Chase Your Dreams: Inspiring Quotes to Keep You Motivated - Page 23

Unleash your potential with our collection of dream quotes that inspire you to chase your passions and envision a greater future. Page 23 provides more dream quotes.

Image of John Peel
Teenage dreams so hard to beat
- John Peel
Collection: Dream
Image of Francois Jacob
The dream of every cell is to become two cells.
- Francois Jacob
Collection: Dream
Image of Taeyang
I don’t want to achieve my dream. I just want to pursue my dream until I die.
- Taeyang
Collection: Dream
Image of Candace Parker
Today I know that there is still work to be done, but along the way I am achieving my dreams.
- Candace Parker
Collection: Dream
Image of Derek Sivers
Business is not about money. It's about making dreams come true for others and for yourself.
- Derek Sivers
Collection: Dream
Image of Derek Sivers
Don't be on your deathbed someday, having squandered your one chance at life, full of regret because you pursued little distractions instead of big dreams.
- Derek Sivers
Collection: Dream
Image of Frank Lautenberg
Judge Samuel Alito's accomplishments in life are the embodiment of the American dream.
- Frank Lautenberg
Collection: Dream
Image of Alice Cary
True worth is in being, not seeming- In doing, each day that goes by, Some little good, not in the dreaming Of great things to do by and by. For whatever men say in their blindness, And spite of the fancies of youth, There's nothing so kingly as kindness, And nothing so royal as truth.
- Alice Cary
Collection: Dream
Image of Alice Cary
The fisher droppeth his net in the stream, And a hundred streams are the same as one; And the maiden dreameth her love-lit dream; And what is it all, when all is done? The net of the fisher the burden breaks, And always the dreaming the dreamer wakes.
- Alice Cary
Collection: Dream
Image of Stopford Brooke
I dreamed of myself in a dream, and told the dream, which was mine, as if it were another person's of whom I dreamed. Indeed what is life when thinking of the past, but dreaming of a dream dreamt by another who seems to be oneself?
- Stopford Brooke
Collection: Dream
Image of Joseph Fort Newton
London is like a dream come true. As I ramble through it I am haunted by the curious feeling of something half-forgotten, but still dimly remembered, like a reminiscence of some previous state of existence. It is at once familiar and strange.
- Joseph Fort Newton
Collection: Dream
Image of Michio Kushi
We all have come from infinity, We all live within infinity, We all shall return to infinity, We are all manifestation of one infinity, We are all brothers and sisters of one infinite universe, Let us love each other, Let us help each other, Let us encourage each other, Let us all together continue to realize The endless dream of one peaceful world, We are always ONE forever.
- Michio Kushi
Collection: Dream
Image of Georgette Mosbacher
Swallowing your pride isn't lethal. It might upset your stomach for a few minutes, but the ultimate result may be the life of your dreams. And that's a result that's worth every rejection you encounter.
- Georgette Mosbacher
Collection: Dream
Image of Douglas McGregor
An objective without a plan is a dream.
- Douglas McGregor
Collection: Dream
Image of Hannibal
Your dreams were the one place you could be physically safe.
- Hannibal
Collection: Dream
Image of William John Locke
If you love a Dream Woman ... let her stay the divine Woman of the Dream. To awaken and clasp flesh and blood, no matter how delicately tender, and find that love has sped at the dawn is a misery too deep for tears.
- William John Locke
Collection: Dream
Image of Javier Perez de Cuellar
Peace - the word evokes the simplest and most cherished dream of humanity. Peace is, and has always been, the ultimate human aspiration. And yet our history overwhelmingly shows that while we speak incessantly of peace, our actions tell a very different story.
- Javier Perez de Cuellar
Collection: Dream
Image of H. E. Bates
Climate helps to shape the character of peoples, certainly no people more than the English. The uncertainty of their climate has helped to make the English, a long-suffering, phlegmatic, patient people rather insensitive to surprise, stoical against storms,. slightly incredulous at every appearance of the sun, touched by the lyrical gratitude of someone who expects nothing and suddenly receives more than he dreamed.
- H. E. Bates
Collection: Dream
Image of Yves Rossy
Flying is absolute freedom. I know the feeling of flying from various aircraft. But there was always something surrounding me that I had to control. As Fusion Man, it's like I am naked, I only have the wings that carry me. It's like a dream.
- Yves Rossy
Collection: Dream
Image of Pocahontas
Two hopeful hearts, two lands apart. Together there's no end to what our dream can start.
- Pocahontas
Collection: Dream
Image of Julia Cameron
Art is an act of the soul, not the intellect. When we are dealing with people's dreams - their visions, really - we are in the realm of the sacred. We are involved with forces and energies larger than our own. We are engaged in a sacred transaction of which we know only a little: the shadow, not the shape.
- Julia Cameron
Collection: Dream
Image of Julia Cameron
Expect the universe to support your dream. It will.
- Julia Cameron
Collection: Dream
Image of Sheila Cornell-Douty
You need to have dreams. Everything starts with a dream.
