Seth Rogen

Image of Seth Rogen
I think people do get better as the movies go on sometimes, and I'm always happy that we're shooting out of order, so it's kind of scattered throughout the movie, and there isn't like a clear build in everyone finding their characters.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Character
Image of Seth Rogen
I’m very curious in regards to "The Hateful Eight" specifically about the blocking of the movie. Because in comedies, we don’t block. We basically like have to position the actors’ bodies in the way that is most conducive to filming both of them simultaneously.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Block
Image of Seth Rogen
I have become a giant fan of the testing process, especially with a comedy. I mean, they tell you what's funny. It's almost tailor-made for people who shoot the way we shoot, trying a million different options and versions of things. Because the audience doesn't laugh at a joke, we put in another joke. If they don't laugh at the next joke, we put in another joke. You just keep doing them and you can get the movie to the point where every joke is funny, if you have enough options in the can.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Mean
Image of Seth Rogen
For a Jewish mother, having a country wage war on your son is the worst. If Kim Jong-un only knew what he was doing to my mother!
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Country
Image of Seth Rogen
There's something you can get away with when you know you're only going to be on one season. There's no sense of, "We should save that." It's just like, "Use that! Get it out there now. They could shut us down any second!"
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Use
Image of Seth Rogen
I go to the theater, all the time. I'm not one of these secret movie, watch a 35mm print in my living the weekend it comes out guys. I'm not Jon Bon Jovi. I go to the Arclight, like a regular asshole.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Weekend
Image of Seth Rogen
I work under the assumption that, generally speaking, my taste and the taste of the Oscar voters are not one in the same.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Oscars
Image of Seth Rogen
Sometimes what you lose in the time it takes to let an actor do something that you don't like as a director, you gain in not shutting them down creatively by telling them their idea sucks.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Ideas
Image of Seth Rogen
I think that, honestly, people's censorship issues are personal but I disagree with most of those personal choices that I see others make. You know, I watch television and there's a grotesque amount of violence on almost every show that you would watch that comes on past 8:00 pm. And I think my dirty brand of humor is far less destructive to a child's mentality.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Children
Image of Seth Rogen
You can actually improvise a lot as a voice actor. It's not that entirely different than shooting a live action movie; the characters mouths are quite easy to manipulate once all the information is built into the computer. So you can improvise a lot and it doesn't matter really how far along they are in the process they can really just make the character say something different.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Character
Image of Seth Rogen
When I was 13 and 14, there were a lot of jokes about my bar mitzvah and my grandparents, and then when I got older, it became more about touching boobs and trying to get liquor, you know? I kind of ran the gamut of infantile behavior... And I haven't moved one step forward since.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Grandparent
Image of Seth Rogen
I'm actually way more funny now, because I'm hungry... If comedy comes from pain, I should be funnier now than I ever was.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Pain
Image of Seth Rogen
I remember when I got my first Adam Sandler CD and it was the funniest thing I'd ever heard in my entire life, and continues to be.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Funny
Image of Seth Rogen
I did meet Steve Wozniak on several occasions leading up to the filming of the movie. It wasn’t really written how he is. So the second I met him, it almost was a relief, because I was like, "OK, good, the real Steve Wozniak is like one of the least confrontational people you would ever meet in your entire life."
