Chase Your Dreams: Inspiring Quotes to Keep You Motivated - Page 24

Unleash your potential with our collection of dream quotes that inspire you to chase your passions and envision a greater future. Page 24 provides more dream quotes.

Image of Scipione Breislak
In geology we cannot dispense with conjectures: [but] because we are condemned to dream let us ensure that our dreams are like those of sane men-e.g. that they have their foundations in truth-and are not like the dreams of the sick, formed by strange combinations of phantasms, contrary to nature and therefore incredible.
- Scipione Breislak
Collection: Dream
Image of Tony Campolo
A person is as young as their dreams and as old as their cynicism.
- Tony Campolo
Collection: Dream
Image of A. S. Byatt
Once upon a time, when men and women hurtled through the air on metal wings, when they wore webbed feet and walked on the bottom of the sea, learning the speech of whales and the songs of the dolphins, when pearly-fleshed and jewelled apparitions of Texan herdsmen and houris shimmered in the dusk on Nicaraguan hillsides, when folk in Norway and Tasmania in dead of winter could dream of fresh strawberries, dates, guavas and passion fruits and find them spread next morning on their tables, there was a woman who was largely irrelevant, and therefore happy.
- A. S. Byatt
Collection: Dream
Image of Hans Arp
The man who speaks and writes about art should refrain from censuring or pontificating. He will thus avoid doing anything foolish, for in the presence of primordial depth all art is but dream and nature.
- Hans Arp
Collection: Dream
Image of Albert Low
It is our very search, our lust for the miraculous and magical, that hides from us the truth that simply to be, simply to know I am, is already the miracle that we seek. Everything, as it is, is perfect, but you must stop seeing it as if in a mirror, as if in a dream.
- Albert Low
Collection: Dream
Image of Truman G. Madsen
To what level does your patriarchal blessing reach in your life? Can you recollect the time you received it and recover any of the spirit of the occasion? Do you in quiet moments ponder it? Does Karl G.Maeser's phrase, "paragraphs from the book of our possibilities" rest upon you with a sense of mission so that, as President Heber J.Grant exemplified, "you "dream nobly and manfully" and prepare ceaselessly? Do you ever think of Heber C.Kimball's faith that you can "write your own patriarchal blessing" under inspiration, for, saith the Lord, "No good thing will I withhold...
- Truman G. Madsen
Collection: Dream
Image of Greg Plitt
Face your fears, endure its pain and they will be re-written in the form of pride and dreams.
- Greg Plitt
Collection: Dream
Image of Jean Shinoda Bolen
Insights from myth, dreams, and intuitions, from glimpses of an invisible reality, and from perennial human wisdom provide us with hints and guesses about the meaning of life and what we are here for. Prayer, observance, discipline, thought and action are the means through which we grow and find meaning.
- Jean Shinoda Bolen
Collection: Dream
Image of Common
I just want people to feel like they can achieve something great in their lives. We all go through rough times, but love is the antidote. You've got to dream and just believe in yourself. And if you believe, you will achieve it.
- Common
Collection: Dream
Image of Common
Man, just believe in yourself, be able to dream, and know that there's going to be valleys and peaks. Always stay centered, and know that God is the key, the beginning and end of everything you do.
- Common
Collection: Dream
Image of Reginald Horace Blyth
There is a Hindu myth about the Self or God of the universe who sees life as a form of play. But since the Self is what there is and all that there is and thus has no one separate to play with, he plays the cosmic game of hide-and-seek with himself. He takes on the roles and masks of individual people such as you and I and thus becomes involved in exciting and terrifying adventures, all the time forgetting who he really is.
- Reginald Horace Blyth
Collection: Dream
Image of Yayoi Kusama
I always see these landscapes in my dreams, and feel happy. I desperately try to transform these dreams into artwork, so that even while napping, I construct and reconstruct various images.
- Yayoi Kusama
Collection: Dream
Image of Bae Yong-joon
This is a really difficult question. Although I once thought that a dream and an accomplishment are the same thing, I've now changed my mind. A dream is not something you can just reach out to, so I've come to the conclusion that one can only achieve their dream by accomplishing something little by little.
- Bae Yong-joon
Collection: Dream
Image of Bae Yong-joon
I'm truly grateful to all of the family. However I'm very sorry at the same time. I didn't make many appearances in 'Dream High.' I hope to show you all a better side of me next time.
- Bae Yong-joon
Collection: Dream
Image of Pearl Mary Teresa Craigie
Disillusions all come from within ... from the failure of some dear and secret hope. The world makes no promises; we only dream it does; and when we wake, we cry!
- Pearl Mary Teresa Craigie
Collection: Dream
Image of Lewis Carroll
Is Life itself a dream, I wonder?
- Lewis Carroll
Collection: Dream
Image of Arnold Weinstock
Dreams have their place in managerial activity, but they need to be kept severely under control.
- Arnold Weinstock
Collection: Dream
Image of Carmen Naranjo
Stories break silence and nourish those who work, feel, and dream.
- Carmen Naranjo
Collection: Dream
Image of Seohyun
If your dream is alive, then one day it will come true.
- Seohyun
Collection: Dream
Image of Steve Winwood
The voices inside you can lead your soul astray Believe in what you dream Don't turn away don't you turn away. Reach for the light You might touch the sky Stand on the mountaintop and see yourself flying Reach for the light to capture a star Come out of the darkness and find out who you are.
