Maria V. Snyder

Image of Maria V. Snyder
There is a reason for everything. You might not be able to figure it out, and time might have made us all forget it, but the reason is there all the same.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Might
Image of Maria V. Snyder
Positive thoughts lead to positive results.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Stay Positive
Image of Maria V. Snyder
Trusting is hard. Knowing who to trust, even harder.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Trust
Image of Maria V. Snyder
But you've slipped under my skin, invaded my blood and seized my heart.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Love
Image of Maria V. Snyder
Yelena, you've driven me crazy. You've caused me considerable trouble and I've contemplated ending your life twice since I've known you." Valek's warm breath in my ear sent a shiver down my spine. "But you’ve slipped under my skin, invaded my blood and seized my heart.” “That sounds more like a poison than a person,” was all I could say. His confession had both shocked and thrilled me. “Exactly,” Valek replied. “You have poisoned me.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Crazy
Image of Maria V. Snyder
I offer my heart, entrust my soul and give my life to you.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Heart
Image of Maria V. Snyder
I never said it would be easy. Giving up is easy.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Maria V. Snyder
Knowledge, whatever the form, could be as effective as a weapon.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Weapons
Image of Maria V. Snyder
You can't let the past ruin your future.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Past
Image of Maria V. Snyder
You're right. And so was my snake." Snake?" He pulled my arm out to expose my bracelet. "When I carved this my thoughts were on you, love. Your life is like this snake's coils. No matter how many turns it makes, you'll end up back where you belong. With me.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Snakes
Image of Maria V. Snyder
Life is like molten glass. It flows, it's flexible, it can be molded and shaped and...what do you say? Ah, yes. It holds vast potential. You have a number of uncertainties in your melt right now. But they will always be there in one form or another. Always. Unlike molten glass, life can't be fixed or frozen into a pretty vase and placed on a shelf to gather dust.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Glasses
Image of Maria V. Snyder
Knowing and believing are sometimes hard to combine.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Believe
Image of Maria V. Snyder
Everyone makes choices in life. Some bad, some good. It's called living, and if you want to bow out, then go right ahead. But don't do it halfway. Don't linger in whiner's limbo.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Choices
Image of Maria V. Snyder
No hope, is worse than fear.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: No Hope
Image of Maria V. Snyder
Everyone grieves in different ways. For some, it could take longer or shorter. I do know it never disappears. An ember still smolders inside me. Most days, I don’t notice it, but, out of the blue, it’ll flare to life.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Grief
Image of Maria V. Snyder
I remembered my little brother, Allyn, had appeared so innocent and angelic when he slept--similar to Kerrick. It must be a survival tactic. If Allyn hadn't looked so sweet, we would have killed him while he slept. He had been pure evil when he was awake--similar to Kerrick.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Sweet
Image of Maria V. Snyder
I’ll have you know that the most delicate flowers often produce the strongest scent when crushed.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Flower
Image of Maria V. Snyder
At first, it feels as if she has vanished forever, and all traces are destroyed. But later, when the pain of loss doesn't overwhelm all your other feelings, every time you think of her, or hear her voice in your head, or remember a happy time together, you realize she's still a part of you and will never be totally gone.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Pain
Image of Maria V. Snyder
Why is she convinced Ambrose is out to get her" Leif asked "Ambrose?" Yelena raised a slender eyebrow. She carried a tray of tea and fruit. "You're on a first name basis with the Commander now?" "I usually call him Amby, but not in mixed company.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Eyebrows
Image of Maria V. Snyder
Let's go. We're supposed to rendezvous with the Captain at the lake. Oh, and try to keep the noise down. You sound like a panicked moose crashing through the woods," the smarter man chided. "Oh yeah. Like you could hear me over your specially trained 'woodland-animal footsteps,'" Rough Voice countered. "It was like listening to two deer humping each other.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Men
Image of Maria V. Snyder
Living is a risk," I snapped at him. "Every decision, every interaction, every step, every time you get out of bed in the morning, you take a risk. To survive is to know you're taking that risk and to not get out of bed clutching illusions of safety.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Morning
Image of Maria V. Snyder
You’re better off fighting hand to hand than wielding a weapon you don’t know how to use. A skilled opponent would simply disarm you. Then your troubles would be doubled. Not only would you be under attack, but you’d have to counter your own weapon
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Fighting
Image of Maria V. Snyder
Nothing says you care for me better than offering to torture my enemies." He grinned. "No sense doing things halfhearted. And to think, some girls have to endure listening to poetry.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Girl
Image of Maria V. Snyder
In the war room, love? What if someone comes in?” I stood and removed his shirt. “Then they’ll have a good story to tell.” “Good?” He adopted the pretense of being offended. “Prove me wrong.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: War
Image of Maria V. Snyder
“Don’t worry, there are many safeguards in place. Unless you want me to have Logan explain—” “No! I trust you.” He clutched his hands to his chest. “She… Gasp… Trusts me! Call for medical aid stat!” I swung at him, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to my feet. Snaking his arms around my waist, he said, “We need to celebrate this momentous occasion.” "What are we celebrating?" Jacob Ashon, Riley's father, asked from the doorway.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Father
Image of Maria V. Snyder
Sorry. An overdeveloped nurturing instinct comes with being a healer.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Sorry
Image of Maria V. Snyder
No," I said. "I'm not safe, Belen. Who is going to tear Kerrick's arm off if he hits me again? Come on," I urged. "Stay with us".
