Sharon Olds

Image of Sharon Olds
The older I get, the more I feel almost beautiful.
- Sharon Olds
Image of Sharon Olds
Their spirits and their visions are embodied in their craft. And so is mine. It's not Jane Saw Puff. But the clarity of Jane Saw Puff is precious to me.
- Sharon Olds
Image of Sharon Olds
The amount of horror one used to hear about in one village could be quite extreme. But one might not have heard about all the other villages' horrors at the same time.
- Sharon Olds
Image of Sharon Olds
I'm not sure that the benefit - as a writer and as a citizen - that I would get from reading at least the front page of the Times every day or every other day would outweigh the depression.
- Sharon Olds
Image of Sharon Olds
Well, 'The Wellspring' was written from 1983 to 1986. And it had a section in the beginning that was poems that began from others' experience.
- Sharon Olds
Image of Sharon Olds
So I did quit coffee and I did quit smoking. But I haven't managed that with drinking!
- Sharon Olds
Image of Sharon Olds
There are some fine books and essays about that. Lewis Hyde has written about alcoholism and poets and the role that society gives its writers - encouraging them to die.
- Sharon Olds
Image of Sharon Olds
Maybe we can use a metaphor for it, out of dance. I think for many years I was aware of the need, in dance and in life, to breathe deeply and to take in more air than we usually take in.
- Sharon Olds
Image of Sharon Olds
My poems - I don't even like the sound of that, in a way. Not that anyone else wrote them. But we know that only people who are really close to us care about our personal experience.
- Sharon Olds
Image of Sharon Olds
If I wrote in a sonnet form, I would be distorting. Or if I had some great new idea for line breaks and I used it in a poem, but it's really not right for that poem, but I wanted it, that would be distorting.
- Sharon Olds
Image of Sharon Olds
This creature of the poem may assemble itself into a being with its own centrifugal force.
- Sharon Olds
Image of Sharon Olds
Many poets write books. They'll tell you: Well, I've got my next book, but there are two poems I need to write, one about x, one about y. This is a wonder to me.
- Sharon Olds
Image of Sharon Olds
The decision for me was whether to have 'The Father' be a book that told a story - from the point of view of this speaker, the daughter - without, as in the earlier books, then having a section on something else and a section on something else.
- Sharon Olds
Image of Sharon Olds
I think that there are fiction writers for whom that works well. I could never do it. I feel as if, by the time I see that it's a poem, it's almost written in my head somewhere.
- Sharon Olds
Image of Sharon Olds
I didn't have time to sit down and look at the work of a year and choose what to type.
- Sharon Olds
Image of Sharon Olds
When I quit all these things and said I didn't have any time, I meant I didn't have any time.
- Sharon Olds
Image of Sharon Olds
I wish I wrote more about the world at more distance from myself.
- Sharon Olds
Image of Sharon Olds
It might be a bad thing, not to know what's going on in the world. I can't say I really approve of it.
- Sharon Olds
Image of Sharon Olds
I was very afraid that I wouldn't be able to do this job well. And the time never came back.
- Sharon Olds
Image of Sharon Olds
At one point I took on a new job, and I just didn't have time to do anything but work.
- Sharon Olds
Image of Sharon Olds
I'm probably so out of it at my age that I don't know what people think.
- Sharon Olds
Image of Sharon Olds
I think this is true for all artists. My senses are very important to me.
- Sharon Olds
Image of Sharon Olds
Well, one thing I'm really interested in, when I'm writing, is being accurate.
- Sharon Olds
Image of Sharon Olds
I was a late bloomer. But anyone who blooms at all, ever, is very lucky.
- Sharon Olds
Collection: Writing
Image of Sharon Olds
Poets are like steam valves, where the ordinary feelings of ordinary people can escape and be shown.
- Sharon Olds
Collection: People
Image of Sharon Olds
I have learned to get pleasure from speaking of pain
- Sharon Olds
Collection: Pain
Image of Sharon Olds
Writing or making anything-a poem, a bird feeder, a chocolate cake-has self-respect in it. You're working. You're trying. You're not lying down on the ground, having given up.
