Vladimir Putin

Image of Vladimir Putin
If NATO troops walk in Crimea, they will immediately deploy their forces there. Such a move would be geopolitically sensitive for us because, in this case, Russia would be practically ousted from the Black Sea area. We'd be left with just a small coastline of 450 or 600km, and that's it!
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Moving
Image of Vladimir Putin
Only a developed society, for example, only a strong democratic system in modern conditions can create a climate in which any manifestation of terrorism is unacceptable and can also make the state itself stronger.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Strong
Image of Vladimir Putin
If I said that oil production would collapse I was wrong.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Oil
Image of Vladimir Putin
Nothing matters for a drastic change in Ukraine more than political transformations.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Ukraine
Image of Vladimir Putin
I do not remember when I said this [oil production would collapse ], maybe in the heat of the moment, but I do not think I even said it, but I may just not remember it. I was saying that at a certain level of oil prices new deposits will not be explored. That is what is actually happening. However, surprisingly, our oil and gas workers [mainly oilmen] continue to invest.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Thinking
Image of Vladimir Putin
The International Atomic Energy Agency is controlling this, the sanctions against Iran are lifted - but still the US are working on their missile defense system. What is the point of this?
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Iran
Image of Vladimir Putin
In 2009, US President [Barack] Obama said that the missile defense only serves as protection from Iranian nuclear missiles. But now there is an international treaty with Iran that bans Tehran from developing a potential military nuclear project.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Military
Image of Vladimir Putin
Ukraine is the closest country to us. We have always said that Ukraine is our sister country and it is true. It is not just a Slavic people, it is the closest people to Russia: we have similar languages, culture, common history, religion etc.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Country
Image of Vladimir Putin
Addressing issues, including controversial ones, as well as domestic issues of the former Soviet Republics through the so-called coloured revolutions, through coups and unconstitutional means of toppling the current government. That is absolutely unacceptable.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Mean
Image of Vladimir Putin
Oil production, energy production are growing, though the latter has gone down by about 1 percent here, I believe... By the way, we occupy the first place in the world in gas export, accounting for 20 percent of the world market. We are also first in the sphere of liquid hydrocarbons export.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Believe
Image of Vladimir Putin
The US tactical nuclear weapons are in Europe, let us not forget this. Does it mean that the US has occupied Germany or that the US never stopped the occupation after World War II and only transformed the occupation troops into the NATO forces?
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: War
Image of Vladimir Putin
In general, Gazprom is doing well and is increasing export in its traditional partner countries.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Country
Image of Vladimir Putin
Our foreign ministries will simply need to sort out some purely technical matters. I see no political restraints here. The same applies to economic matters. We, on our part, are ready. However, let me repeat once again, given that Japan has joined the anti-Russian sanctions, how ready is Japan and how can it do that without breaching its commitments to its allies? We do not know the answer. Only Japan itself knows the answer.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Commitment
Image of Vladimir Putin
We believe we have no territorial problems at all. It is only Japan that believes it has territorial problems with Russia. We are ready to talk about this.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Believe
Image of Vladimir Putin
I will not offer my thoughts on what Japan could and should have done, this is none of my business, it is the business of the Japanese leadership. But we should understand how practicable all our agreements are as a whole given the allied obligations Japan has assumed, how much independence there is in making those decision, and what we can hope for, what we can ultimately arrive at.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Japan
Image of Vladimir Putin
We were in negotiations, but then the Japanese side suspended them unilaterally. Now, at the request of our Japanese partners, we have reopened these talks.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Sides
Image of Vladimir Putin
Let us not forget that we have two governmental reserve funds: the Reserve Fund and the National Wellbeing Fund that represent together $100 billion.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Two
Image of Vladimir Putin
I am deeply convinced that no interference from the outside, in any country, even a small one, let alone in such a vast and great power as the United States, can influence the final outcome of the elections. It is not possible. Ever.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Country
Image of Vladimir Putin
All we need is good will, and we have to start working in a way that considers each other's interests [with U.S]. In my view, this is a mandatory condition.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Views
Image of Vladimir Putin
At the request of our Japanese partners, we have reopened these talks [about territories]. What command is given in this case in judo? You probably know better than I do: Yoshi (continue). So we will continue.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Territory
Image of Vladimir Putin
There are many other areas. And I am confident that each of them is of interest to both the people of the United States of America and the Russian people.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: America
Image of Vladimir Putin
By the way, Japan is also known to be actively engaged in manned space flights as part of the International Space Station.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Japan
Image of Vladimir Putin
Opposition can be useful. Every opposition movement is good and useful if it acts within the law... If there are people who act outside the law, then the state must use legal means to impose law in the interests of the majority. That's the way it's done in the U.S. and that's the way it's done in Russia.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Mean
Image of Vladimir Putin
