Top America Quotes Collection - Page 3

Discover a curated collection of America quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 3 provides more America quotes.

Image of Brent Scowcroft
America is stronger than any state probably since the Roman Empire. But we can't do what used to be done with that kind of strength.
- Brent Scowcroft
Collection: America
Image of Frank Miller
Superman punched out Hitler. So did Captain America. That's one of the things they're there for.
- Frank Miller
Collection: America
Image of Jeremy Paxman
I have not a clue why they sent it to me. As far as I know I have not got a reputation as a receiver of stolen goods.
- Jeremy Paxman
Collection: America
Image of Les Paul
It's not jazz as we know jazz here in America.
- Les Paul
Collection: America
Image of Robert Reich
Being critical of the nation is a far cry from being unpatriotic or anti-American. In fact, most social criticism . . . is based on a love of America's ideals and a concern we're not living up to them.
- Robert Reich
Collection: America
Image of John Oliver
One thing that America is objectively exceptional at is overreacting whenever anyone accuses them of not being exceptional.
- John Oliver
Collection: America
Image of Frances Perkins
In America, public opinion is the leader
- Frances Perkins
Collection: America
Image of Neil deGrasse Tyson
The worst thing that ever happened to America was the 19th Amendment.
- Neil deGrasse Tyson
Collection: America
Image of Otto von Bismarck
God has a special providence for fools, drunks, and the United States of America.
- Otto von Bismarck
Collection: America
Image of Geoffrey Canada
Osama Bin Laden is not going to come here and destroy America. Our education system is doing that just fine.
- Geoffrey Canada
Collection: America
Image of Vance Packard
At one of the largest advertising agencies in America psychologists on the staff are probing sample humans in an attempt to find how to identify, and beam messages to, people of high anxiety, body consciousness, hostility, passiveness, and so on.
- Vance Packard
Collection: America
Image of Stephen Vincent Benet
Remember that when you say "I will have non of this exile and this stranger for his face is not like my face and his speech is strange," you have denied America with that word.
- Stephen Vincent Benet
Collection: America
Image of Zakir Naik
If he is terrorising the terrorists, if he is terrorising America the terrorist [...] I am with him. Every Muslim should be a terrorist.
- Zakir Naik
Collection: America
Image of Phillis Wheatley
Since my return to America my Master, has at the desire of my friends in England given me my freedom.
- Phillis Wheatley
Collection: America
Image of Katha Pollitt
Old, in America, is not a good thing to be.
- Katha Pollitt
Collection: America
Image of Elbridge Gerry
The evils we experience flow from the excess of democracy. The people do not want virtue, but are the dupes of pretended patriots.
- Elbridge Gerry
Collection: America
Image of Edward Heath
I said it three times actually.
- Edward Heath
Collection: America
Image of Jose Antonio Vargas
To be in America illegally is actually a civil offense and not a criminal one.
- Jose Antonio Vargas
Collection: America
Image of Nick Faldo
One thing America hasn't had is good partnership.
- Nick Faldo
Collection: America
Image of Fred Couples
You know, I’m not a PGA of America guy.
- Fred Couples
Collection: America
Image of William Bourke Cockran
You simply cannot hang a millionaire in America.
- William Bourke Cockran
Collection: America
Image of Mike Lee
Reforms to our complex and dysfunctional immigration system should not in any way favor those who came here illegally over the millions of applicants who seek to come here lawfully. Additionally, the framework carves out a special exception for agricultural workers that has little justification.
- Mike Lee
Collection: America
Image of Russell D. Moore
Charleston was where America split apart in 1861. Maybe it's where America comes together in 2015.
- Russell D. Moore
Collection: America
Image of Frederic Auguste Bartholdi
America is an adorable woman chewing tobacco.
- Frederic Auguste Bartholdi
Collection: America
Image of William Henry Chamberlin
One of the most insidious consequences of the present burden of personal income tax is that it strips many middle class families of financial reserves & seems to lend support to campaigns for socialized medicine, socialized housing, socialized food, socialized every thing. The personal income tax has made the individual vastly more dependent on the State & more avid for state hand-outs. It has shifted the balance in America from an individual-centered to a State-centered economic & social system.
- William Henry Chamberlin
Collection: America
Image of Horace Rowan Gaither
[The task is to] covertly lower the standard of living, the whole social structure, of America so that we can be merged with all other nations.