- Sharon Olds
Collection: Lying
Image of Sharon Olds
I'm not asking a poem to carry a lot of rocks in its pockets. Just being an ordinary observer and liver and feeler and letting the experience get through you onto the notebook with the pen, through the arm, out of the body, onto the page, without distortion.
- Sharon Olds
Collection: Notebook
Image of Sharon Olds
.. to a poet, the human community is like the community of birds to a bird, singing to each other. Love is one of the reasons we are singing to one another, love of language itself, love of sound, love of singing itself, and love of the other birds.
- Sharon Olds
Collection: Love Is
Image of Sharon Olds
I did not know him, I knew my idea of him.
- Sharon Olds
Collection: Ideas
Image of Sharon Olds
The older I get, the more I see the power of that young woman, my mother.
- Sharon Olds
Collection: Birthday
Image of Sharon Olds
There is something in me maybe someday to be written; now it is folded, and folded, and folded, like a note in school.
- Sharon Olds
Collection: School
Image of Sharon Olds
Poems come from ordinary experiences and objects, I think. Out of memory - a dress I lent my daughter on her way back to college; a newspaper photograph of war; a breast self-exam; the tooth fairy; Calvinist parents who beat up their children; a gesture of love; seeing oneself naked over age 50 in a set of bright hotel bathroom mirrors.
- Sharon Olds
Collection: Daughter
Image of Sharon Olds
Take your vitamins. Exercise. Just work to love yourself as much as you can - not more than the people around you but not so much less.
- Sharon Olds
Collection: Love You
Image of Sharon Olds
I did not deceive him, he did not deceive me, I did not leave him, he did not leave me, I freed him, he freed me.
- Sharon Olds
Collection: Deceiving
Image of Sharon Olds
Once you lose someone it is never exactly the same person who comes back.
- Sharon Olds
Collection: Sad Relationship
Image of Sharon Olds
Baseball is reassuring. It makes me feel as if the world is not going to blow up.
- Sharon Olds
Collection: Baseball
Image of Sharon Olds
The older I get, the more I feel.
- Sharon Olds
Collection: Daughter
Image of Sharon Olds
Maybe in order to understand sex fully/one has to risk being destroyed by it.
- Sharon Olds
Collection: Sex
Image of Sharon Olds
We're all taking on too much, we're all asking too much of ourselves. We're all wishing we could do more, and therefore just doing more.
- Sharon Olds
Collection: Wish
Image of Sharon Olds
... sometimes I can feel it, the way we are pouring slowly toward a curve and around it through something dark and soft, and we are bound to each other.
- Sharon Olds
Collection: Dark
Image of Sharon Olds
When anyone escapes, my heart / leaps up. Even when it's I who am escaped from, / I am half on the side of the leaver.
- Sharon Olds
Collection: Heart
Image of Sharon Olds
Seeing yourself as responsible for the quality of your relationship, as a prime mover in your life, I think is a bold, amazing step.
- Sharon Olds
Collection: Thinking
Image of Sharon Olds
it is forbidden to love where we are not loved
- Sharon Olds
Collection: Forbidden
Image of Sharon Olds
Because a poem is not written while running or while answering the phone. It's written in whatever minutes one has. Sometimes you have half an hour.
- Sharon Olds
Collection: Running
Image of Sharon Olds
To me, the mind seems to be spread out in the whole body - the senses are part of the brain. I guess they're not where the thinking is done.
- Sharon Olds
Collection: Thinking
Image of Sharon Olds
I think that my work is easy to understand because I am not a thinker, I am not a... How can I put it? I write the way I perceive, I guess.
- Sharon Olds
Collection: Writing
Image of Sharon Olds
One of the duties of a baseball fan is to engage in arguments with the man behind him.
- Sharon Olds
Collection: Baseball
Image of Sharon Olds
Every poet I know - although there may be some I don't know who lead very different lives, who maybe live in the country and don't teach - tends to be just like the rest of us: just really busy, really overcommitted.
- Sharon Olds
Collection: Country
Image of Sharon Olds
A family is a mystery.
- Sharon Olds
Collection: Mystery