Today's meeting was extremely important and brought exceptional results, ... The talks have shown that the long-term national and geopolitical interests of Russia and India coincide.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Russia
Image of Vladimir Putin
The period of my service will depend on two conditions. Firstly, of course, there are rules stipulated by the Constitution, and I surely will not infringe them. But I am not sure whether I should take full advantage of these constitutional rights. It will depend on the specific situation in the country, in the world and my own feelings about it.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Country
Image of Vladimir Putin
President Obama and I can meet, shake hands and discuss current issues, we - and I am personally - are always ready for such contacts.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Hands
Image of Vladimir Putin
We all are interested in an open development, without any prejudice; this refers particularly and, perhaps, primarily to the Baltic countries, for them it is more important than for Russia.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Country
Image of Vladimir Putin
The Chancellor [Angela Merkel] and the European partners would be well-advised to address the problems in eastern Ukraine more thoroughly. Maybe they have too many domestic problems of their own at the moment.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Ukraine
Image of Vladimir Putin
At least Germany and France have recently criticized that the Ukrainian central government has limited certain parts of the autonomy regulations to three years. They were supposed to last permanently.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Years
Image of Vladimir Putin
However, personally, I see this as not having the right to abuse this trust [among the citizens of Russia and Japan], and any decision we reach should correspond to the national interests of the Russian Federation.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Russia
Image of Vladimir Putin
In 2000 the then Prime Minister of Japan [Yoshirō Mori] asked me to return to this process, this conversation, these talks, and to do so, incidentally, on the basis of the 1956 declaration. I agreed. Since then we have conducted dialogue in this regard but I cannot say that our Japanese partners and friends have remained within the limits of the 1956 declaration.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Japan
Image of Vladimir Putin
Russia hosts a lot of forums, including the International Economic Forum in St Petersburg, [usually in the beginning of summer], as well as the Economic Forum in Sochi.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Summer
Image of Vladimir Putin
We were also going to develop relations with the current administration [of Barack Obama], but somehow they did not work out well in key areas and, I believe, not through our fault. I will not list all the problems that emerged in the past few years.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Believe
Image of Vladimir Putin
We would like to draw the attention of our partners, of potential investors to the Russian Far East.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: East
Image of Vladimir Putin
We are currently gradually stabilizing our economy.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Economy
Image of Vladimir Putin
Russia itself is a European country, and not just because our major political and economic centres are in Europe, but because Russian culture is primarily European culture.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Country
Image of Vladimir Putin
Even with the help of anti-Russian propaganda in the mass media, Germany has not succeeded in damaging this sympathy.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Media
Image of Vladimir Putin
We had a very good situation in 2005. The common budget had a volume of 80 billion dollars per year. Thousands of jobs were created in Germany by Russian investments. At the same time, a large number of German companies invested in Russia. There were countless cultural and social contacts.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Vladimir Putin
I'm still the same. Take the fight against terrorism: after the attacks of September 11, I was the first to side with US President [George W.] Bush. And now, after the attacks in Paris, I have done the same with the President of France,[Oliver] Hollande. Terrorism threatens us all.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Fighting
Image of Vladimir Putin
For me, it [Crimea] is not borders and state territories that matter, but people's fortunes.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: People
Image of Vladimir Putin
Our agreements on creating the conditions for preparing a peace treaty [with Japan] should be rooted in this trust. This may be achieved, for example, by large-scale economic activities that will also cover the Kuril Islands. It may be achieved by solving purely humanitarian issues, for instance, unhindered visa-free travel by former residents of the Southern Kuril Islands to where they used to live: visiting cemeteries, native places and so on.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Creating
Image of Vladimir Putin
Prime Minister [Shinzō Abe] and I have spoken a lot, and we said all the right things, in my opinion, about creating an atmosphere of trust and friendship between our nations and peoples.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Creating
Image of Vladimir Putin
Yet our interests, the interests of the Russian Federation, include the normalisation of relations with Japan, which is not at the bottom of the agenda. The whole range of what will be proposed for a solution, the entire range of matters related to the normalisation of our relations and what that would bring after normalisation, this is the whole range of issues to be discussed and decided, and those decisions should be of a practical nature.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Japan
Image of Vladimir Putin
When people communicate freely, when labour force, goods, services and funds move freely as well, when there are no state dividing lines and when we have common legal regulation, for example, in the social sphere - all that is good enough, people should feel free.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Moving
Image of Vladimir Putin
The fact is that there was a long war in which Serbia and its capital Belgrade were bombarded and attacked with missiles. It was a military intervention of the West and NATO against the then rump Yugoslavia.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: War
Image of Vladimir Putin
There are also fundamental issues related to what the current leader, President [Barack] Obama, said. I am referring to his idea about American exceptionalism. I am skeptical about this idea.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Issues
Image of Vladimir Putin
I see the collapse of the Soviet Union as a great tragedy of the XX century.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Tragedy