Albert Brooks

Image of Albert Brooks
I think anger and laughter are very close to each other, when you think about it.
- Albert Brooks
Collection: Anger
Image of Albert Brooks
Even in my comedies, I don't take anger as a joke. I think anger and laughter are very close to each other, when you think about it. One of the things I like about a character: I always think it's fascinating when a character can turn on a dime and go from one emotion to another. I like watching that.
- Albert Brooks
Collection: Anger
Image of Albert Brooks
I can't not put humor in a book.
- Albert Brooks
Collection: Humor
Image of Albert Brooks
Twitter, to me, works if you're funny. Twitter doesn't work as a promotional tool unless you do it very, very, very occasionally.
- Albert Brooks
Collection: Funny
Image of Albert Brooks
I don't want to be the one to break it to you, but the future ain't that funny.
- Albert Brooks
Collection: Funny
Image of Albert Brooks
Wouldn't it be great if cars came equipped with screens like that thing they have in Times Square that spells out the news? You could punch out your own instant messages: 'Will the small red car with the ugly driver please stay a little further behind?'
- Albert Brooks
Collection: Car
Image of Albert Brooks
I made my living in comedy, but I'm not a silly person. I've got all these sides to me. Even in my movies that I've written myself, the characters sometimes border on great anger or nutsiness or other kinds of behavior. I'm not just doing fart jokes for two hours.
- Albert Brooks
Collection: Anger
Image of Albert Brooks
All improv turns into anger. All comedy improv basically turns into anger, because that's all people know how to do when they're improvising. If you notice shows that are improvising are generally people yelling at each other.
- Albert Brooks
Collection: Anger
Image of Albert Brooks
One of the things I like about a character: I always think it's fascinating when a character can turn on a dime and go from one emotion to another. I like watching that.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I'm a member of the Academy, but I don't know who all the other Academy members are. It's not like a politician who knows who is in the Iowa caucus.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
You know what it is, the reason so many 18-year-olds, 19-year-olds are saying 'Drive' is their favorite movie is that 'Drive' is a 90-minute trip into what a lot of seventies filmmaking was. It encapsulates the best of a certain kind of style, and a style that a lot of people haven't seen before, with the music and the way it's edited.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
What's interesting about books that take place in the future, even twenty years in the future, is that many of them are black or white: It's either a utopia or it's misery. The real truth is that there's going to be both things in any future, just like there is now.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
In my screenplays - from the very beginning I've always used tape. I talk my screenplays. And then have somebody transcribe them.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
Well, you know, with every character, if you're going to expose yourself, you've got to figure out every detail that you're going to play. So there's no character that you can just go put on his shirt and be fully prepared.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
You know, I became a director out of necessity. I was writing comedies, and I couldn't find anybody to deliver it correctly.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I cast unusual people in my movies.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
If you want to be a writer, just write. There's no magic to it.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I'm not a big fan of the post-Armageddon stories, where Denzel Washington is walking around in a torn coat.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
Nobody will leave any place unless they're forced out. That's the nature of humans. Once you're there, you're there. I've never seen anybody get up voluntarily and leave any place.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I've always been the king of silence. I've always been a minimalist comedian. I've taken my influence from Jack Benny, who was the king of that... I've always done 'less is more.'
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
Even though my father was a radio comedian, it wasn't cool to say, at a young age, 'I want to be a comedian.'
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
My friend Harry Nilsson used to say the definition of an artist was someone who rode way ahead of the herd and was sort of the lookout. Now you don't have to be that, to be an artist. You can be right smack-dab in the middle of the herd. If you are, you'll be the richest.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
My mom was a professional. My dad and mom met each other in a movie called 'New Faces of 1937.' My mom went under the name Thelma Leeds, and she did a few movies, and she was really a great singer, and when she married my dad and started to have a family, she sang at parties.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
Normally movies have the same people they use over and over for everything. It's called typecasting. They don't like to take chances. They'll go with the guy they had before.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
This getting old is something. I think I envy my dog, because my dog is sixteen, and she's limping, and she's still living, but she doesn't look at me like she knows. She's not thinking what I'm thinking. It's a cruel trick that we all know the ending.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I don't know how, where, and why the idea for 'Defending Your Life' began; the idea had been bouncing around for a while. Stories like that sort of have to bounce. They don't come out of nowhere. I went through my own period of life with sort of everything turning upside down, and wondering, 'Why is it this way?'
