Top Notebook Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Notebook quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Clay Aiken
When I was a kid, the punishment I disliked the most was writing sentences. My mother loved to make me record my transgressions--always a minimum of five hundred times--and she even bought special spiral notebooks for me to fill up.... No matter how many notebooks I went through, there was always another one waiting in the kitchen drawer.
- Clay Aiken
Collection: Notebook
Image of David Nicholls
She drinks pints of coffee and writes little observations and ideas for stories with her best fountain pen on the linen-white pages of expensive notebooks. Sometimes, when it's going badly, she wonders if what she believes to be a love of the written word is really just a fetish for stationery.
- David Nicholls
Collection: Notebook
Image of Nicole Blackman
When I knew what I had to do / I took all my notebooks, all my manuscripts / and ate them page by page / so I could take my words with me
- Nicole Blackman
Collection: Notebook
Image of Alice Munro
People are curious. A few people are. ... They will put things together, knowing all along that they may be mistaken. You see them going around with notebooks, scraping the dirt off gravestones, reading microfilm, just in the hope of seeing this trickle in time, making a connection, rescuing one thing from the rubbish.
- Alice Munro
Collection: Notebook
Image of Daniel H. Pink
Carry a notebook and write down examples of good and poor design. After a week, you'll begin to realize that nearly everything is the product of a design decision.
- Daniel H. Pink
Collection: Notebook
Image of Sharon Olds
I'm not asking a poem to carry a lot of rocks in its pockets. Just being an ordinary observer and liver and feeler and letting the experience get through you onto the notebook with the pen, through the arm, out of the body, onto the page, without distortion.
- Sharon Olds
Collection: Notebook
Image of Ringo Starr
With God's help, I've not had a drink in nine and a half years. That's my whole story right there. And because of that, I'm doing this. I'm making records, I'm touring. I was so involved in just getting brain damaged, I wasn't doing anything. I had great ideas, many notebooks filled with notes, some of them I can read and some of them I just can't read, but I really didn't do anything constructive, it was all just good ideas. Now I'm trying to lead a constructive life a day at a time.
- Ringo Starr
Collection: Notebook
Image of Daniil Kharms
Open this notebook every day and write down half a page at the very least. If you have nothing to write down, then at least, following Gogol’s advice, write down that today there’s nothing to write. Always write with attention and look on writing as a holiday.
- Daniil Kharms
Collection: Notebook
Image of Bruce Chatwin
To lose a passport was the least of one’s worries. To lose a notebook was a catastrophe.
- Bruce Chatwin
Collection: Notebook
Image of Naomi Novik
The single most important technique for making progress is to write ten words. Doesn't matter if you're badly stuck, or your day is completely jam-packed, or you're away from your computer - carry a small paper notebook and write a sentence of description while you're waiting on line at a coffee shop. I think of this as baiting a hook. Even if you have a few days in a row where nothing comes except those ten words, I find that as long as you have to think about the novel enough to write ten words, the chances are that more will come.
- Naomi Novik
Collection: Notebook
Image of Louise Fitzhugh
She didn't care anymore... and she got no pleasure from the work she did, but she did it. Everything bored her. She found that when she didn't have a notebook it was hard for her to think. The thoughts came slowly, as though they had to squeeze through a tiny door to get to her, whereas when she wrote, they flowed out faster than she could put them down. She sat very stupidly with a blank mind until finall 'I feel different' came slowly to her mind. Yes, she thought, after a long pause. And then, after more time, 'Mean, I feel mean.
- Louise Fitzhugh
Collection: Notebook
Image of Nicholas Sparks
Sometimes we need to be apart to understand just how much we truly love each other .
- Nicholas Sparks
Collection: Notebook
Image of Alyssa Milano
The HARDEST PART about BREAKING UP is the next day, opening your notebook only you see I LOVE YOU scribbled all over.
- Alyssa Milano
Collection: Notebook
Image of Jonathan Raban
When traveling, I usually keep a notebook: when home at my desk, the notebook serves mainly to remind me how little I saw at the time, or rather how I was noticing the wrong things. But the notes do spur memories, and it's the memories I trust. The wine stain on the page may tell me more than the words there, which usually strike me as hopelessly inadequate.
- Jonathan Raban
Collection: Notebook
Image of Nizar Qabbani
Light is more important than the lantern, The poem more important than the notebook
- Nizar Qabbani
Collection: Notebook
Image of Blake Mycoskie
Keep it simple: own as little as you can get away with, schedule everything, keep a notebook, don't let technology enslave you.
- Blake Mycoskie
Collection: Notebook
Image of Maira Kalman
My dream is to walk around the world. A smallish backpack, all essentials neatly in place. A camera. A notebook. A traveling paint set. A hat. Good shoes. A nice pleated (green?) skirt for the occasional seaside hotel afternoon dance.
