Top Cousin Quotes Collection - Page 5

Discover a curated collection of Cousin quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 5 provides more Cousin quotes.

Image of Rodney Dangerfield
My cousins gay, he went to London only to find out that Big Ben was a clock.
- Rodney Dangerfield
Collection: Cousin
Image of Richard Dawkins
People sometimes try to score debating points by saying, Evolution is only a theory. That is correct, but it's important to understand what that means. It is also only a theory that the world goes round the Sun - it's just a theory for which there is an immense amount of evidence. There are many scientific theories that are in doubt. Even within evolution, there is some room for controversy. But that we are cousins of apes and jackals and starfish, let's say, that is a fact in the ordinary sense of the word.
- Richard Dawkins
Collection: Cousin
Image of Eoin Colfer
...I just pulled a pretty big job and needed to hide out for awhile." "...Where's all the loot?" "That, as my cousin Nord would say, is where my improvised lie falls apart." Artemis put two and two together and arrived at a very unpleasant four. "You were here to rob me!" "No, I wasn't. How dare you?!
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Cousin
Image of Andy Cohen
Amber Rose is NOT Charlie's [Rose] cousin. I just want to make sure people know.
- Andy Cohen
Collection: Cousin
Image of Anderson Cooper
I had no idea how many famous people [Andy Cohen] have unintentionally and hilariously insulted of late: Charlie Rose, his cousin Amber Rose, Tori Spelling. . . . the list goes on and on.
- Anderson Cooper
Collection: Cousin
Image of Courteney Cox
Cousins are people that are ready made friends, you have laughs with them and remember good times from a young age, you have fights with them but you always know you love each other, they are a better thing than brothers and sisters and friends cause there all pieced together as one.
- Courteney Cox
Collection: Cousin
Image of Judi Dench
I once said to someone when I was playing Lady Macbeth and they said: "That's tricky, emotionally, what do you do about murdering your husband's cousin?" And there are, of course, things that aren't in your personal repertoire that you have to somehow understand by reading or watching other things and listening to other people talk about them.
- Judi Dench
Collection: Cousin
Image of Ellen DeGeneres
...we should be grateful for them because without our family—the ancestors we descend from, the cousins we see once a year, the loves our lives we see every day—life is pretty boring.
- Ellen DeGeneres
Collection: Cousin
Image of Sarah Dessen
I couldn't imagine what it would be like to be one of so many, to have not just parents and siblings but cousins and aunts and uncles, an entire tribe to claim as your own. Maybe you would feel lost in the crowd. Or sheltered by it. Whatever the case, one things was for sure: like it or not, you'd never be alone.
- Sarah Dessen
Collection: Cousin
Image of Janet Evanovich
You owe me!" -Stephanie "Why do I owe you?" -Joe "I caught your no good cousin." -Stephanie "Yeah and in the process you burned down a funeral home, and damaged thousands of dollars of government property." -Joe "Well if you are going to be picky about it...." -Stephanie
- Janet Evanovich
Collection: Cousin
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Great geniuses have the shortest biographies. Their cousins can tell you nothing about them. They lived in their writings, and sotheir house and street life was trivial and commonplace. If you would know their tastes and complexions, the most admiring of their readers most resembles them.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Cousin
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
If I have renounced the search of truth, if I have come into the port of some pretending dogmatism, some new church, some Schelling or Cousin, I have died to all use of these new events that are born out of prolific time into multitude of life every hour. I am as bankrupt to whom brilliant opportunities offer in vain. He has just foreclosed his freedom, tied his hands, locked himself up and given the key to another to keep.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Cousin
Image of F. Scott Fitzgerald
He's a bootlegger....One time he killed a man who found out that he was nephew to Von Hindenburg and second cousin to the devil.
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
Collection: Cousin
Image of Louise Erdrich
Society is like this card game here, cousin. We got dealt our hand before we were even born, and as we grow we have to play as best as we can.
- Louise Erdrich
Collection: Cousin
Image of Bob Dylan
I'm in love with my second cousin.
- Bob Dylan
Collection: Cousin
Image of Guy Fieri
The thing I have to be willing to do is work - I think I'm the one that is going to actually copyright the term "25/8." You ever hear of the term "25/8?" It's the cousin of "24/7." I have to go "25/8."
