Sherry Lansing

Image of Sherry Lansing
The single most important thing you can do in business is to be yourself.
- Sherry Lansing
Collection: Being Yourself
Image of Sherry Lansing
The major difference I've found between the highly successful and the least successful is that the highly successful stick to it. They have staying power. Everybody fails. Everybody takes his knocks, but the highly successful keep coming back.
- Sherry Lansing
Collection: Successful
Image of Sherry Lansing
My advice to everybody - never give up and have great resiliency. Don't take the rejection personally, but listen if it’s intelligent and make changes if they’re needed and then move forward.
- Sherry Lansing
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Sherry Lansing
There are many qualities of a great leader. Passion is one, empathy is another, listening is another, decisiveness is another. I think a great leader makes people feel comfortable, so that they feel that they're allowed to be stupid, they're not afraid to give their opinions.
- Sherry Lansing
Collection: Stupid
Image of Sherry Lansing
If you don't wake up with something in your stomach every day that makes you think, "I want to make this movie," it'll never get made.
- Sherry Lansing
Collection: Perseverance
Image of Sherry Lansing
I left Paramount at the ripe young age of sixty. A generation ago, that would have been retirement age. But my generation has more energy, more drive, and a greater life expectancy than any group of retirees before us. We are going to be here for two decades or more past 'retirement' age and we want to do something relevant in the so-called third act of our lives.
- Sherry Lansing
Collection: Retirement
Image of Sherry Lansing
There's a Harvard Business School thing that says, 'Every 10 years you should replant yourself,' and the only way to keep young is to learn new things and keep curious.
- Sherry Lansing
Collection: School
Image of Sherry Lansing
Listen, be respectful of others' opinions, be willing to change your mind - and then ultimately you have to make the decision. Decisiveness is very important.
- Sherry Lansing
Collection: Others Opinions
Image of Sherry Lansing
When you rule in a culture of fear, you're not getting the best out of people.
- Sherry Lansing
Collection: People
Image of Sherry Lansing
I felt, if I never did anything in my life but read scripts and synopsize them, I would be happy.
- Sherry Lansing
Collection: Scripts
Image of Sherry Lansing
My father died at 42, of a heart attack. My mother was 32 then. She never wanted to be a victim. And that really resonated as a nine-year-old child. And one of the most revealing things was, very soon after my father died - he was in real estate and he owned some modest buildings - they came to my mother, the men that worked for him, and they said, "You don't have to worry. We will run the business and we will take care of you." And my mother said, "No, you won't. You will teach me how to run the business and I will take care of it and my children."
- Sherry Lansing
Collection: Mother
Image of Sherry Lansing
I felt like a fake the whole time and it made me very, very nervous - which is why I have such great respect for actors, because I can't do what they do. I really can't do it. I'm always uncomfortable. And I'm just grateful that I recognized that this uncomfortable-ness was a sign that I shouldn't be doing it. More than not having any talent - which is clearly obvious - more than not having any talent, it was so uncomfortable and I was so insecure. And I was so frightened. And the thought of being somebody other than myself was impossible for me.
- Sherry Lansing
Collection: Grateful
Image of Sherry Lansing
I think, when I started to become successful in the movie business, my mother was very, very worried. She thought no one would want to marry me and she thought that was the most important thing. And she thought that it would affect my personal relations. And she said how worried she was that people would take advantage of me or I would meet the wrong people. When I was made head of the studio, one of her first things was, "Well, now no one will marry you. I hope you'll be happy, whatever."
- Sherry Lansing
Collection: Mother
Image of Sherry Lansing
To me, education is the way out of poverty. And it is the only way.
- Sherry Lansing
Collection: Way
Image of Sherry Lansing
I see the joy in life and I see the joy in simple things. I over-compliment. I over-praise. I over-express my feelings toward people because I never got it in my family. I am the first to hug somebody, because I wasn't hugged.
- Sherry Lansing
Collection: Simple
Image of Sherry Lansing
The movie business was changing, I didn't want to turn 60 in the job. I picked 60 as an age where you are young enough to have a new life but not so young you can wait. And I had this incredible need: I had been so blessed in life and I wanted to give back. So I left Paramount with great joy, I have to say, and with great fondness for the memories I have in the movie business.
- Sherry Lansing
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sherry Lansing
We have many dreams and many different chapters in life and I think life is about chapters. For me, from the time I was pretty young, I always thought that if I was lucky enough to achieve my dreams and if I had financial security, at a certain point in my life I wanted to give back. I wanted, just corny as it sounds, to try and make the world a better place.
- Sherry Lansing
Collection: Dream
Image of Sherry Lansing
Success has many ways of coming to you. Sometimes it comes right away, and then the film's instantly forgotten. Sometimes you can't remember what won the Academy Award for best picture, and then you can remember the one that didn't. And then sometimes in the afterlife, films that were not successful at all become these giant successes.
- Sherry Lansing
Collection: Successful
Image of Sherry Lansing
This will sound like I grew up on another planet, except for those people who are past 55, 60 maybe. When I was growing up, my mother and her generation basically felt that you should only work as a way of passing time until you got married and had at least two children. And the only careers that were open for women at the time was teacher or nurse - which are fantastic careers, I mean fantastic and I actually am a former math teacher.
- Sherry Lansing
Collection: Mother
Image of Sherry Lansing
We are all forever a work in progress. I mean, that is the truth. You are forever in your whole life a work in progress, and forever there is a 12-year-old that's driving in to work with you every day. And you are still on the school playground and you are still whatever it is in college or you are still wondering why someone didn't return your call or ask you out.
- Sherry Lansing
Collection: School
Image of Sherry Lansing
Two things were falling apart, my personal life, my professional life. And I realized that all those things were supposed to make me happy, but nothing could fill me up except myself. So I went into analysis. I went to see a doctor, to talk about my lack of self-esteem. I don't know how to say it better: my lack of self-esteem, my insecurity, and how these things were not going to fill me up. And I'd better fix myself and then find out what I liked. For me, therapy was the greatest gift I could ever give myself. There's nothing I could have done for myself that would've been better.
- Sherry Lansing
Collection: Self Esteem
Image of Sherry Lansing
Everybody has to find it whatever helps. Religion is very helpful for people. A good friend is very helpful. A priest is very helpful. A rabbi is very helpful. You just have to find it. But when you get depressed or when you face a crisis, don't feel you have to do it alone.
- Sherry Lansing
Collection: Good Friend
Image of Sherry Lansing
We do share with my mother what I would refer to as an anxiety gene. And I think it is genetic, that I worry about everything. Not every day, I don't want to say it like that, but I do worry a lot about - what was the line I heard the other day, when I was saying to a girlfriend of mine that I worry? She says, "Yes, I spent my whole life worrying - and some of the things actually came true."
- Sherry Lansing
Collection: Mother
Image of Sherry Lansing
Acting is one of the professions I most respect because if you tried something and you can't do it and you thought at one time in your life - and of course, I did at one time of my life want it - and you realize that you can't do it that you can't just switch your personality that way, then you are in awe of people who can.
- Sherry Lansing
Collection: People
Image of Sherry Lansing
My mother, because of her life, had almost a contradictory way of viewing life. She had this great zest and joy for life and I think that I have that. The glass is always half full for me.
- Sherry Lansing
Collection: Mother