I began to ration my writing, for fear I would dream through life as my father had done. I was afraid I had inherited a poisoned gene from him, a vocation without a gift.
- Mavis Gallant
Collection: Dream
Image of Thomas Lovell Beddoes
If there were dreams to sell, What would you buy? Some cost a passing bell; Some a light sigh, That shakes from Life's fresh crown Only a rose-leaf down. If there were dreams to sell, Merry and sad to tell, And the crier rung the bell, What would you buy?
- Thomas Lovell Beddoes
Collection: Dream
Image of Raymond Carver
Dreams, you know, are what you wake up from.
- Raymond Carver
Collection: Dream
Image of Raymond Carver
I've crossed some kind of invisible line. I feel as if I've come to a place I never thought I'd have to come to. And I don't know how I got here. It's a strange place. It's a place where a little harmless dreaming and then some sleepy, early-morning talk has led me into considerations of death and annihilation.
- Raymond Carver
Collection: Dream
Image of Julian Castro
The American dream is not a sprint or even a marathon but a relay.
- Julian Castro
Collection: Dream
Image of Ruth Stout
Why do people who like to get up early look with disdain on those who like to lie in bed late? And why do people who like to work feel superior to those who prefer to dream?
- Ruth Stout
Collection: Dream
Image of Andre Dubus
My own sense of the world is that very little is absolute or black and white or easily understood. I suppose in all my writing I'm trying to cast the reader into this spiritually ambivalent dream world, which hopefully mirrors more honestly the complex reality we find ourselves in.
- Andre Dubus
Collection: Dream
Image of Elaine S. Dalton
Don't let the low standards and expectations of the world and others cause you to aim beneath your nobility and ability-dream big! What I know and have learned is that anything worth doing is not easy and that we can do anything that is not easy if we believe.
- Elaine S. Dalton
Collection: Dream
Image of Darren Johnson
Whatever you do, never stop dreaming.
- Darren Johnson
Collection: Dream
Image of Sherry Lansing
We have many dreams and many different chapters in life and I think life is about chapters. For me, from the time I was pretty young, I always thought that if I was lucky enough to achieve my dreams and if I had financial security, at a certain point in my life I wanted to give back. I wanted, just corny as it sounds, to try and make the world a better place.
- Sherry Lansing
Collection: Dream
Image of Cesar Chavez
To make a great dream come true, the first requirement is a great capacity to dream; the second is persistence.
- Cesar Chavez
Collection: Dream
Image of Robert Andrews Millikan
Indeed, I suspect that the changes that have taken place during the last century in the average man's fundamental beliefs, in his philosophy, in his conception of religion, in his whole world outlook, are greater than the changes that occurred during the preceding four thousand years all put together.
- Robert Andrews Millikan
Collection: Dream
Image of James Lee Burke
Then the sun broke above the crest of the hills and the entire countryside looked soaked in blood, the arroyos deep in shadow, the cones of dead volcanoes stark and biscuit-colored against the sky. I could smell pinion trees, wet sage, woodsmoke, cattle in the pastures, and creek water that had melted from snow. I could smell the way the country probably was when it was only a dream in the mind of God.
- James Lee Burke
Collection: Dream
Image of James Lee Burke
In the alluvial sweep of the land, I thought I could see the past and the present and the future all at once, as though time were not sequential in nature but took place without a beginning or an end, like a flash of green light rippling outward from the center of creation, not unlike a dream inside the mind of God.
- James Lee Burke
Collection: Dream
Image of W. Arthur Porter
The innovation point is the pivotal moment when talented and motivated people seek the opportunity to act on their ideas and dreams.
- W. Arthur Porter
Collection: Dream
Image of W. Arthur Porter
Seek the opportunity to act on your ideas and dreams.
- W. Arthur Porter
Collection: Dream
Image of Brownie McGhee
Blues is not a dream, blues is truth.
- Brownie McGhee
Collection: Dream
Image of Francine du Plessix Gray
We write out of revenge against reality, to dream and enter the lives of others.
- Francine du Plessix Gray
Collection: Dream
Image of Donna Levin
One morning you will awake to find that you are the person you dreamed of doing what you wanted to do simply because you had the courage to believe in your potential and to hold on to your dream.
- Donna Levin
Collection: Dream
Image of Ada Louise Huxtable
The skyscraper and the twentieth century are synonymous; the tall building is the landmark of our age. ... Shaper of cities and fortunes, it is the dream, past and present, acknowledged or unacknowledged, of almost every architect.
- Ada Louise Huxtable
Collection: Dream