Ice T

Image of Ice T
I'm just disillusioned with the hip-hop sound right now. It's too materialistic. You know, I'm the kind of guy ... I can't do that. If you track my movement, you'll never see a picture of me with any girl that wasn't mine, or my own car. My jewelry, my clothes. What kind of gangsta rapper has a stylist? A stylist?!
- Ice T
Collection: Car
Image of Ice T
Being cool is when you win, you don't get too happy; and when you lose, you don't get too mad.
- Ice T
Collection: Cool
Image of Ice T
Redemption just means you just make a change in your life and you try to do right, versus what you were doing, which was wrong.
- Ice T
Collection: Change
Image of Ice T
When I was in the 12th grade, I got my girlfriend pregnant. I just got out of school, she was a 10th-grader. I'm a teen parent, and I'm at a point where I'm like, 'Man I've got to do something.'
- Ice T
Collection: Teen
Image of Ice T
A good emcee will rhyme a lot of different ways. Don't limit yourself.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
I was born in Newark, New Jersey, and grew up in Summit, an upscale town in north Jersey. There was this tiny area of Summit where most of the black families lived. My parents and I lived in a duplex house on Williams Street.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
If it sells, it sells. If it doesn't sell, I'll go make a movie.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
Jay-Z is like a rap-savant, he doesn't have to write the rhymes down, he can create complex raps in his head. I mean he does memorize it, he just doesn't write it down on paper. He doesn't freestyle onto the track, it's all thought out.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
Ice-T in the music has done some outrageous things.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
Los Angeles is a microcosm of the United States. If L.A. falls, the country falls.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
If I'm going to be a jazz player, I need to understand Miles Davis.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
Military is a great place for a jock. That's the first thing they test you, they test you physically. If you can run, if you can do the pushups, it's not as hard a transition. If you can't do that, you're going to have a problem because they're going to really work it out of you or work it into you.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
I started rapping before anybody had ever bought a car from it. It was truly about the art form and the culture, more so than now, where it's a successful way to make money. Back then you had to be doing it because you liked it.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
I've never been competitive with anybody but myself.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
I make an effort to keep it as real as I possibly can.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
We have groups that do that, but I can't rap with the mentality of an 18 year old when I'm in my 30's.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
If I do a song where I'm angry, when it's time to perform it live I'm not mad, I'm happy. I'm at a concert. But I have to somehow drum up that rage. That's acting.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
An MC is somebody who can control the crowd. An MC is a master of ceremonies so not only can you say your rap, you can rock the party.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
I think everybody wants to redeem themselves after they've done something that might be considered negative. I don't think anyone wants to go to the grave negative.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
I'm on the front line and I am a rapper.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
If you're really a rapper, you can't stop rapping.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
AIDS is such a scary thing and it's also the kind of thing that you think won't happen to you. It can happen to you and it's deadly serious.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
You can't come out on a record dissing the system and be on a label that's connected to the system.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
You have to come in on a professional level to make it, otherwise you just can't get into rap.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
I think that men need to have a little bit of manism. You have feminism. I don't have a problem with that.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
My mother passed when I was in the third grade, my father when I was in the seventh, and that's when I was shipped to Los Angeles to live with an aunt.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
The next day, I got a phone call from him and he told me to come and read for a movie called New Jack City. So I went over there and they told me I was gonna wear dreads and play a cop.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
I've never read for a movie, I've always been given them.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
So from an actor's perspective, you really have no idea how you're acting.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
As an actor, you can do what you want with your role. That's why they hire you; to take the role and make it real.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
I'm a big fan of all styles, even Biggie and Wu-Tang, but I gotta do my thing.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
I want to be able to say that a rap career could be ten albums.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
Everything we do helps the new artists in the long run.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
I'm competitive in that I would like to outsell my last record.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
I'll never sell 14 million like Hammer, I just wanna do a good Ice-T show.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
Any New York group can come to L.A. and sell out every show, but an L.A. group who goes to New York might not do the same because the audience hasn't been introduced to the group.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
I ain't got no beef with east coast, I think it's just being hyped up.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
I don't have to put out another rap record. I can do it at my casual pace.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
I'm at a point where I don't have to wait for the income from the record to survive, so I'm in a comfortable zone, but I'll make rap records as long as I feel I have something to rap about.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
When I first got into the rap game, I had an early dream of unifying rappers.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
I have to grow with my audience.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
The best way to listen to the album is to put it on, get some Moet, lay back with your boys, and kick it.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
Well, I am very happy that I was able to play a part in bringing music from the streets onto the radio and into modern culture, I worked very hard and always believed in the sounds I was creating.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
Ultimately I am happy that everybody is embracing hip hop and the sounds from the streets.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
Oh man, nobody is as tough as Mr T. Ice T is pretty tough though as well.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
So you don't have to take us too seriously; I mean, we're already intimidating enough on stage.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
I mean rappin' to me is easy, it's something you can do over a week.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
As long as I'm around the cats in the hip hop scene, they'll throw me a track and I'll write a rap over it.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
When you start a business, go for the lowest hanging fruit.
- Ice T
Image of Ice T
The right to bear arms is because it's the last form of defense against tyranny.
- Ice T