Top America Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of America quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more America quotes.

Image of Janet Reno
America has become numb to violence because it just drowns in it, day in and day out.
- Janet Reno
Collection: America
Image of Robert Olen Butler
Jayne Anne Phillips . . . is at the height of her powers in Lark and Termite. . . . This is a major novel from one of America's finest writers.
- Robert Olen Butler
Collection: America
Image of Bill O'Reilly
The truth is the committed left press in America is not longer interest in reporting the news. Anything that hinders a favorable view of the far left will be ignored; anything that advances liberal causes will be celebrated. News reporting today is largely about ideology and shaping the culture, not about informing the public.
- Bill O'Reilly
Collection: America
Image of Vladimir Putin
Maybe they have nothing else to do in America but to talk about me.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: America
Image of Steve Erickson
Western music is arguably America's greatest contribution to the 20th century, cultural or otherwise.
- Steve Erickson
Collection: America
Image of Mary Pipher
People come here penniless but not cultureless. They bring us gifts. We can synthesize the best of our traditions with the best of theirs. We can teach and learn from each other to produce a better America.
- Mary Pipher
Collection: America
Image of Julian Bond
There's this big debate that goes on in America about what rights are: Civil rights, human rights, what they are? it's an artificial debate. Because everybody has rights. Everybody has rights - I don't care who you are, what you do, where you come from, how you were born, what your race or creed or color is. You have rights. Everybody's got rights.
- Julian Bond
Collection: America
Image of Will Rogers
America has the best politicians money can buy.
- Will Rogers
Collection: America
Image of Gary Miller
In 2001, America 's hospitals provided nearly $21 billion in uncompensated health care services
- Gary Miller
Collection: America
Image of Mikhail Saakashvili
America has value-based leadership. America is valued - America is followed by other nations, including my own nation, because it's based on the values that America has to offer to the rest of the world - freedom, freedom of choice, democracy, open market.
- Mikhail Saakashvili
Collection: America
Image of Bharati Mukherjee
In other words, my literary agenda begins by acknowledging that America has transformed me. It does not end until I show how I (and the hundreds of thousands like me) have transformed America.
- Bharati Mukherjee
Collection: America
Image of Natan Sharansky
When did America forget that it's America?
- Natan Sharansky
Collection: America
Image of Mandy Patinkin
Who is the bad guy? Is America possibly the bad guy?
- Mandy Patinkin
Collection: America
Image of Walter Reuther
Profit sharing in the form of stock distributions to workers would help to democratize the ownership of America's vast corporate wealth which is today appallingly undemocratic and unhealthy.
- Walter Reuther
Collection: America
Image of Hunter S. Thompson
The downward spiral of Dumbness in America is about to hit a new low.
- Hunter S. Thompson
Collection: America
Image of Wilma Rudolph
I would be disappointed if I were remembered as a runner because I feelthat my contribution to the youth of America has far exceeded the woman who was the Olympic champion.
- Wilma Rudolph
Collection: America
Image of Andrew O'Hagan
As a writer I care about America, and care about its carelessness.
- Andrew O'Hagan
Collection: America
Image of Ed Rendell
The I-95 bridges were built in the early 1960s and are now more than 50 years old. The same vintage as the I-35 bridge that collapsed in Minnesota back in 2007, killing 13 people and injuring 145. The antiquated Skagit River Bridge in Washington state that collapsed last May after a truck hit one of the trusses was even older. And it's not just bridges. According to the American Society of Civil Engineers, 32 percent of the major roads in America are now in poor condition and in need of major repairs.
- Ed Rendell
Collection: America
Image of Al Sharpton
America has to make America become a better place for all Americans, and that`s all of us participating.
- Al Sharpton
Collection: America
Image of Tim Robbins
If you say, I'm living in America and I have freedom of speech but I choose not to use it because it's going to cost me, well, you're not living in freedom. You're not free.
- Tim Robbins
Collection: America
Image of Roger Tory Peterson
I can recognize the calls of practically every bird in North America. There are some in Africa I don't know, though
- Roger Tory Peterson
Collection: America
Image of Thomas Pynchon
this is america, you live in it, you let it happen. let it unfurl.
- Thomas Pynchon
Collection: America
Image of Harry S. Truman
I wonder how many times you have to be hit on the head before you find out who's hitting you? It's about time that the people of America realized what the Republicans have been doing to them.
- Harry S. Truman
Collection: America
Image of Ednita Nazario
In America, music is more tightly categorized
- Ednita Nazario
Collection: America
Image of Karl Rove
The president has an obligation to serve all the people of America.
