Stephen Fry

Image of Stephen Fry
Atheism is not just about not believing there is a God, but on the assumption that there is one, what kind of God is he?
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Believe
Image of Stephen Fry
To me, reason is as spiritual as anything else, the beauty of reason seems to me indelible and ineffable and numinous... the spirit is after all the same word we use to describe... essence
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Stephen Fry
Wisdom is probably the ability to cope. That's why someone who has to walk seven miles every day to get water for their children can be wiser than someone sitting behind a desk in Wall Street.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Children
Image of Stephen Fry
I may have looked happy but inside I was hopelessly depressed.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Depression
Image of Stephen Fry
Hold the newsreader's nose squarely, waiter, or friendly milk will countermand my trousers.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Friendly
Image of Stephen Fry
Everything had been based on a kind of certainty, a sense of man at the center of things, a sense of order and hierarchy. And suddenly, almost simultaneously, extraordinary discoveries are made.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Men
Image of Stephen Fry
Estate agents: like them or loathe them, you'd be mad not to loathe them.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Mad
Image of Stephen Fry
As I go clowning my sentimental way into eternity, wrestling with all my problems of estrangement and communion, sincerity and simulation, ambition and acquiescence, I shuttle between worrying whether I matter at all and whether anything else matters but me.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Ambition
Image of Stephen Fry
One of the nice things about looking at a bear is that you know it spends 100 per cent of every minute of every day being a bear. It doesn't strive to become a better bear. It doesn't go to sleep thinking, "I wasn't really a very good bear today". They are just 100 per cent bear, whereas human beings feel we're not 100 per cent human, that we're always letting ourselves down. We're constantly striving towards something, to some fulfilment
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Nice
Image of Stephen Fry
As humourless a lump of dough as ever held a torchlight vigil outside the South African Embassy or stuck an AIDS awareness ribbon on an unwilling first-nighter.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Funny
Image of Stephen Fry
I certainly don't want to be formulaic. I want to be honest and authentic and everything else.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Want
Image of Stephen Fry
The Gay News critic wrote that I 'carried the lilt of the Irish without the brogue'.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Gay
Image of Stephen Fry
Coming out as gay was an easy enough matter for me, since I worked in a profession where being gay had a long history of being accepted.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Gay
Image of Stephen Fry
How to seperate the humiliation from the loss, that's the catch. You can never be sure if what tortures you is the pain of being without someone you love or the embarrassment of admitting that you have been rejected.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Pain
Image of Stephen Fry
You can never hope to recapture the first fine careless rapture as the poet put it, but it stays with you like a good acid trip.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Firsts
Image of Stephen Fry
I am aware of the technical distinction between ‘less’ and ‘fewer’, and between ‘uninterested’ and ‘disinterested’ and ‘infer’ and ‘imply’, but none of these are of importance to me. ‘None of these are of importance,’ I wrote there, you’ll notice – the old pedantic me would have insisted on “none of them is of importance”. Well I’m glad to say I’ve outgrown that silly approach to language
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Silly
Image of Stephen Fry
The worst of this sorry bunch of semi-educated losers are those who seem to glory in being irritated by nouns becoming verbs. How dense and deaf to language development do you have to be? If you don’t like nouns becoming verbs, then for heaven’s sake avoid Shakespeare who made a doing-word out of a thing-word every chance he got. He TABLED the motion and CHAIRED the meeting in which nouns were made verbs
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Sorry
Image of Stephen Fry
I was born Mary Patterson, but then I married and naturally took my husband's name, so now I'm Neil Patterson.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Husband
Image of Stephen Fry
Lectures broke into one's day and were clearly a terrible waste of time, necessary no doubt if you were reading law or medicine or some other vocational subject, but in the case of English, the natural thing to do was talk a lot, listen to music, drink coffee and wine, read books, and go to plays, perhaps be in plays.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Coffee
Image of Stephen Fry
I expected the illegible and the deeply buried in me to be read as if carved on my forehead, just as I expected the obvious and the ill-concealed to be hidden from view.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Views
Image of Stephen Fry
It was behaviour that I thought not far from racism, sexism or any other kind of prejudice or snobbery. 'Because you are not cute, I do not want to know you' was, to me, hardly different from suggesting 'because you are gay, I dislike you
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Cute
Image of Stephen Fry
I never quite got the hang of the getting drunk & fondling the thighs [of all the cumbersome young males] business... whether that makes me a gallant & proper gentleman, a cowardly wuss or an unadventurous prude, I cannot make out
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Drunk
Image of Stephen Fry
I now accept that it is looking increasingly likely that Tiger Woods is, in fact, straight.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Woods
Image of Stephen Fry
This new England we have invented for ourselves is not interested at all in education. It is only interested in training, both material and spiritual. Education means freedom, it means ideas, it means truth. Training is what you do to a pear tree when you pleach it and prune it to grow against a wall. Training is what you give an airline pilot or a computer operator or a barrister or a radio producer. Education is what you give children to enable them to be free from the prejudices and moral bankruptcies of their elders.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Stephen Fry
Like vichyssoise, revenge is a dish best served cold.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Revenge
Image of Stephen Fry
If a thing can be said in ten words, I may be relied upon to take a hundred to say it. I ought to apologize for that. I ought to prune, pare and extirpate excess growth, but I will not. I like words—strike that, I love words—and while I am fond of the condensed and economical use of them in poetry, in song lyrics, in Twitter, in good journalism and smart advertising, I love the luxuriant profusion and mad scatter of them too.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Song
Image of Stephen Fry
There is simply no limit to the tyrannical snobbery that otherwise decent people can descend into when it comes to music.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: People
Image of Stephen Fry
How can one not be fond of something that the Daily Mail despises?
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Daily Mail
Image of Stephen Fry
This is the point. One technology doesn’t replace another, it complements. Books are no more threatened by Kindle than stairs by elevators.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Book
Image of Stephen Fry
I’m absolute attacking my own instinct for politeness, but I think I admire artists who just speak out or who are strong, so it’s very hard.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Strong
Image of Stephen Fry
Wine can be a better teacher than ink, and banter is often better than books.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Book
Image of Stephen Fry
You can never hope to recapture the first fine careless rapture.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Firsts
Image of Stephen Fry
An original idea. That can’t be too hard. The library must be full of them.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Book
Image of Stephen Fry
But an Adrian also knew that an Adrian’s lies were real: they were lived and felt and acted out as thoroughly as another man’s truths – if other men had truths – and he believed it possible that this last lie might see him through to the grave.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Real
Image of Stephen Fry
I’ve always had great respect for Paddington because he is amusingly English and eccentric. He is a great British institution and my generation grew up with the books and then Michael Horden’s animations.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Book
Image of Stephen Fry
It was extremely important to show that Wilde’s sexuality was not just some intellectual idea. It was real, and it was about the human body. To just have mentioned it and not shown it would have been, I think, peculiar and wrong.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Real