- Maira Kalman
Collection: Notebook
Image of W. Eugene Smith
Negatives are the notebooks, the jottings, the false starts, the whims, the poor drafts, and the good draft but never the completed version of the work The print and a proper one is the only completed photograph, whether it is specifically shaded for reproduction, or for a museum wall.
- W. Eugene Smith
Collection: Notebook
Image of Sophie Scholl
When I was able to get home it first hit me that you had left and I couldn't do anything about it. Every day before that an evening with you was waiting for me after school, now no more, strange feeling. I had grown too accustomed to your warmth. That is also a danger. At home I looked at the notebooks that you had bought and I got the stupidest surge of hope that I'd find something of you, something especially for meant for me. I would so much like to have something of you that I could always keep by me, that nobody else would notice.
- Sophie Scholl
Collection: Notebook
Image of Wallace Stegner
You can plan all you want to. You can lie in your morning bed and fill whole notebooks with schemes and intentions. But within a single afternoon, within hours or minutes, everything you plan and everything you have fought to make yourself can be undone as a slug is undone when salt is poured on him. And right up to the moment when you find yourself dissolving into foam you can still believe you are doing fine.
- Wallace Stegner
Collection: Notebook
Image of Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Once I have the idea for a story. I start collecting all kinds of helpful information and storing it in three-ring notebooks. For example, I may see a picture of a man in a magazine and say, 'That's exactly what the father in my book looks like!'...I save everything that will help--maps, articles, hand-jotted notes, bits of dialogue from conversations that I overhear.
- Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Collection: Notebook
Image of John Gregory Dunne
The point of a notebook is to jumpstart the mind.
- John Gregory Dunne
Collection: Notebook
Image of Mavis Gallant
I believed that if I was to call myself a writer, I should live on writing. If I could not live on it, even simply, I should destroy every scrap, every trace, every notebook and live some other way.
- Mavis Gallant
Collection: Notebook
Image of Cherrie Moraga
A writer will write with or without a movement; but at the same time, for Chicano, lesbian, gay and feminist writers-anybody writing against the grain of Anglo misogynist culture-political movements are what have allowed our writing to surface from the secret places in our notebooks into the public sphere.
- Cherrie Moraga
Collection: Notebook
Image of John Fogerty
For years I walked around with the phrase "Green River" because I had seen that on a soda fountain drink when I was probably 8 or 9 years old, and I went, 'Gee, I like that.' Another one was "Lodi", which I thought sounded really cool. I got this cheap little empty plastic notebook at my local drugstore, and bought a little slab of filler paper and the very first title I wrote in it was "Proud Mary". I had no idea what that title meant.
- John Fogerty
Collection: Notebook
Image of Charles Ghigna
Get yourself a notebook and write in it EVERY night for two weeks. Then stop if you can. If you can't, you're a writer.
- Charles Ghigna
Collection: Notebook
Image of Archibald Geikie
When autumn returns with its long anticipated holidays, and preparations are made for a scamper in some distant locality, hammer and notebook will not occupy much room in the portmanteau, and will certainly be found most entertaining company.
- Archibald Geikie
Collection: Notebook
Image of Max Levchin
I have this massive notebook called IDEAS and another one called PERSONAL IDEAS and another one called CRAZY IDEAS.
- Max Levchin
Collection: Notebook
Image of Bronislaw Malinowski
The anthropologist must relinquish his comfortable position in the long chair on the veranda of the missionary compound, Government station, or planter's bungalow, where, armed with pencil and notebook and at times with a whisky and soda, he has been accustomed to collect statements from informants.... He must go out into the villages, and see the natives at work in gardens, on the beach, in the jungle; he must sail with them to distant sandbanks and to foreign tribes.
- Bronislaw Malinowski
Collection: Notebook
Image of Harold Rosenberg
Co-operating critics comb the studios like big-league scouts, prepared to spot the art of the future and to take lead in establishing reputations. Art historians stand by ready with cameras and notebooks to make sure every novel detail is safe for the record. The tradition of the new has reduced all other traditions to triviality.
- Harold Rosenberg
Collection: Notebook
Image of Noah
I'm gonna ask you one more time, will you or will you not go out with me? I think my hand's slipping.
- Noah
Collection: Notebook
Image of Sefi Atta
've had notebooks, but they are nondescript. All I care about is that they fit in my hand. I scribble down ideas. The problem is my best ideas come while I'm driving or showering.
- Sefi Atta
Collection: Notebook
Image of Piero Ferrucci
Inspiration comes whenever it wants, even at the most unlikely times and in the most inappropriate situations. Often it arrives bit by bit. Therefore it must be anchored, and this is where a most valuable item makes its appearance: the notebook.
- Piero Ferrucci
Collection: Notebook
Image of Joan Didion
Keepers of private notebooks are a different breed altogether, lonely and resistant rearrangers of things, anxious malcontents, children afflicted apparently at birth with some presentiment of loss.