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Seth Rogen
Steve Wozniak admittedly would never like say the things he said to Steve Jobs [in the movie] in the context that he said them.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Seth Rogen
I was, like, a brown belt, which is pretty good. I entered a tournament once, and I punched the guy in the throat and got disqualified. I realized - I don't know if you're familiar with "Karate Kid," but the bad guys in that are called Cobra Kai, and they're, like, the evil karate guys. And then when I went to the tournament, I realized that's what we were; we were like the Cobra Kai of the Jewish karate community.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Kids
Image of Seth Rogen
I was pretty young. I guess I was in high school, so I was probably 13 years old. It was crazy. I remember it very vividly. I remember - it was actually kind of horrifying, because one of my friends - we smoked out of a bong, and one of my friends - this was so stupid - he didn't want to bring - it was after school on a Friday, and he didn't - we smoked weed in this park called the Ravine that was across the street from my high school.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Friday
Image of Seth Rogen
There was a year straight where every weekend, I went to at least one bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah, and we would all go, and it was a lot of fun. We sneak some beer; we'd hang out; we would try to get with girls and not. And usually we'd just end up hanging out together alone.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Girl
Image of Seth Rogen
We started when we're around 13 writing it - maybe 14. I'm a little older than Evan Goldberg is, like, only like six months. But like, I would say, like, the general structure of the movie, like, the series of events is very similar to what it was when we first wrote it.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Writing
Image of Seth Rogen
I've never had something - like, you know, drunk people have tried to do that to me, and I instantly shut it off. I say, don't to this, dude; you'll feel terrible about this later. It'll be - I'll bring it up all the time; I'll make fun of you. Just save yourself the embarrassment and don't do it.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Fun
Image of Seth Rogen
When we grew up in Vancouver our friends were - I don't know if I'd say callous, but we had a very, you know, harsh relationship with one another; we'd constantly make fun of each other.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Fun
Image of Seth Rogen
I'd moved to L.A., and everyone's actors here and writers, they were like super emotional and super in touch with their feelings, and it seemed like every two weeks one of my friend just coming to me and, like, you hurt my feelings the other day, dude.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Hurt
Image of Seth Rogen
I liked actions movies. Jean-Claude Van Damme was a major influence on me at that point in my life.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Action
Image of Seth Rogen
I was always big. I was kind of around this size, like, since I went into high school. I played rugby and stuff like that. So, people, you know, would screw with me, but I never got into, like, a real fight or anything like that.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Real
Image of Seth Rogen
It's much more painful to bomb in front of a group of yours peers than it is to not win. Tons of assholes ain't winning awards, but only one guy will be bombing. So, that's much more nerve-wracking.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Winning
Image of Seth Rogen
Steve Wozniak literally one of the sweetest guys. And that was kind of the thing I had to reconcile: how do I try to do this guy's sweetness justice in some capacity when most of the things I'm doing in the movie are pretty confrontational, and pretty argumentative.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Justice
Image of Seth Rogen
I always thought realistic was a better way to explain things that were "dramedies" because life is like that. It's funny, it's dramatic and to me that's how I see it.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Life Is Like
Image of Seth Rogen
It's just kind of seemed like a funny way to explore action movies, I guess. I mean, I'm a big fan of them always. It's always people who are very equipped to deal with the situations that they're thrown in. So, the notion just seemed funny, because it's, like, basically stoners are kind of the last guys in the world who are equipped to deal with that. And the humor possibilities just seemed somewhat endless.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Mean
Image of Seth Rogen
One of the big things that we wanted to do was trying to kick out a car window as you're driving after it's been shattered obstructing your view. I mean, that's - I can't count how many movies I've seen that in, and we just thought, you know, like, it could be funny if it just kind of goes wrong and this foot just kind of punctures through the window and gets stuck.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Mean
Image of Seth Rogen
We just kind of wanted to play with these iconic moments of action. There's a really small one that always makes me laugh really hard, where there's a big shootout at the end, and the moment my gun runs out of bullets, I turn and there's just another gun sitting there, and I'm, like, oh, nice.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Running
Image of Seth Rogen
To me, always just - that scene is, like, so convenient. They never run out of bullets in action movies, unless it's at the most dramatic time possible.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Running
Image of Seth Rogen
In "Superbad," I carry a gun, but I didn't get to shoot it that much.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Gun
Image of Seth Rogen
To me, when there's movies that are about, you know, guys named Hell Boy, and you know, the issue that they have with our movie that she doesn't get an abortion, I mean, I think there's greater suspensions of disbelief.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Mean