Top Tragedy Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Tragedy quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Marie Osmond
Tragedy plus time equals humor.
- Marie Osmond
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Robin Roberts
The tragedy is not so much the experience that you're having. The tragedy is that we don't take the time to understand the meaning and purpose behind what we're going through.
- Robin Roberts
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Mary Roberts Rinehart
That is the tragedy of growing old, Chris. You don't leave the world. It leaves you.
- Mary Roberts Rinehart
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Karen Russell
I didn’t realize that one tragedy can beget another, and another — bright-eyed disasters flooding out of a death hole like bats out of a cave.
- Karen Russell
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Steve Perry
We have focused only on the negatives, and not enough on incredible stories of the human spirit and of rebirth and rebuilding. That's equally important as the tragedy.
- Steve Perry
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Wes  Moore
The chilling truth is that his story could have been mine. The tragedy is that my story could have been his.
- Wes Moore
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Carroll Quigley
I am now quite sure that Tragedy and Hope was suppressed although I do not know why or by whom
- Carroll Quigley
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Mel Brooks
Tragedy is what happens to me; comedy is what happens to you.
- Mel Brooks
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Nick Frost
God's greatest tragedy is the creation of mankind.
- Nick Frost
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Ruta Sepetys
Tragedy was a big social event, and everyone wanted in on it.
- Ruta Sepetys
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Gavin Extence
If you had to relive your life exactly as it was – same successes and failures, same happiness, same miseries, same mixture of comedy and tragedy – would you want to? Was it worth it?
- Gavin Extence
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Greg Graffin
Life is never static. Despite catastrophic tragedies, life has persisted in evolving new varieties of unimaginable forms. I find comfort in the narrative of evolutionary history.
- Greg Graffin
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Christopher Paul Curtis
There's a thin, blurry line between humor and tragedy.
- Christopher Paul Curtis
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Irvin D. Yalom
If we climb high enough, we will reach a height from which tragedy ceases to look tragic.
- Irvin D. Yalom
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Claude Monet
It is a tragedy that we live in a world where physical courage is so common, and moral courage is so rare.
- Claude Monet
Collection: Tragedy
Image of I. F. Stone
History is a tragedy, not a morality tale.
- I. F. Stone
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Erich Segal
And then I did what I had never done in his presence, much less in his arms. I cried.
- Erich Segal
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Tariq Ali
Tragedies are always discussed as if they took place in a void, but actually each tragedy is conditioned by its setting, local and global. The events of 11 September 2001 are not exception.
- Tariq Ali
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Anne Fortier
Perhaps. But the firstborn of hope is tragedy.
- Anne Fortier
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Charles Peguy
Life holds only one tragedy, ultimately: not to have been a saint.
- Charles Peguy
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Gabrielle Roy
Every life is a tragedy, but far more the writer's life, because the more he has to see, the more deeply he understands and feels about life, the less time he has to put it down.
- Gabrielle Roy
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Elizabeth Bear
Every one of us is a minor tragedy. Most of us learn to cope.
- Elizabeth Bear
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Jeanne Julie Eleonore de Lespinasse
Oh, my dear, my tragedy is that you don't need to be loved as I know how to love.
- Jeanne Julie Eleonore de Lespinasse
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Cyril Tourneur
When the bad bleeds, then is the tragedy good.
- Cyril Tourneur
Collection: Tragedy
Image of James Lee Burke
If there is any human tragedy, there is only one, and it occurs when we forget who we are and remain silent while a stranger takes up residence inside our skin.
- James Lee Burke
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Chinmayananda Saraswati
The tragedy of human history is decreasing happiness in the midst of increasing comforts.
- Chinmayananda Saraswati
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Josephine Hart
We learn from tragedy. Slowly.
- Josephine Hart
Collection: Tragedy
Image of William McDonough
Modern culture appears to have adopted a strategy of tragedy. If we come here and say, I didn't intend to cause global warning, it's not part of my plan, then we realize it's part of our defacto plan because it's the thing that's happening because we have no other plan.
- William McDonough
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Michael Meade
Everyone gets wounded in this world and everyone has within them some golden qualities that can serve to heal the wounds of time and the traumatic effects of human tragedy.
- Michael Meade
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Alfred Kazin
The conviction of tragedy that rises out of his [John Dos Passos's] work is the steady protest of a sensitive democratic conscience against the tyranny and the ugliness of society, against the failure of a complete human development under industrial capitalism.
- Alfred Kazin
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Charles Coburn
That's the tragedy of the rich: They don't need anything.
- Charles Coburn
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Arnold Ehret
Life is a tragedy of nutrition
- Arnold Ehret
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Bob Odenkirk
Comedy is tragedy plus timing.
- Bob Odenkirk
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Mig Greengard
Fischer is an American Chess tragedy on par with Morphy and Pillsbury
- Mig Greengard
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Timberlake Wertenbaker
To love the right person is a comedy. To love the wrong person is a tragedy.
- Timberlake Wertenbaker
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Robert Byron
All tragedies are finished bya death, All comedies are ended bya marriage; The future states of both are left to faith.
- Robert Byron
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Rafe Esquith
I love Shakespeare. In Shakespeare, tragedy is not just something that's bad. It's something that could be good and is bad.
- Rafe Esquith
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Erik Erikson
The fact that human conscience remains partially infantile throughout life is the core of human tragedy.
- Erik Erikson
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Miroslav Penkov
The clash of religion. We've had to coexist for hundreds of years in Bulgaria, in the Balkans, and we still don't get along. It's a reason for so much tragedy.
- Miroslav Penkov
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Jeff MacNelly
The Opera reminds me of my tax audit. It was in a language I didn’t understand. And it ended in tragedy.
- Jeff MacNelly
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Katharine Kerr
All love affairs are tragedies in the end unless the lovers die at the same moment.
- Katharine Kerr
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Barbara Demick
One death is a tragedy; a thousand is a statistic.
- Barbara Demick
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
To conclude, the tragedy of March 25 [1969] caught me by surprise. Yahya Khan fooled even me.
- Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
Collection: Tragedy
Image of John Jackson Miller
I won't patronize you by saying I know how you feel-every tragedy is different, and personal.
- John Jackson Miller
Collection: Tragedy
Image of John Dyer
It's a terrible thing wishing that it can be someone else's tragedy.
- John Dyer
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Simon T. Bailey
The greatest tragedy in life is not death. The greatest tragedy is to be alive and not know why
- Simon T. Bailey
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Carlton Cuse
Tragedy is a great storytelling form. It worked extremely well for Shakespeare. It worked extremely well for Jim Cameron with Titanic.
- Carlton Cuse
Collection: Tragedy
Image of Izzeldin Abuelaish
Tragedy cannot be the end of our lives. We cannot allow it to control and defeat us.
- Izzeldin Abuelaish
Collection: Tragedy
Image of PLO Lumumba
The tragedy of Africa is that Africans are in the business of canonizing thieves and demonizing its saints.
- PLO Lumumba
Collection: Tragedy