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Tears
Image of Maria V. Snyder
Flea stared at us, "I can't decide what's worse. Losing family members or not having a family member to lose.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Fleas
Image of Maria V. Snyder
The Queen Seeker was back!
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Queens
Image of Maria V. Snyder
An execution order hasn’t kept us apart before. There are ways to get around it. We will be together.” “Is that an order?” “No, a promise.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Order
Image of Maria V. Snyder
You're easily distracted by the pattern of the cloth and can't see the quality of the threads.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Quality
Image of Maria V. Snyder
No. I took this job in self-defense. Quain burns everything. Belen thinks jerky is all we need to survive. Flea's idea of a good meal is something that hasn't been in a garbage can first. And Kerrick poisoned us-' 'Not on purpose,' Kerrick said. 'The meat looked done.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Jobs
Image of Maria V. Snyder
You had me tied in knots. You saved Belen's life, and I wanted to kill and thank you all at the same time. And during those nights when we didn't know if you'd live or die, I went from being angry, to worried to frustrated to scared all within a single heartbeat. If you had die, I would have killed you.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Night
Image of Maria V. Snyder
It’s your fault. I was defending you!” I blurted. He paused. “In protecting my honor, you exposed months of work. I should be flattered?
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Honor
Image of Maria V. Snyder
Here we go. Kerrick was as subtle as a thunderstorm.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Thunderstorm
Image of Maria V. Snyder
Skewer is just too vague. I think if you say, ’Stand back or I’ll stab him in the stomach,’ then I have an idea about how serious you are. After all, Leif’s stomach is his favorite body part so that’s a decent threat.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Thinking
Image of Maria V. Snyder
It had been wishful thinking, plain and simple, dangerous for me to indulge in. Hope, happiness and freedom were not in my future.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Simple
Image of Maria V. Snyder
My cheek stung and throbbed. I remained on the floor of the cave. Belen stood between me and Kerrick. "...temper in check. She's a sweet girl," Belen said. "She's a healer, Belen. And no longer a girl. Healing Ryne is all I care about. All you should care about, as well. You know-" "Yes, I know what's at stake." Belen spat the words. "But if you raise your hand to her again, I'll rip your arm from its socket.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Girl
Image of Maria V. Snyder
Ah, Kerry. You've found your heart. Who is she?" ... "A healer, but she's... gone.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Heart
Image of Maria V. Snyder
She's the nicest person I know." Zila chewed on her lower lip. "Well, the second nicest. Avry's the first.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Firsts
Image of Maria V. Snyder
Ursan flourished the knife, threatening me. "Talk, or I'll start cutting off body parts." "Yours? Or mine?" I kept my voice steady despite my insides twisting into goo. "It's an important distinction.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Cutting
Image of Maria V. Snyder
Don’t worry," I said. "These men are good. They’re going to heal the world.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Men
Image of Maria V. Snyder
You could change into a goat and it would still apply.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Goats
Image of Maria V. Snyder
You’ve only had a small glimpse of how insufferable and annoying I can be. As the older brother, it’s my birthright.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Brother
Image of Maria V. Snyder
It's the effort, not the results that matter.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Effort
Image of Maria V. Snyder
Besides, thinking kind thoughts about Valek could be extremely dangerous. I could admire his skills, and be relieved when he was on my side in a fight. But for a rat to like the cat? That scenario ended only one way. With one dead rat.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Cat
Image of Maria V. Snyder
In keeping with his cryptic nature, all your Story Weaver said was 'The horses know where to go.' It's certainly not a military strategy I would use, but I've learned that the south uses its own strategy. And, strangely enough, it works.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Horse
Image of Maria V. Snyder
Valek: You know a death sentence hasn't kept us apart before. Yelena: Is that an order Valek? Valek: No, it's a promise!
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Order
Image of Maria V. Snyder
As her newest apprentice, it had been my job to go to the market every morning. I had gotten all the jobs no one else wanted, but I had treated each task as if it had been essential to do well -- a trick I had learned from my father.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Morning
Image of Maria V. Snyder
I did what any good rat would do. I bit down on the guard's hand until I tasted blood.
- Maria V. Snyder
Collection: Blood