- Guy Fieri
Collection: Cousin
Image of Albert Einstein
The solitude and peace of mind are serving me quite well, not the least of which is due to the excellent and truly enjoyable relationship with my cousin; its stability will be guaranteed by the avoidance of marriage.
- Albert Einstein
Collection: Cousin
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
A man is reputed to have thought and eloquence; he cannot, for all that, say a word to his cousin or his uncle. They accuse his silence with as much reason as they would blame the insignificance of a dial in the shade. In the sun it will mark the hour. Among those who enjoy his thought, he will regain his tongue.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Cousin
Image of Indira Gandhi
You found an uncle on one side and a nephew on the other, a cousin here and a cousin there. Besides it's still true today. I'll tell you something else. There was a time when even two ambassadors to Switzerland, the one from India and the one from Pakistan, were two blood brothers. Oh, the Partition imposed on us by the British was so unnatural!
- Indira Gandhi
Collection: Cousin
Image of Janet Frame
I had a cousin once who lived in your dictionary, inside the binding, and there was a tiny hole which he used for a door, and it led out between trichotomy and trick. Now what do you think of that? It was only a few minutes walk to trigger, then over the page to trinity, trinket and trional, and there my cousin used to fall asleep.
- Janet Frame
Collection: Cousin
Image of Stephen Fry
A cousin of mine who was a casualty surgeon in Manhattan tells me that he and his colleagues had a one-word nickname for bikers: Donors. Rather chilling.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Cousin
Image of Selena Gomez
I've gotten to the point where the label of "best friend" is so ridiculous. If you have three people in your life that you can trust, you can consider yourself the luckiest person in the whole world. I have a lot of wonderful people in my life - probably five, collectively - who I can tell everything to. There's Jennifer [Stone], my friend Ashley, and Taylor, and my two cousins.
- Selena Gomez
Collection: Cousin
Image of Stephen Jay Gould
Asian Homo erectus died without issue and does not enter our immediate ancestry (for we evolved from African populations); Neanderthal people were collateral cousins, perhaps already living in Europe while we emerged in Africa... In other words, we are an improbable and fragile entity, fortunately successful after precarious beginnings as a small population in Africa, not the predictable end result of a global tendency. We are a thing, an item of history, not an embodiment of general principles.
- Stephen Jay Gould
Collection: Cousin
Image of Daniel Goleman
The near cousin of optimism is hope: knowing the steps needed to get to a goal and having the energy to pursue those steps. It is a primal motivating force, and its absence is paralyzing.
- Daniel Goleman
Collection: Cousin
Image of Ester Dean
Everyone in my family can sing - my momma can sing, my cousins. I was in the third grade and I was that kid who was so bad in school because I could sing.
- Ester Dean
Collection: Cousin
Image of Jeff Foxworthy
You might be a redneck if your sophisticated show-biz cousin is a rodeo clown.
- Jeff Foxworthy
Collection: Cousin
Image of Jeff Foxworthy
You might be a redneck if you stand under the mistletoe at Christmas and wait for Granny and cousin Sue-Ellen to walk by.
- Jeff Foxworthy
Collection: Cousin
Image of Elizabeth Gilbert
Infatuation is not quite the same thing as love; it's more like love's shady second cousin who's always borrowing money and can't hold down a job.
- Elizabeth Gilbert
Collection: Cousin
Image of Georgette Heyer
If it comes to that," retorted Frederica, with spirt, " I am continually shocked by the things you don't scruple to say to me,cousin! You are quite abominable!" He sighed. "Alas, I know it! The reflection gives me sleepless nights.
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Cousin
Image of John B. S. Haldane
I will jump into the river to save two brothers or eight cousins.
- John B. S. Haldane
Collection: Cousin
Image of Khaled Hosseini
I did see [in Afghanistan] plenty that reminded me of my childhood. I recognised my old neighbourhood, saw my old school, streets where I had played with my brother and cousins.
- Khaled Hosseini
Collection: Cousin
Image of Amber Heard
Many states have laws against cousin marriage, which I think are ridiculous - people should be allowed to make that choice.
- Amber Heard
Collection: Cousin
Image of Chelsea Handler
We spend so much money on these dresses that are terrible. And what do we get out of it? Nothing - a piece of chicken and a roll in the hay with her hillbilly cousin - no thank you. My family's very close; I can do that at home.