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
'2001' is a really interesting movie because it came out in 1968, and everybody thought that that was possible, and look how ridiculous that was. We don't have ships like that, and you know, nobody in 1968 was going, 'Oh, that'll never happen!' But of course it never happened. We're not even close to it.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I wrote this book, '2030,' and I was careful in the book not to overdo the future because I don't think it comes that fast.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
My audience has lots of people between 20 and 35, but there are always a few 60-year-olds, and it makes me happier than if everyone was 22.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I've been doing comedy since I was two. You know, kids who make other kids laugh. The sickness had set in! I could make my friends' parents laugh; I had a sense of what was silly and funny.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
My roots were in acting. That's all I wanted to be. Even though my father was a radio comedian, it wasn't cool to say, at a young age, 'I want to be a comedian.'
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
My dad played a character on the radio called 'Parkyakarkus.' A Greek-dialect comedian. He did Friars' roasts and wrote material and made people laugh that way. But he wrote his own shows with other writers.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
My dad died right after performing at the Friars' roast for Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz. I have that tape somewhere. There's still a lot of good jokes in there. I mean, that was 1958.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
If people don't love what you're doing, that doesn't mean you're wrong.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I never liked going in the ocean.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
If your last name is Christ, don't name your son Jesus.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
The people on this planet that are trying to live their life, that aren't trying to destroy things, are in the 99.9-percent majority.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
When I started out, I tried out all my stuff on national television. There were no comedy clubs, but even if there were, I don't think I would have gone to them. I used to do stuff in the bathroom, and then I'd drive down to NBC and do it on 'The Golddiggers' with Dean Martin.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I've heard people say, 'There are no bad audiences,' but that's just not true. There are people who just shouldn't be together in a room, who produce a really bad audience.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
My father was very sick around the time I was born. The doctors thought he wouldn't live. He did recover, but I don't remember him as very active. I do remember lots of schtick around the dinner table. Generally, he and my brothers and I were all laughing at the same thing my mother did not find funny, whatever that was.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I guess I was the class clown - with a name like Albert Einstein, you don't hide in the back. I'd read the school bulletin to the class, and I'd add activities and make stuff up. It was good, a good 10 minutes every morning.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I did years of summer stock. I sort of only wanted to be an actor. And then at 19, I was funny, and I had some of these bits that I did for friends, and I immediately could get on television.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
One thing about Los Angeles is it feels like it's not new. It feels like it's already been built, and it's deteriorating, except for the places they're trying to make nicer. But in general, you drive all through the city, and the city feels like it was new a long time ago.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
There are a few giant companies that I love, and I love Amazon. Their customer service is impeccable: sometimes, just for the hell of it, I'll sleep on a mattress for three years and return it.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
In the course of my movies, the financing and the releasing were always the tough part. Because I loved the creative; I loved the writing. I loved the making of it. Because, I guess, I never had the giant blockbuster, I never got that sort of ease for the next one.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
'Finding Nemo' has spawned so many sort of emotions over the years. I don't even know that you could really understand exactly what parents and kids are seeing in it, but they can see a lot of different stuff.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I'm really fond of 'Real Life' because I think it anticipated a whole movement. And people forget, they talk about 'Spinal Tap,' but that wasn't... this was a mockumentary a long time before that. It was one of the early, early sort of mockumentaries.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I don't know; I guess they'll never make another 'Nemo.' I see they're making another 'Monsters, Inc.' I had a wonderful idea for them. I swear to God, I think there could be a great sequel to 'Nemo' where the fish never will leave home. He just won't leave. 'Getting Rid of Nemo.' Right, 'You're 30 years old! Get out of here!'
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
Basically, I still have the privacy that all celebrities crave, except for those celebrities who feel that privacy reflects some kind of failure on their part.
- Albert Brooks
Image of Albert Brooks
I think I present a different side of a male character: a side that is not John Wayne-like, a side that is, in fact, destructible. To some people, that is refreshing, and to other people, especially if they don't know me, it may be disturbing.
- Albert Brooks