Toni Morrison

Image of Toni Morrison
This word "LOVE" - discredited, "clicheed" - can be restored and love, the instinct, the impulse to care for somebody in the hope that somebody will care for you - plus our language, the language, a language - is about all we have. With everything else going on, this is what makes us, what keeps us human.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: And Love
Image of Toni Morrison
Like any artist without an art form, she became dangerous.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Art
Image of Toni Morrison
Here I am not the one to throw out. No one steals my warmth and shoes because I am small. No one handles my backside. No one whinnies like sheep or goat because I drop in fear and weakness. No one screams at the sight of me. No one watches my body for how it is unseemly. With you my body is pleasure is safe is belonging. I can never not have you have me.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Sheep
Image of Toni Morrison
Did you ever see the way the clouds love a mountain? They circle all around it; sometimes you can't even see the mountain for the clouds. But you know what? ... The clouds never cover the head. His head pokes through, because the clouds let him; they don't wrap him up. They let him keep his head high, free.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Breakup
Image of Toni Morrison
The formula for creative writing in high school or college is write what you know.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: School
Image of Toni Morrison
Of course I'm a black writer... I'm not just a black writer, but categories like black writer, woman writer and Latin American writer aren't marginal anymore. We have to acknowledge that the thing we call "literature" is more pluralistic now, just as society ought to be. The melting pot never worked. We ought to be able to accept on equal terms everybody from the Hasidim to Walter Lippmann, from the Rastafarians to Ralph Bunche.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Latin
Image of Toni Morrison
[Obama is ] creative imagination which coupled with brilliance equals wisdom . . . [He is] the man for this time.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Men
Image of Toni Morrison
And they beat. The women for having known them and no more, no more; the children for having been them but never again. They killed a boss so often and so completely they had to bring him back to life to pulp him one more time. Tasting hot mealcake among pine trees, they beat it away. Singing love songs to Mr. Death, they smashed his head. More than the rest, they killed the flirt whom folks called Life for leading them on.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Song
Image of Toni Morrison
A coward with a gun is the most dangerous person in the world
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Gun
Image of Toni Morrison
Love just seems to make life not just livable, but a gallant, gallant event.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Friendship
Image of Toni Morrison
As a writer reading, I came to realize the obvious: the subject of the dream is the dreamer.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Dream
Image of Toni Morrison
It seems to me everything Shakespeare did was political.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Political
Image of Toni Morrison
Sex is difficult to write about because it's just not sexy enough. The only way to write about it is not to write much. Let the reader bring his own sexuality into the text. A writer I usually admire has written about sex in the most off-putting way. There is just too much information.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Sexy
Image of Toni Morrison
they ran in the sunlight, creating their own breeze which pressed their dresses into their damp skin. Reaching a kind of square of four locked trees which promised cooling; they flung themselves into the shade to taste their lip sweat and contemplate the wildness that had come upon them so suddenly
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Squares
Image of Toni Morrison
More than fear of loving bears or birds bigger than cows, I fear pathless nights. How, I wonder, can I find you in the dark?
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Dark
Image of Toni Morrison
She is convinced that when language dies, out of carelessness, disuse, indifference and absence of esteem, or killed by fiat, not only she herself, but all users and makers are accountable for its demise. In her country children have bitten their tongues off and use bullets instead to iterate the voice of speechlessness, of disabled and disabling language, of language adults have abandoned altogether as a device for grappling with meaning, providing guidance, or expressing love.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Love
Image of Toni Morrison
When you know your name, you should hang on to it, for unless it is noted down and remembered, it will die when you do.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Names
Image of Toni Morrison
Every now and then she looked around for tangible evidence of his having ever been there. Where were the butterflies? the blueberries? the whistling reed? She could find nothing, for he had left nothing but his stunning absence.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Butterfly
Image of Toni Morrison
My father saw two black men lynched on his street in Cartersville, as a child. And I think seeing two black businessmen - not vagrants - hanging from trees as a child was traumatic for him.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Children
Image of Toni Morrison
Some things you forget. Other things you never do. But it's not. Places, places are still there. If a house burns down, it's gone, but the place--the picture of it--stays, and not just in my remory, but out there, in the world. What I remember is a picture floating around out there outside my head. I mean, even if I don't think if, even if I die, the picture of what I did, or knew, or saw is still out there. Right in the place where it happened.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Mean
Image of Toni Morrison
He said, 'Always. Always.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Said
Image of Toni Morrison
Girl, I got my mind. And what goes on in it. Which is to say, I got lonely is mine.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Girl
Image of Toni Morrison
Most of the really good literature I've read in my life was political, meaning it was important - about something going on in the history of the world - or contemporary.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Political
Image of Toni Morrison
There, in the center of that silence was not eternity but the death of time and a loneliness so profound the word itself had no meaning. For loneliness assumed the absence of other people, and the solitude she found in that desperate terrain had never admitted the possibility of other people. She wept then. Tears for the deaths of the littlest things: the castaway shoes of children; broken stems of marsh grass battered and drowned by the sea; prom photographs of dead women she never knew; wedding rings in pawnshop windows; the tiny bodies of Cornish hens in a nest of rice.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Children
Image of Toni Morrison
Lay my head on the railroad line. Train come along; pacify my mind.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Mind
Image of Toni Morrison
Deep, deep trouble. Can't rival the dead for love. Lose every time.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Rivals
Image of Toni Morrison
A little black girl yearns for the blue eyes of a little white girl, and the horror at the heart of her yearning is exceeded only by the evil of fulfillment
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Girl
Image of Toni Morrison