- Horace Rowan Gaither
Collection: America
Image of Tim Kaine
America is a nation of immigrants. We have to have a functioning immigration system.
- Tim Kaine
Collection: America
Image of Eboo Patel
Finding Mecca in America weaves social theory and concrete ethnography into a significant contribution on Muslims in the United States, illuminating broader questions about the integration of minority and immigrant groups along the way. This is an important work and a joy to read.
- Eboo Patel
Collection: America
Image of Herman Cain
They say African Americans. I say black people. I've only been to Africa once. I've been in America all my life!
- Herman Cain
Collection: America
Image of Dee Brown
The Indians knew that life was equated with the earth and its resources, that America was a paradise, and they could not comprehend why the intruders from the East were determined to destroy all that was Indian as well as America itself.
- Dee Brown
Collection: America
Image of Gordon S. Wood
[Benjamin] Franklin may be a great philosopher, [John Adams] told his diary in 1779, but "as a Legislator in America he has done very little."
- Gordon S. Wood
Collection: America
Image of Gordon S. Wood
Deeply versed in history, [John Adams] said over and over that America had no special providence, no special role in history, that Americans were no different from other peoples, that the United States was just as susceptible to viciousness and corruption as any other nation. In this regard, at least, Jefferson's vision has clearly won the day.
- Gordon S. Wood
Collection: America
Image of Shirley Chisholm
I love America not for what she is, but for what she can become.
- Shirley Chisholm
Collection: America
Image of Shirley Chisholm
I don’t measure America by its achievement but by its potential.
- Shirley Chisholm
Collection: America
Image of Julian Castro
Donald Trump is just unfit, unprepared, just doesn't get it, shouldn't be the commander in chief of America.
- Julian Castro
Collection: America
Image of Liz Cheney
America needs a commander in chief, not a global community organizer.
- Liz Cheney
Collection: America
Image of Andrew Gould
Obviously the shift to gas and the need for large amounts of gas in the United States is going to be a major focus of attention on the part of producers.
- Andrew Gould
Collection: America
Image of Eugene McCarthy
Let us pick up again these lost strands and weave them again into the fabric of America, sort out the music from the sounds and again respond to the trumpet and the steady drum.
- Eugene McCarthy
Collection: America
Image of Simon Heffer
The IRA sending a message of sympathy to America is like Jack the Ripper giving us a lesson in the sanctity of human life.
- Simon Heffer
Collection: America
Image of Charles A. Murray
The most troubling aspect of social policy towards the poor in late 20th century America is or how much it costs, but what it has bought.
- Charles A. Murray
Collection: America
Image of Julius Streicher
The diplomatic representatives of the United States of America to other nations are almost entirely Jews.
- Julius Streicher
Collection: America
Image of John Oliver Killens
The Negro was invented in America.
- John Oliver Killens
Collection: America
Image of Aime Cesaire
When I turn on my radio, when I hear that Negroes have been lynched in America, I say that we have been lied to: Hitler is not dead; when I turn on my radio, when I hear that Jews have been insulted, mistreated, persecuted, I say that we have been lied to: Hitler is not dead; when, finally, I turn on my radio and hear that in Africa forced labor has been inaugurated and legalized, I say that we have certainly been lied to: Hitler is not dead.
- Aime Cesaire
Collection: America
Image of Frank Capra
Making money, getting yourself status in this world is not everything at all. But it has become everything in America. That you really have to get going and keep up with the Jones'. Get a house and a car and other things. And pretty soon you're stymied. Things own you.
- Frank Capra
Collection: America
Image of Yuri Kochiyama
The United States of America is a nation where people are not united because of those three glaring frailties: racism, injustices and inequities.
- Yuri Kochiyama
Collection: America
Image of Pat Buchanan
American's greatest deficit is no longer found in the federal budget. It is a moral deficit, and it may be found in a polluted and poisoned culture that has become the great enemy within.
- Pat Buchanan
Collection: America
Image of Phil Gramm
The genius of the American system is that we have created extraordinary results from plain old ordinary people.
- Phil Gramm
Collection: America
Image of Phil Gramm
I would be the last person who would say immigrants are not important to America.
- Phil Gramm
Collection: America
Image of Andrew Card
A second plane hit the second tower. America is under attack.
- Andrew Card
Collection: America