- Sheila Cornell-Douty
Collection: Dream
Image of Anjelica Huston
What I like to think, and perhaps it is an adolescent thought, is that anything can happen. As long as you think that anything can happen, it will. We're all allowed to have our dreams.
- Anjelica Huston
Collection: Dream
Image of Kenneth Wapnick
Who would attempt to fly with the tiny wings of a sparrow when the mighty power of an eagle has been given him
- Kenneth Wapnick
Collection: Dream
Image of John Cheever
Fiction is art and art is the triumph over chaos… to celebrate a world that lies spread out around us like a bewildering and stupendous dream.
- John Cheever
Collection: Dream
Image of John Cheever
To disguise nothing, to conceal nothing, to write about those things that are closest to our pain, our happiness; to write about our sexual clumsiness, the agonies of Tantalus, the depth of our discouragement-what we glimpse in our dreams-our despair. To write about the foolish agonies of anxiety, the refreshment of our strength when these are ended; to write about our painful search for self, jeopardized by a stranger in the post office, a half-seen face in a train window, to write about the continents and populations of our dreams, about love and death, good and evil, the end of the world.
- John Cheever
Collection: Dream
Image of Gustave Moreau
I have never looked for dream in reality or reality in dream. I have allowed my imagination free play, and I have not been led astray by it.
- Gustave Moreau
Collection: Dream
Image of Joshua Chamberlain
The inspiration of a noble cause enables men to do things they did not dream themselves capable of before
- Joshua Chamberlain
Collection: Dream
Image of Joshua Chamberlain
We know not of the future, and cannot plan for it much. But we can hold our spirits and our bodies so pure and high, we may cherish such thoughts and ideals, and dream such dreams of lofty purpose, that we can determine and know what manner of men we will be whenever and wherever the hour stricks that calls to noble action..., No man becomes suddenly different from his habit and cherished thought.
- Joshua Chamberlain
Collection: Dream
Image of Joshua Chamberlain
In great deeds, something abides. On great fields, something stays. Forms change and pass; bodies disappear; but spirits linger, to consecrate ground for the vision-place of souls… generations that know us not and that we know not of, heart-drawn to see where and by whom great things were suffered and done for them, shall come to this deathless field, to ponder and dream; and lo! the shadow of a mighty presence shall wrap them in its bosom, and the power of the vision pass into their souls.
- Joshua Chamberlain
Collection: Dream
Image of Hortense Calisher
The standard dreaming of a society has to be listened to.
- Hortense Calisher
Collection: Dream
Image of Oskar Kokoschka
True dreams and visions should be as visible to the artist as the phenomena of the objective world.
- Oskar Kokoschka
Collection: Dream
Image of Oskar Kokoschka
I try to keep my sitters moving and talking, to make them forget they are being painted. This has nothing to do with extracting intimate secrets or confessions, but rather with establishing, in motion, an essential image of the kind that remains in memory or recurs in dreams.
- Oskar Kokoschka
Collection: Dream
Image of Donald Worster
Human domination over nature is quite simply an illusion, a passing dream by a naive species. It is an illusion that has cost us much, ensnared us in our own designs, given us a few boasts to make about our courage and genius, but all the same it is an illusion.
- Donald Worster
Collection: Dream
Image of Tom Clancy
Nothing is as real as a dream. The world can change around you, but your dream will not... Responsibilities need not erase it. Duties need not obscure it... Because the dream is within you. No one can take your dream away.
- Tom Clancy
Collection: Dream
Image of Anil Ambani
It is hope in this wider sense which enabled my father to build, from scratch, one of India's largest modern enterprises. His was an undertaking powered by hard work, initiative, self-belief but, above all else, the capacity, as he would often say, "to dream with your eyes wide open".
- Anil Ambani
Collection: Dream
Image of James Elroy Flecker
Half to forget the wandering and pain, Half to remember days that have gone by, And dream and dream that I am home again!
- James Elroy Flecker
Collection: Dream
Image of John Cage
The world is no longer a romantic place; some of its people still are however, and therein lies the promise. Don't let the world win.
- John Cage
Collection: Dream
Image of Cato the Younger
Regard not dreams, since they are but the images of our hopes and fears.
- Cato the Younger
Collection: Dream
Image of Gene Cernan
Another hundred years may pass before we understand the true significance of Apollo. Lunar exploration was not the equivalent of an American pyramid, some idle monument to technology, but more of a Rosetta stone, a key to unlocking dreams as yet undreamed.
- Gene Cernan
Collection: Dream
Image of Charlotte Bunch
The state of the world today demands that women become less modest and dream/plan/act/risk on a larger scale.
- Charlotte Bunch
Collection: Dream
Image of Henry de Montherlant
A man doesn't dream about a woman because he thinks her "mysterious"; he decides that she is "mysterious" to justify his dreaming of her.
- Henry de Montherlant
Collection: Dream
Image of Charlotte Alington Barnard
I cannot sing the old songs, Or dream those dreams again.
- Charlotte Alington Barnard
Collection: Dream
Image of Barbara Cartland
Every woman dreams of love. When she is young she prays she will find it. When she is middle aged she hopes for it and when she is old she remembers it.
- Barbara Cartland
Collection: Dream