I think women dwell quite a bit on the duress under which they work, on how hard it is just to do it at all. We are traditionally rather proud of ourselves for having slipped creative work in there between the domestic chores and obligations. I'm not sure we deserve such big A-pluses for all that.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Women
Image of Toni Morrison
They encouraged you to put some of your weight in their hands and soon as you felt how light and lovely it was, they studied your scars and tribulations.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Light
Image of Toni Morrison
It was not death or dying that frightened him, but the unexpectedness of both. In sorting it all out, he hit on the notion that if one day a year were devoted to it, everybody could get it out of the way and the rest of the year would be safe and free. In this manner he instituted National Suicide Day.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Suicide
Image of Toni Morrison
Life that crawled, life that slunk and crept and never closed its eyes. Life that burrowed and scurried, and life so still it was indistinguishable from the ivy stems on which it lay. Birth, life, and death - each took place on the hidden side of a leaf.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Inspirational Life
Image of Toni Morrison
All of us--all who knew her--felt so wholesome after we cleaned ourselves on her. We were so beautiful when we stood astride her ugliness. Her simplicity decorated us, her guilt sanctified us, her pain made us glow with health, her awkwardness made us think we had a sense of humor. Her inarticulateness made us believe we were eloquent. Her poverty kept us generous. Even her waking dreams we used--to silence our own nightmares.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Toni Morrison
The men began to trade tales of atrocities, first stories they had heard, then those they'd witnessed, and finally the things that had happened to themselves. A litany of personal humiliation, outrage, and anger turned sicklelike back to themselves as humor. They laughed then, uproariously, about the speed with which they had run, the pose they had assumed, the ruse they had invented to escape or decrease some threat to their manliness, their humanness. All but Empire State, who stood, broom in hand and drop-lipped, with the expression of a very intelligent ten-year-old.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Running
Image of Toni Morrison
Maybe [I care about language] because I'm an editor, maybe because I'm picky, but it's all we got, don't shrink it. Don't dumb it out, make it little.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Editors
Image of Toni Morrison
It's bliss when you give up all that stuff that separates you from other human beings. It's hard, but you break down all that stuff.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Toni Morrison
Listening to the doves in Alfred, Georgia, and having neither the right nor the permission to enjoy it because in that place mist, doves, sunlight, copper dirt, moon-everything belonged to the men who had the guns. . . . So you protected yourself and loved small. . . . A woman, a child, a brother-a big love like that would split you wide open in Alfred, Georgia. . . . To get to a place where you could love anything you chose-not to need permission for desire-well now, that was freedom
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Brother
Image of Toni Morrison
All the time, I'm afraid the thing that happened that made it all right for my mother to kill my sister could happen again. I don't know what it is, I don't know who it is, but maybe there is something else terrible enough to make her do it again. I need to know what that thing might be, but I don't want to. Whatever it is, it comes from outside this house, outside the yard, and it can come right on in the yard if it wants to. So I never leave this house and I watch over the yard, so it can't happen again and my mother won't have to kill me too.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Mother
Image of Toni Morrison
Nobody loved her and she wouldn’t have liked it if they had, she considered love a serious disability.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Serious
Image of Toni Morrison
Shallow believers prefer a shallow God.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Shallow
Image of Toni Morrison
If writing is thinking and discovery and selection and order and meaning, it is also awe and reverence and mystery and magic....Authors arrive at text and subtext in thousands of ways, learning each time they begin anew how to recognize a valuable idea and how to reader the texture that accompanies, reveals or displays it to its best advantage.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Writing
Image of Toni Morrison
The Nobel Prize is the best thing that can happen to a writer in terms of how it affects your contracts, the publishers, and the seriousness with which your work is taken. On the other hand, it does interfere with your private life, or it can if you let it, and it has zero effect on the writing. It doesn't help you write better and if you let it, it will intimidate you about future projects.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Zero
Image of Toni Morrison
Alice thought, No. It wasn't the War and the disgruntled veterans; it wasn't the droves and droves of colored people flocking to paychecks and streets full of themselves. It was the music. The dirty, get-on-down music the women sang and the men played and both danced to, close and shamelesss or apart and wild...It made you do unwise disorderly things. Just hearing it was like violating the law.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: War
Image of Toni Morrison
All the books that were being published by African-American guys were saying 'screw whitey', or some variation of that. Not the scholars but the pop books. And the other thing they said was, 'You have to confront the oppressor.' I understand that. But you don't have to look at the world through his eyes. I'm not a stereotype; I'm not somebody else's version of who I am. And so when people said at that time black is beautiful – yeah? Of course. Who said it wasn't? So I was trying to say, in The Bluest Eye, wait a minute. Guys. There was a time when black wasn't beautiful. And you hurt.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Toni Morrison
A dead language is not only one no longer spoken or written, it is unyielding language content to admire its own paralysis. Like statist language, censored and censoring. Ruthless in its policing duties, it has no desire or purpose other than maintaining the free range of its own narcotic narcissism, its own exclusivity and dominance. However moribund, it is not without effect for it actively thwarts the intellect, stalls conscience, suppresses human potential. Unreceptive to interrogation, it cannot form or tolerate new ideas, shape other thoughts, tell another story, fill baffling silences.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Ideas
Image of Toni Morrison
Unless carefree, mother love was a killer.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Mother
Image of Toni Morrison
No matter what all your teeth and wet fingers anticipated, there was no accounting for the way that simple joy could shake you.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Simple
Image of Toni Morrison
Our ancestors are an ever widening circle of hope.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Circles
Image of Toni Morrison
No gasp at a miracle that is truly miraculous because the magic lies in the fact that you knew it was there for you all along.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Lying
Image of Toni Morrison
Sifting daylight dissolves the memory, turns it into dust motes floating in light.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Memories