Wynton Marsalis

Image of Wynton Marsalis
Humility is the doorway 2 truth & clarity of objectives... it's the doorway 2 learning.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Humility
Image of Wynton Marsalis
Jazz celebrates older generations and not just the youth movement. When you "sell" only to people of a certain age, you get cut off from the main body of experience. The power of couple dancing and courtship, it's elegant, and you wouldn't realize America was once a nation of dancers and singers today. People of all races could dance and sing.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Couple
Image of Wynton Marsalis
For Black people, we're one of the only groups of people that for some reason to express love of yourself, in some ways, is misconstrued as a dislike for someone else.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: People
Image of Wynton Marsalis
The black hole in democracy is integrity. The great unspoken is integrity. When integrity is not first and foremost, it's quite palpable but not visible. It's always there. Jazz highlights it because musicians and jazz always represented a high level of integrity.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Integrity
Image of Wynton Marsalis
There's the tradition in jazz of having the “Battle of the Bands” and you do not want to get your head cut when you're playing.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Cutting
Image of Wynton Marsalis
No particular music makes me feel nostalgic. If it's great, it just keeps me in the present moment. That level of music is like a classic story, like the Iliad-something so perfect it can never be old.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Music
Image of Wynton Marsalis
What takes its place is very dry education. And the tools that actually can teach you - singing and playing, learning how to participate with other people, spiritual richness - are replaced with a big emphasis on how to memorize things. That's such an incomplete education. Survival of the fittest used to mean being bigger and stronger.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Wynton Marsalis
But you listen to Coltrane and that's something human, something that's about elevation. It's like making love to a woman. It's about something of value, it's not just loud. It doesn't have that violent connotation to it. I wanted to be a jazz musician so bad, but I really couldn't. There was no way I could figure out to learn how to play.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Play
Image of Wynton Marsalis
Who creates a thing is not as important as what the thing is. Who created baseball? Who created basketball? Who created the space program? Who created - we could go on and on. We could argue about who created something. We all are participants in it.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Basketball
Image of Wynton Marsalis
The arts shows that you're civilized, and it makes life sweet. So you can exist and you can buy more things and you can be more - we're dealing with a form of commercialism that obscures a prior relationship to quality, and it's a national problem.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Sweet
Image of Wynton Marsalis
We learn a language through its song, and even if you don't have music you have the song of people you love's voice, and you'll notice that song in their voice.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Song
Image of Wynton Marsalis
We created the spirituals. We created so much great music, jazz chief amongst our innovations, teaching us how to prize ourselves and how to speak to one another, that our kids don't know that achievement, there's no way in the world that could be good for us.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Teaching
Image of Wynton Marsalis
Many heroic things happened during slavery. And remember that there was a national movement away from it even at the time. The era of Reconstruction and then the subsequent dismantling of Reconstruction sent us in a tailspin. Then we had the Civil Rights movement. Now we have our first non-white president. We have a pattern of moving apart and then coming back together throughout the history of this country. Each time, we come closer.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Country
Image of Wynton Marsalis
We all teach from that same frame of reference. We're like neighborhood - the people who have had the opportunity through this music to gain a platform and spread the message of this music, which is basically love in a form of communication that's honest and truthful.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Communication
Image of Wynton Marsalis
For me as a person who's in the arts and as someone who understands the magnitude of our contributions and the price that was paid to contribute to that, that we just have not gotten that together. I will do all that I can to get in front of our kids, to try to teach them, but at a certain point the people have to want it and come towards it.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Art
Image of Wynton Marsalis
As you get older - for example, in our band we have members of our orchestra, like Carlos Enriquez and Ali Jackson and Walter Blanning. I taught them when they were in high school, and now they teach me.I'll regularly call Ali and say, "Man, can you break this rhythm down for me?" Or Carlos was actually our music director in Cuba, and he's been instrumental in a lot of my education, and I started to develop a saying with them, because they tease me all the time - you get older, you have that familiar relationship - I say, "You have to follow your young leadership, too."
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: School
Image of Wynton Marsalis
We fight for territory. We see it in our Congress, we see it in our political systems, we see it in our ways of life, how separated we are. When we moved out of the cities and we lost all of the memory that was in cities, and we - one of the highest achievements in our culture is to be able to segregate yourself from everyone else, and the deep thing is the deepest punishment is solitary confinement.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Memories
Image of Wynton Marsalis
So when we spend all of our time trying to separate that which is already joined, it's a waste of time.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Trying
Image of Wynton Marsalis
My father was a teacher, my mama was a community worker, I taught in so many schools. So when you get that experience of how to communicate with younger people, put that hand on them and give them that old-school feeling, the maturity and adult, a lot of our kids just need the feeling of that love, and that's the frame of reference that I teach from and that's the frame of reference that all of our musicians in the Jazz at Lincoln Center.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Teacher
Image of Wynton Marsalis
To say that the Afro American created jazz doesn't mean anything bad about Anglo Americans, and I always teach my younger jazz musicians that at this point the entirety of the American tradition is your heritage, and you need to know it.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Mean
Image of Wynton Marsalis
When I say "our," I definitely mean all of America. It's not less pertinent for you because it comes from a Black person, just like a great achievement by an Anglo American is less important.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Mean
Image of Wynton Marsalis
The fact that we are culturally ignorant and we don't know what our heritage is, the price that we pay is that we act outside of ourselves almost all the time. We make very bad decisions how we deal with other people and their culture.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: People
Image of Wynton Marsalis
Commercialism that has absolutely no relationship to quality whatsoever, only quantitative assessment of a thing.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Assessment
Image of Wynton Marsalis
I travel up and down the country and I've been all around the middle of America for many years. Middle America is not one big mass of people with a proverbial beer in its hand, keeping the country down. That is not my experience of it and I don't labor under that misconception. And we have a long tradition of coming together through music in our country.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Country
Image of Wynton Marsalis
I get so much from having the opportunity to interface with the younger people and to bring information to them and to represent our culture and our way of life. The feeling and the warmth and the love, it's unbelievable. The type of exchange that goes on between students and teachers or visiting people who are doing master classes, and not just when they're musicians. Even general classes, when the students are not necessarily musicians.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Teacher
Image of Wynton Marsalis
Even if nobody's singing, just when you talk, you're singing. I'll meet somebody and say, "Oh, I'm tone-deaf." I say, "You're not tone-deaf, because if you were tone-deaf you would speak like that. But you're 'Oh, I'm tone-deaf.' You already sang a song to me."
