Top Cat Quotes Collection - Page 10

Discover a curated collection of Cat quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 10 provides more Cat quotes.

Image of Camille Paglia
Cats are autocrats of naked self-interest.
- Camille Paglia
Collection: Cat
Image of George Orwell
Last of all came the cat, who looked round, as usual, for the warmest place, and finally squeezed herself in between Boxer and Clover; there she purred contentedly throughout Major's speech without listening to a word of what he was saying.
- George Orwell
Collection: Cat
Image of Charles Dudley Warner
If there was any petting to be done...he chose to do it. Often he would sit looking at me, and then, moved by a delicate affection, come and pull at my coat and sleeve until he could touch my face with his nose, and then go away contented.
- Charles Dudley Warner
Collection: Cat
Image of Theodore Roethke
The stones were sharp, The wind came at my back; Walking along the highway, Mincing like a cat.
- Theodore Roethke
Collection: Cat
Image of Elizabeth Chandler
Quick, how do you pick up a cat?" "Buy her a drink.
- Elizabeth Chandler
Collection: Cat
Image of Nalini Singh
She watched as he settled down on the bed with Naya skin to skin on his chest. His hand all but covered her tiny body as he stroked her in that changeling way, bonding with her on the most elemental level. Then he purred, and Naya made a happy little sound of delight, very much a cat in her love of touch.
- Nalini Singh
Collection: Cat
Image of Arthur Schopenhauer
The reason domestic pets are so lovable and so helpful to us is because they enjoy, quietly and placidly, the present moment.
- Arthur Schopenhauer
Collection: Cat
Image of Mark Twain
The cat, having sat upon a hot stove lid, will not sit upon a hot stove lid again. Nor upon a cold stove lid.
- Mark Twain
Collection: Cat
Image of Mark Twain
When there was room on the ledge outside of the pots and boxes for a cat, the cat was there- in sunny weather- stretched at full length, asleep and blissful, with her furry belly to the sun and a paw curved over her nose.
- Mark Twain
Collection: Cat
Image of Mark Twain
If you shamefully misuse a cat once she will always maintain a dignified reserve toward you afterward. You will never get her full confidence again.
- Mark Twain
Collection: Cat
Image of Agnes Repplier
A kitten is the most irresistible comedian in the world. Its wide-open eyes gleam with wonder and mirth. It darts madly at nothing at all, and then, as though suddenly checked in the pursuit, prances sideways on its hind legs with ridiculous agility and zeal.
- Agnes Repplier
Collection: Cat
Image of Jane Hirshfield
In the dictionary of Cat, mercy is missing.
- Jane Hirshfield
Collection: Cat
Image of Jane Hirshfield
Leave a door open long enough, a cat will enter. Leave food, it will stay.
- Jane Hirshfield
Collection: Cat
Image of William Carlos Williams
Outside, the north wind, coming and passing, swelling and dying, lifts the frozen sand drives it a-rattle against the lidless windows and we may dear sit stroking the cat stroking the cat and smiling sleepily, prrrr.
- William Carlos Williams
Collection: Cat
Image of Russell Brand
There's an interconnectivity between what's in the consciousness of cat and what's in the consciousness of us.
- Russell Brand
Collection: Cat
Image of Emily Bronte
I can say with sincerity that I like cats... A cat is an animal which has more human feelings than almost any other.
- Emily Bronte
Collection: Cat
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
Maggie the cat is alive. I'm alive.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Cat
Image of Tennessee Williams
Like a cat on a hot tin roof.
- Tennessee Williams
Collection: Cat
Image of Erin Hunter
Because I'm a Thunderclan cat like you," she replied, ad darker shadow in the darkness of the tunnel. "My name is Hollyleaf
- Erin Hunter
Collection: Cat
Image of Erin Hunter
Dovewing felt bone-weary from her ears to the tip of her tail. Just because she had better hearing, sharper senses than any cat didn't seem to give her more strength. She needed to rest, eat, talk with Jayfeather and Lionblaze about the challenge that sol had left them with, of hostile Clans that would be crushed by the dark forest if they tried to fight alone. Starclan, light my path, please. "Come on," she meowed to Hollyleaf. "It's time we went home. Our Clnmates are waitning for us P. 315
- Erin Hunter
Collection: Cat
Image of Erin Hunter
You know Yellowfang, don't you? she was cranky, stubborn, impatient-and the most loyal cat you will ever meet.
- Erin Hunter
Collection: Cat
Image of Erin Hunter
Three young cats with starlight in their eyes and the whisper of ancient wind in their fur." -Rock, Cats of the Clans
- Erin Hunter
Collection: Cat
Image of Erin Hunter
You're going to find Tigerstar. Against that fiend, every cat is helpless.
- Erin Hunter
Collection: Cat
Image of Douglas Coupland
What if it was cats who invented technology, would they have TV shows starring rubber sqeaky toys?
- Douglas Coupland
Collection: Cat
Image of Oscar Wilde
And let me touch those curving claws of yellow ivory; and grasp the tail that like a monstrous asp coils round your heavy velvet paws.
- Oscar Wilde
Collection: Cat
Image of Swami Vivekananda
[Not parroting.] My old Master used to say, "It is all very good to teach the parrot to say, 'Lord, Lord, Lord' all the time; but let the cat come and take hold of its neck, it forgets all about it" [You may] pray all the time, read all the scriptures in the world, and worship all the gods there are, [but] unless you realise the soul there is no freedom. Not talking, theorising, argumentation, but realisation. That I call practical religion.