- Joan Didion
Collection: Notebook
Image of Scott Eastwood
If it's a good romantic movie like The Notebook or...The Longest Ride . No, I don't know. I thought it would be great to work on one of those genres and we made a pretty darn good version of one of those. There are some that come off as sort of cheesy, but this one was pretty good.
- Scott Eastwood
Collection: Notebook
Image of Scott Eastwood
Romantic dramas? I love The Notebook. Titanic was great. Classic.
- Scott Eastwood
Collection: Notebook
Image of John Larroquette
Samuel Beckett is the person that I read the most of - certainly the person whose books I own the most of. Probably 800 or 900, maybe 1,000 books of just Samuel Beckett. By him, about him, in different languages, etc. etc. Notebooks of his, letters of his that I own, personal letters - not to me, but I bought a bunch of correspondence of his. I love his humor, and I'm always blown away by his syntax and his ideas. So I keep reading those.
- John Larroquette
Collection: Notebook
Image of Gary Louris
The lyrics seem to follow the music, and that's usually how I write. I write more about what comes out of my mouth while I'm writing the chords, and that seems to work better than filling up notebooks of what I think is really cool poetry, and try to put it on a song. That usually sounds like it's taped on.
- Gary Louris
Collection: Notebook
Image of Jami Attenberg
What I try very hard to do is have an hour or so in the morning when I leave the house and don't have my phone with me. I'll go sit in a cafe and read and handwrite in my notebook and not be facing a screen. My head will be clear. I will be able to hear myself think. Because honestly for the rest of the day it's just screens, screens, screens.
- Jami Attenberg
Collection: Notebook
Image of Kenneth Anger
I try to remember dreams, and occasionally I'll make a note or two in a notebook if it's something extra interesting. They do mean quite a lot to me, and they don't happen all that often. In other words, I don't have some kind of loud, Technicolor dream every night. But a few times a month, I'll have a rather interesting dream. They're mostly visual - oddly enough, I don't have much dialogue in my dreams. They just don't speak.
- Kenneth Anger
Collection: Notebook
Image of Preston Sturges
When the last dime is gone, I'll sit on the curb outside with a pencil and a ten cent notebook and start the whole thing over again.
- Preston Sturges
Collection: Notebook
Image of Ronaldo
I don't want my fans to have the same disappointment as me when I was refused by some players to sign my notebook when I was young.
- Ronaldo
Collection: Notebook
Image of Taylor Schilling
"The Notebook" is one of my favorite love stories.
- Taylor Schilling
Collection: Notebook
Image of James R. Clapper
President Trump has the advantage of being surrounded by an excellent cadre of advisors. Kim Jong-un doesn't have any advisors that are going to give him objective counsel. He's surrounded by medal-bedecked sycophants, who dutifully follow him around like puppy dogs with their notebooks open, ascribing his every utterance, and pushing back against the great leader is not a way to get ahead.
- James R. Clapper
Collection: Notebook
Image of Richard Overy
Many of the political jokes that circulated in the Third Reich were directed at Goering. He collected them [all] in a large leather notebook and delighted in re-telling most of them to his friends.
- Richard Overy
Collection: Notebook
Image of Marie Calloway
As for not getting things right: I constantly rerun social situations/conversations I experience/have throughout my head, and I'm always writing them down in notebooks or in word documents/the Internet. I feel like these habits and a generally good memory of people/the interactions I have with them (due to studying people having always been my main interest in life) have lead me to being very accurate in things I write in stories/essays.
- Marie Calloway
Collection: Notebook
Image of Peter Orner
I write by hand in my notebooks and number the drafts, so I know how crazy I can get with this. Some writers, like my teacher Marilynne Robinson, she only writes one draft. I've thought about this a lot; I think it's because she writes it 80 times in her head before it comes out.
- Peter Orner
Collection: Notebook
Image of Warren Ellis
Unless you turn out to be a shining and ballistic genius, then, trust me, if you want to do this then you're going to be spending the next few years doing little else. This is a thing you do at a table with a notebook and a keyboard, and there's no getting away from it. Put in the hours. You don't get to turn off 'being a writer.'
- Warren Ellis
Collection: Notebook
Image of Gerald Stern
You could be attached to merely a description of a plant or a flower. Or a narrative of an event. Or rage at injustice. Isaiah and the other Hebrew prophets, in their rage, were being altogether attached - not at all detached, although as I think of the word "detachment," I also think of a sheet of paper, loose from its notebook, fluttering around somewhere in the wind trying to find its home again.
- Gerald Stern
Collection: Notebook
Image of Lee Smolin
The page of my notebook was filled with many messy integrals, but all of a sudden I saw emerge a formula for counting. I had begun to calculate a quantity on the assumption that the result was a real number, but found instead that, in certain units, all the possible answers would be integers. This meant that areas and volumes cannot take any value, but come in multiples of fixed units.
- Lee Smolin
Collection: Notebook