Theodore Roosevelt

Image of Theodore Roosevelt
Where a trust becomes a monopoly the state has an immediate right to interfere.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: States
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
The wolf is the arch type of ravin, the beast of waste and desolation.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Arches
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
In a crisis, the man worth his salt is the man who meets the needs of the situation in whatever way is necessary.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Men
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
We cannot do great deeds unless we're willing to do the small things that make up the sum of greatness.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Motivational
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
I do not care a rap as to who gets credit for the work, provided the work is done.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Rap
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
It is no limitation upon property rights or freedom of contract to require that when men receive from government the privilege of doing business under corporate form... they shall do so under absolutely truthful representations... Great corporations exist only because they were created and safeguarded by our institutions; and it is therefore our right and duty to see that they work in harmony with these institutions.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Business
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
Rhetoric is a poor substitute for action.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Action
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
What I have advocated is not wild radicalism. It is the highest and wisest kind of conservatism.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Radicalism
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
All daring and courage, all iron endurance of misfortune-make for a finer, nobler type of manhood.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Iron
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
The biggest corporation, like the humblest private citizen, must be held to strict compliance with the will of the people as expressed in the fundamental law.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Law
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
It either is or ought to be evident to everyone that business has to prosper before anyone can get any benefit from it.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Benefits
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
Never hit if you can help it, but when you have to, hit hard. Never hit soft. You'll never get any thanks for hitting soft.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Hitting
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
There can be no greater issue than that of conservation in this country.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Country
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
In this world the one thing supremely worth having is the opportunity to do well and worthily a piece of work of vital consequence to the welfare of mankind.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
The first duty of an American citizen, then, is that he shall work in politics.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Citizens
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
A party should not contain utterly incongruous elements, radically divided on the real issues, and acting together only on false and dead issues insincerely painted as real and vital. It should not in the several States as well as in the Nation be prostituted to the service of the baser type of political boss. It should be so composed that there should be a reasonable agreement in the actions taken by it both in the Nation and in the several States. Judged by these standards, both of the old parties break down.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Real
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
Freedom is not a gift which can be enjoyed save by those shown themselves worthy of it.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: President
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
Ruin looks us in the face if we judge a man by his position instead of judging him by his conduct in that position.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Men
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
Nothing should be permitted to stand in the way of the preservation of the forests, and it is criminal to permit individuals to purchase a little gain for themselves through the destruction of forests when this destruction is fatal to the well-being of the whole country in the future.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Country
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
Not trying is the surest way of achieving nothing at all.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
Just as you believe you may have already halfway there
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Believe
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
The light has gone out of my life.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Sympathy
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
Look Toward the stars but keep your feet firmly on the ground.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Stars
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
The great virtue of my radicalism lies in the fact that I am perfectly ready, if necessary, to be radical on the conservative side.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Lying
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
Lincoln-sad, patient, kindly Lincoln, who after bearing upon his weary shoulders for four years a greater burden than that borne by any other man of the nineteenth century laid down his life for the people whom living he had served as well-built upon his early study of the Bible.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Men
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
Each child represents either a potential addition to the protective capacity and enlightened citizenship of the nation or, if allowed to suffer from neglect, a potential addition to the destructive forces of a community. . . . The interests of the nation are involved in the welfare of this array of children no less than in our great material affairs.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Children
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
What I am to be, I am becoming.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Becoming
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
There is something to be said for government by a great aristocracy which has furnished leaders to the nation in peace and war for generations; even a democrat like myself must admit this. But there is absolutely nothing to be said for government by a plutocracy, for government by men very powerful in certain lines and gifted with the money touch, but with ideals which in their essence are merely those of so many glorified pawnbrokers.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Peace
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
The wild life of today is not ours to do with as we please. The original stock was given to us in trust for the benefit both of the present and the future. We must render an accounting of this trust to those who come after us.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Wild Life
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
Never trust a man who says he is only a little crooked, and that the crookedness is exercised in your interest.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Men
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
To sit home, read one's favorite paper, and scoff at the misdeeds of the men who do things is easy, but it is markedly ineffective. It is what evil men count upon the good men's doing.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Home
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
There is no effort without error or shortcoming.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Errors
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
If we seek merely swollen, slothful ease and ignoble peace, if we shrink from the hard contests where men must win at the hazard of their lives and at the risk of all they hold dear, then bolder and stronger peoples will pass us by, and will win for themselves the domination of the world.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Life
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
The Constitution was made for the people and not the people for the Constitution.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: People
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
There can be no fifty-fifty Americanism in this country. There is room here for only 100% Americanism, only for those who are Americans and nothing else
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Country
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
The man who holds that every human right is secondary to his profit must now give way to the advocate of human welfare.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Men
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
There is more fine abstract design in Navajo rugs than in all these modern paintings.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Design
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
Anything that encourages pauperism, anything that relaxes the manly fiber and lowers self-respect, is an unmixed evil.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Self
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
Freemasonry teaches not merely temperance, fortitude, prudence, justice, brotherly love, relief, and truth, but liberty, equality, and fraternity, and it denounces ignorance, superstition, bigotry, lust tyranny and despotism.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Ignorance
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
There should be relentless exposure of and attack upon every evil practice, whether in politics, in business, or in social life. I hail as a benefactor every writer or speaker, every man who, on the platform, or in book, magazine or newspaper, with merciless severity makes such attack, provided always that he in his turn remembers that the attack is of use only if it is absolutely truthful.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Book
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
Let individuals contribute as they desire; but let us prohibit in effective fashion all corporations from making contributions for any political purpose, directly or indirectly.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Fashion
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
A great democracy must be progressive or it will soon cease to be a great democracy.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Democracy
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
The very reason why we object to state ownership, that it puts a stop to individual initiative and to the healthy development of personal responsibility, is the reason why we object to an unsupervised, unchecked monopolistic control in private hands. We urge control and supervision by the nation as an antidote to the movement for state socialism. Those who advocate total lack of regulation, those who advocate lawlessness in the business world, themselves give the strongest impulse to what I believe would be the deadening movement toward unadulterated state socialism.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
From its origin to the present hour, in all its vicissitudes, Masonry has been the steady unwearing friend of man.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Men
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
The labor unions shall have a square deal, and the corporations shall have a square deal, and in addition, all private citizens shall have a square deal.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Squares
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
Politeness [is] a sign of dignity, not subservience.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Dignity
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Courage
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
Much of the discussion about socialism and individualism is entirely pointless, because of failure to agree on terminology.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
Just as little can we afford to follow the doctrinaires of an impossible - and incidentally of a highly undesirable - social revolution which, in destroying individual rights - including property rights - and the family, would destroy the two chief agents in the advance of mankind, and the two chief reasons why either the advance or the preservation of mankind is worthwhile.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Rights