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Song
Image of Wynton Marsalis
I'll write down and catalogue all the different devices that are Americana to me, and I try to have a historic depth and breadth and also the things that we do in our time, the type of vamps and chants, things that are available to us.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Writing
Image of Wynton Marsalis
I love Gustavo Dudamel and I love what he does for classical music, and I love what he comes out of, El Sistema and the old man Abreu. When we were in Venezuela, I had the chance to go to his building. He had, like, five or six orchestras playing of kids from the hood playing, like, Mahler's third symphony and Shostakovich fifth and Beethoven. Man, it's unbelievable. I mean, they could play.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Kids
Image of Wynton Marsalis
When those who are educated using their education to exploit those who aren't. That's what the sub-prime scandal represents - people of education using it at the expense of others. At Jazz at Lincoln Center, we have 22 educational programs. Not just the word but the substance of education is guided by the arts.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Art
Image of Wynton Marsalis
New Orleans had a great tradition of celebration. Opera, military marching bands, folk music, the blues, different types of church music, ragtime, echoes of traditional African drumming, and all of the dance styles that went with this music could be heard and seen throughout the city. When all of these kinds of music blended into one, jazz was born.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Military
Image of Wynton Marsalis
Young kids are always singing and painting. When you get to that second and third grade level, you're supposed to put all that aside.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Kids
Image of Wynton Marsalis
Benny Goodman's band was integrated before baseball. Even before it was physically integrated, music was integrated. Everyone listened to Armstrong and Ellington. The 20s was called the Jazz Age. It's part of being American.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Baseball
Image of Wynton Marsalis
The reason why the music [jazz] is important is because it's an art form-an ancient art form-that takes in the mythology of our people.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Art
Image of Wynton Marsalis
The arts speak across epochs. If you think that people started to build a cathedral in 1315 and the people worked on that cathedral, it wasn't going to be finished until 1585. So they were thinking 200 years from now. Maybe by the time I die, this wall might be put up.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Art
Image of Wynton Marsalis
If you looked around, you'd be glad you couldn't see.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Glad
Image of Wynton Marsalis
Instead of imposing your will on every situation...focus on including everyone else, and just that little adjustment of attitude gives you the space to understand where and who you are.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Attitude
Image of Wynton Marsalis
The blues is always there. It's going to be hard out here, but it's all right. It's all right, and that's what the blues teaches you. You got to roll with the punches and find your equilibrium.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Equilibrium
Image of Wynton Marsalis
Jazz is not just 'Well, man, this is what I feel like playing.' It's a very structured thing that comes down from a tradition and requires a lot of thought and study.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Men
Image of Wynton Marsalis
Sustained intensity equals ecstacy.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Jazz
Image of Wynton Marsalis
If you didn't have the amalgam of Blacks and African-type sensibility and European sensibility, you wouldn't have jazz. Even in the negative and in the positive ways - if there was no slavery and the abolition of slavery, there would be no jazz.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Abolition Of Slavery
Image of Wynton Marsalis
Everything comes out in blues music: joy , pain , struggle . Blues is affirmation with absolute elegance.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Pain
Image of Wynton Marsalis
You can reach a situation where things of intelligence and refinement and culture can be considered elite, and things that are crass and ignorant can be considered to be real and of the people. And when you begin to have the mass of populus striving for something that's not worth striving for, then tremendous amounts of energy go into...the maintenance of that which is worthless.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Real
Image of Wynton Marsalis
Trumpet players are just belligerant, and cocky, and you know, just hard-headed.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Cocky
Image of Wynton Marsalis
The soul gives us resilience - an essential quality since we constantly have to rebound from hardship.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Giving
Image of Wynton Marsalis
Jazz music celebrates life! Human life; the range of it, the absurdity of it, the ignorance of it, the greatness of it, the intelligence of it, the sexuality of it, the profundity of it. And it deals with it. In all of its... It deals with it!
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Ignorance
Image of Wynton Marsalis
The first jazz musician was a trumpeter, Buddy Bolden, and the last will be a trumpeter, the archangel Gabriel.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Musician
Image of Wynton Marsalis
Don't bullshit' just play.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Play
Image of Wynton Marsalis
In Jazz, improvisation isn't a matter of just making any ol' thing up. Jazz, like any language, has its own grammer and vocabulary. There's no right or wrong, just some choices that are better than others.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Music
Image of Wynton Marsalis
A beat is a moment in the life a groove.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Music