- Steve Winwood
Collection: Dream
Image of Steve Winwood
If nothing is the way it seems, then this life is just a haunted dream.
- Steve Winwood
Collection: Dream
Image of Steve Winwood
If you hold me, I will let you into my dreams.
- Steve Winwood
Collection: Dream
Image of Francis William Aston
Should the research worker of the future discover some means of releasing this [atomic] energy in a form which could be employed, the human race will have at its command powers beyond the dream of scientific fiction.
- Francis William Aston
Collection: Dream
Image of Robert Fulton
The American dream of rags to riches is a dream for a reason - it is hard to achieve; were everyone to do it, it wouldn't be a dream but would rather be reality.
- Robert Fulton
Collection: Dream
Image of Sara Henderson
Always live your life with one dream to fulfill. No matter how many of your dreams you have realized in the past, always have a dream to go. Because when you stop dreaming, life becomes a mundane existence.
- Sara Henderson
Collection: Dream
Image of Sara Henderson
Create a dream and give it everything you have, you could be surprised just how much you are capable of achieving.
- Sara Henderson
Collection: Dream
Image of Jarome Iginla
I kind of have to pinch myself. A lot of my dreams are coming true.
- Jarome Iginla
Collection: Dream
Image of Ken Robinson
Everyday, everywhere our children spread their dreams beneath our feet and we should tread softly.
- Ken Robinson
Collection: Dream
Image of Eboo Patel
I dream of a world where people from different backgrounds are praying and working for the flourishment of communities different from them, and I find my sustenance not only in these stories in scripture, but in stories of human existence also - the story of the Bosnian Muslim man who took to a Serbian couple with a new baby a liter of milk every day during that horrible struggle in the former Yugoslavia, because he said even if our tribes, our nations, are at war with each other, there is something deeply human about me wishing that your baby survives and is secure.
- Eboo Patel
Collection: Dream
Image of Eboo Patel
Have big dreams but focus only on what you can control: your own thoughts, words and actions. This was Gandhi's way ... in the words of Buddhist poet Gary Snyder, our job is to move the world a millionth of an inch.
- Eboo Patel
Collection: Dream
Image of Sheila Walsh
When our dreams seem to go sour or remain unfulfilled, hopelessness can dominate our lives-or we can hold on with open hands, knowing that we have hope because God is faithful.
- Sheila Walsh
Collection: Dream
Image of Alexander Beresford Hope
Painful as it may be to hear it, there's nothing special about the people of this country that sets them apart from the other people of the world. It is the Bill of Rights, and only the Bill of Rights, that keeps us from becoming the world's biggest banana republic. The moment we forget that, the American Dream is over.
- Alexander Beresford Hope
Collection: Dream
Image of Colin S. Smith
Lord, make me less like Jonah and more like Jesus. Save me from being the kind of person who cares more about my comfort, my reputation, and my success than I do about the people You are calling me to serve. Help me to keep all of my dreams on Your altar and be ready at all times to respond with faith and obedience to Your call.
- Colin S. Smith
Collection: Dream
Image of Buffy Sainte-Marie
You have to leave room in life to dream.
- Buffy Sainte-Marie
Collection: Dream
Image of Buffy Sainte-Marie
Some of my songs are like dreams, and when you go to sleep at night you don't know if you're gonna have a dream or what you're gonna dream about.
- Buffy Sainte-Marie
Collection: Dream
Image of Lois McMaster Bujold
Some people grow into their dreams, instead of out of them.
- Lois McMaster Bujold
Collection: Dream
Image of Pierre Curie
It is important to make a dream of life and a dream reality.
- Pierre Curie
Collection: Dream
Image of Emma Bunton
Is a dream reality till you wake up?
- Emma Bunton
Collection: Dream
Image of Dwight Howard
When I'm anywhere, I'm going to show God that I'm thankful just for life. I'm living out my dream. This is what I want to do.
- Dwight Howard
Collection: Dream
Image of Summer Sanders
For as long as I wanted to swim, I also wanted to do something on TV. My best friend in high school, we used to pretend like we had a TV show, and we had this dream of being the next 'Kate Allie.' Having that kind of a shtick.
- Summer Sanders
Collection: Dream
Image of James Turrell
I always wanted to make a light that looks like the light you see in your dream. Because the way that light infuses the dream, the way the atmosphere is colored, the way light rains off people with auras and things like that...We don't normally see light like that. But we all know it. So this is no unfamiliar territory - or not unfamiliar light. I like to have this kind of light that reminds us of this other place we know.
- James Turrell
Collection: Dream
Image of Tony Arata
I'll do my dreaming with my eyes wide open, and I'll do my looking back with my eyes closed.
- Tony Arata
Collection: Dream
Image of Marcus Thomas
Speak your dream into existence and the universe will attract the right circumstances and conditions for it to be realized.
- Marcus Thomas
Collection: Dream
Image of Carlos Castaneda
In the Art of Dreaming Don Juan tells Carlos, "... most of our energy goes into upholding our importance... if we were capable of losing some of that importance, two extraordinary things would happen to us. One, we would free our energy from trying to maintain the illusory idea of our grandeur; and two we would provide ourselves with enough energy to ... catch a glimpse of the actual grandeur of the universe."
- Carlos Castaneda
Collection: Dream
Image of Alberta Ferretti
I try to transform a dream's magic into reality.
- Alberta Ferretti
Collection: Dream