- Swami Vivekananda
Collection: Cat
Image of Henry David Thoreau
It is not worth the while to go round the world to count the cats in Zanzibar. Yet do this even till you can do better, and you may perhaps find some "Symmes' Hole" by which to get at the inside at last.
- Henry David Thoreau
Collection: Cat
Image of Maria V. Snyder
Besides, thinking kind thoughts about Valek could be extremely dangerous. I could admire his skills, and be relieved when he was on my side in a fight. But for a rat to like the cat? That scenario ended only one way. With one dead rat.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Cat
Image of Tamora Pierce
Curiosity killed the cat,” Fesgao remarked, his dark eyes unreadable. Aly rolled her eyes. Why did everyone say that to her? “People always forget the rest of the saying,” she complained. “‘And satisfaction brought it back.
- Tamora Pierce
Collection: Cat
Image of Arundhati Roy
With the certitude of a true believer, Vellya Paapen had assured the twins that there was no such thing in the world as a black cat. He said that there were only black cat chaped holes in the universe.
- Arundhati Roy
Collection: Cat
Image of Terry Pratchett
Maurice watched them argue again. Humans, eh? Think they're lords of creation. Not like us cats. We know we are. Ever see a cat feed a human? Case proven.
- Terry Pratchett
Collection: Cat
Image of H. G. Wells
Room to swing a cat, it seemed was absolutely essential. It was an infrequent but indispensable operation.
- H. G. Wells
Collection: Cat
Image of Francis Schaeffer
The value of the things is not in themselves autonomously, but that God made them, and thus they deserve to be treated with high respect. The tree in the field is to be treated with respect. It is not to be romanticized as the old lady romanticizes her cat (that is, she reads human reactions into it). This is wrong because it is not true. When you drive the axe into the tree when you need firewood, you are not cutting down a person; you are cutting down a tree. But while we should not romanticize the tree, we must realize God made it and it deserves respect because He made is as a tree.
- Francis Schaeffer
Collection: Cat
Image of J.R. Ward
Phury nodded. "And if she lives with us, we get to keep the cat.
- J.R. Ward
Collection: Cat
Image of Mark Twain
I simply can't resist a cat, particularly a purring one.
- Mark Twain
Collection: Cat
Image of Barack Obama
It was basic research in the photoelectric field-in the photoelectric effect that would one day lead to solar panels. It was basic research in physics that would eventually produce the CAT scan. The calculations of today's GPS satellites are based on the equations that Einstein put to paper more than a century ago.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Cat
Image of Ice T
You know, the radio never wanted you to speak about anything, so the music is kinda influenced by the hands of the radio which wants to homogenize it and dilute it and sanitize it. And for the most part, nobody's takin' the time to seek out the cats that are still tryin' to talk, so they have a difficult time being heard.
- Ice T
Collection: Cat
Image of George Mikes
On the Continent stray cats are judged individually on their merit-some are loved, some are only respected; in England they are universally worshipped as in ancient Egypt.
- George Mikes
Collection: Cat
Image of Erin Hunter
Fireheart tensed, waiting for whatever had hunted down these apprentices to emerge from the trees and attack, but nothing stirred. Feeling as if his legs hardly belonged to him, he sprang down and stumbled across to Swiftpaw. The apprentice lay on his side, his legs splayed out. His black-and-white fur was torn, and his body was covered with dreadful wounds, ripped by teeth far bigger than any cat's. His jaws still snarled and his eyes glared. He was dead, and Fireheart could see that he had died fighting.
- Erin Hunter
Collection: Cat
Image of Erin Hunter
Being Tigerstar's son has meant I've had to win the trust of every ThunderClan cat over and over. So I know how frustrating it is when you have to prove something that shouldn't need proving.
- Erin Hunter
Collection: Cat
Image of Erin Hunter
All she's caught is fleas! She's a medicine cat, not a warrior. She should be helping me, not trying to pretend that her entire history vanished on the day the truth came out.
- Erin Hunter
Collection: Cat
Image of Marjane Satrapi
A cat can never be well-trained because they're too independent.
- Marjane Satrapi
Collection: Cat
Image of Marjane Satrapi
A well-trained cat doesn't exist because a cat remains a cat.
- Marjane Satrapi
Collection: Cat
Image of Agnes Repplier
The vanity of man revolts from the serene indifference of the cat.
- Agnes Repplier
Collection: Cat
Image of Terry Pratchett
Vampires have risen from the dead, the grave, and the crypt, but have never managed it from the cat.
- Terry Pratchett
Collection: Cat
Image of Andy Rooney
A cat's idea of a 'good time' is to kill something.
- Andy Rooney
Collection: Cat
Image of Patricia Briggs
If you could just see your face,” she told me. “You look like a cat in a bathtub.
- Patricia Briggs
Collection: Cat
Image of Muriel Barbery
Don't let the cat out or the concierge in: this is the first principle of socialist ladies.
- Muriel Barbery
Collection: Cat
Image of Clay Shirky
When you make the claim that something on the Internet is going to be good for democracy, you often [hear], 'Are you talking about the thing with the singing cats?'
- Clay Shirky
Collection: Cat