- Karl Rove
Collection: America
Image of Karl Rove
It's time to put America at the front of all of our agendas and to find ways to work together on common ground.
- Karl Rove
Collection: America
Image of Garry Trudeau
America is one of the few places where the failure to promote oneself is widely regarded as arrogance.
- Garry Trudeau
Collection: America
Image of Jon Voight
We are witnessing a slow, steady takeover of our true freedoms. We are becoming a socialist nation, and whoever can't see this is probably hoping it isn't true. If we permit Mr. Obama to take over all our industries, if we permit him to raise our taxes to support unconstitutional causes, then we will be in default. This great America will become a paralyzed nation.
- Jon Voight
Collection: America
Image of Leonard Peltier
As to whether I will ever get out, it will obviously take some large measures of public opinion because the judiciary system of America is totally interlaced with bureaucratic influences that perpetuate FBI control over judges, prosecutors and court proceedings.
- Leonard Peltier
Collection: America
Image of Ezra Pound
America is a lunatic asylum.
- Ezra Pound
Collection: America
Image of Candice S. Miller
Regardless of all of the ways that the media have changed in recent years, one thing that will never go out of style in America is the ability of a free press to keep the public accurately and honestly informed about its government.
- Candice S. Miller
Collection: America
Image of Janet Napolitano
One of the most striking elements of today's threat picture is that plots to attack America increasingly involve American residents and citizens.
- Janet Napolitano
Collection: America
Image of Nicholas Murray Butler
The more that one studies the history of the building of the American nation, the clearer it becomes that it may be justly described as a laboratory experiment in understanding and in solving the world problems of tomorrow.
- Nicholas Murray Butler
Collection: America
Image of Tom Bodett
In the America I see from here, anything is possible - especially the impossible.
- Tom Bodett
Collection: America
Image of Orson F. Whitney
The fetters of tyranny were not stricken from America for the sake of Americans alone.
- Orson F. Whitney
Collection: America
Image of Howard Nemerov
This Constitutional Republic called America is an historic aberration. Any honest student of history will note that the prevailing socio-economic system is feudalism, where a tiny minority control the vast majority of wealth, power, and resources. In doing so, they have absolute control over the 99% of the population. Power equals control.
- Howard Nemerov
Collection: America
Image of Sam Rockwell
I was certainly naïve about the judicial system in America. There's a lot of people who are in prison who are innocent. The system is very flawed.
- Sam Rockwell
Collection: America
Image of Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
For most Americans the Constitution had become a hazy document, cited like the Bible on ceremonial occasions but forgotten in the daily transactions of life.
- Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
Collection: America
Image of Gil Scott-Heron
America .. the international Jekyll and Hyde ... the land of a thousand disguises, sneaks up on you but rarely surprises
- Gil Scott-Heron
Collection: America
Image of Walter Winchell
Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. America from border to border and coast to coast and all the ships at sea. Let's go to press.
- Walter Winchell
Collection: America
Image of Walter Winchell
America - love it or leave it.
- Walter Winchell
Collection: America
Image of George Lincoln Rockwell
We must put an end to both economic freeloading and economic exploitation in America. There must be no place for parasites who draw their sustenance from society without giving anything in return.
- George Lincoln Rockwell
Collection: America
Image of Shashi Tharoor
If America is a melting pot, then to me India is a thali--a selection of sumptuous dishes in different bowls. Each tastes different, and does not necessarily mix with the next but they belong together on the same plate, and they complement each other in making the meal a satisfying repast.
- Shashi Tharoor
Collection: America
Image of Tom Morello
This unprecedented racism, bigotry and proto-fascist agenda that Donald Trump is trying to shove down America's throat has unleashed the resistance that will dethrone him.
- Tom Morello
Collection: America
Image of Victoria Principal
I'm about to become a member of the Chemists Society of America. I'm very proud of that
- Victoria Principal
Collection: America
Image of Ivanka Trump
The beauty of America is people can do what they like.
- Ivanka Trump
Collection: America
Image of Spiro T. Agnew
A narrow and distorted picture of America often emerges from the televised news. A single dramatic piece of the mosaic becomes, in the minds of millions, the entire picture.
- Spiro T. Agnew
Collection: America
Image of Tim Scott
Just it's as close to magic as you can get in America, education.
- Tim Scott
Collection: America
Image of Mitt Romney
Well you'd see a very dramatic change in the perspective of small businesses, entrepreneurs, middle-size businesses, and perhaps even some large multinationals. They'd say, you know what, America looks like a good place to invest again, a good place to take risk, a good place to hire again.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: America