- Chelsea Handler
Collection: Cousin
Image of Jane Austen
Mr. Bennet's expectations were fully answered. His cousin was as absurd as he had hoped, and he listened to him with the keenest enjoyment.
- Jane Austen
Collection: Cousin
Image of Jane Austen
Not keep a journal! How are your absent cousins to understand the tenor of your life in Bath without one? How are the civilities and compliments of every day to be related as they ought to be, unless noted down every evening in a journal? How are your various dresses to be remembered, and the particular state of your complexion, and curl of your hair to be described in all their diversities, without having constant recourse to a journal?
- Jane Austen
Collection: Cousin
Image of Alice Hoffman
I loved him even now, as he took a knife to my throat, as I drowned in blood, as I whispered "Cousin, you were wrong. We were born to live.
- Alice Hoffman
Collection: Cousin
Image of Hank Azaria
Historically, there would always be people among the general population who had family members, friends, cousins who'd done time or who'd been in prison.
- Hank Azaria
Collection: Cousin
Image of Henry James
I ought to tell you that I'm probably your cousin.
- Henry James
Collection: Cousin
Image of Eddie Izzard
Queen Victoria, one of our more frumpy Queen's. They're all frumpy aren't they? Because it's a bad idea when cousin's marry.
- Eddie Izzard
Collection: Cousin
Image of David Icke
The Goldschmidts had joined forces with other Rothschild cousins, the Bischoffsheims, to form a banking partnership which financed the North in the American Civil War.
- David Icke
Collection: Cousin
Image of Ella Baker
One of the stories that dominates our family literature was the fact that my maternal grandfather contracted for - I don't know under what terms - but, for a large section of the old slave plantation. He established himself - sisters and brothers, cousins, etc. on fifty- and sixty-acre plots.
- Ella Baker
Collection: Cousin
Image of Anthony Jeselnik
I can't talk politics with my cousin because he's such a hypocrite. He's against the death penalty and he hanged himself.
- Anthony Jeselnik
Collection: Cousin
Image of Samuel L. Jackson
I was Gator in Jungle Fever, and Chris Rock played Pookie, and those showed two very different dynamics of what crackheads were. Mine was more about the family relationships. So when people sat there and got that, they can sit there and say, "Oh, man, that's my friend." Or "That's my brother." Or cousin or somebody. They empathize, or they had something that they could latch onto, in that particular movie, of my story, and go with it.
- Samuel L. Jackson
Collection: Cousin
Image of Sue Monk Kidd
Where do you come from?"...This is the number one most-asked question in all of South Carolina. We want to know if you are one of us, if your cousin knows our cousin, if your little sister went to school with our big brother, if you go to the same Baptist church as our ex-boss. We are looking for ways our stories fit together.
- Sue Monk Kidd
Collection: Cousin
Image of Garry Kasparov
Chess is far too complex to be definitively solved with any technology we can conceive of today. However, our looked-down-upon cousin, checkers, or draughts, suffered this fate quite recently thanks to the work of Jonathan Schaeffer at the University of Alberta and his unbeatable program Chinook.
- Garry Kasparov
Collection: Cousin
Image of Jillian Hervey
Half of my family is in Los Angeles, so my cousin was the first person to play me, like, Snoop Dogg, and I would always feel like 'Omg I shouldn't be listening to this,' and my other cousin was the first to introduce me to Aaliyah, so every time I'd go to the West Coast, I'd get those West Coast vibes.
- Jillian Hervey
Collection: Cousin
Image of Talib Kweli
You see somebody rapping and you're like, "Nah, my cousin can do that." You're spoiled by the experience. Overseas, it's still something that people can appreciate.
- Talib Kweli
Collection: Cousin
Image of John Lewis
I was so inspired by Dr. King that in 1956 with my brothers and sisters and first cousins, I was only 16 years old, we went down to the public library trying to check out some books and we were told by the librarian that the library was for whites only and not for colors! It was a public library! I never went back to that public library until July 5th, 1998, by this time I'm in the Congress, for a book signing of my book "Walking with the Wind"
- John Lewis
Collection: Cousin
Image of Ninon de L'Enclos
Indiscretion and wickedness, be it known, are first cousins.
- Ninon de L'Enclos
Collection: Cousin