Salma Hayek

Image of Salma Hayek
I've never met anybody who enjoys every moment of making a movie as much as Pierce Brosnan. He doesn't stress out too much, he is always in a good mood. And he has little rituals throughout the day, which he does with a lot of style - almost like he is celebrating life, not just the work. He has to have his special cup of tea, in nice china, not Styrofoam.
- Salma Hayek
Collection: Nice
Image of Salma Hayek
I think today that's a very big problem because of the world we live in and the social media and everything... everybody is obsessed with their own identity, but seen through other people.
- Salma Hayek
Collection: Thinking
Image of Salma Hayek
Do I envy Madonna’s body? Yes. Do I thank God that she has it? Yes! If you’re fifty-something and you look like Madonna, and you put a lifetime’s work in the way you look, then flash it to the world!
- Salma Hayek
Collection: Envy
Image of Salma Hayek
When I'm doing a movie, that's when I relax. As stressful as it can be, as much pressure as it should be, making movies is still the place where I feel the most at ease and I truly enjoy it. That's why I make so many.
- Salma Hayek
Collection: Relax
Image of Salma Hayek
Botox, trust me I've been tempted - but I resist! Think about what happens to your muscles - and your skin - if you're sick and don't move for a few days.
- Salma Hayek
Collection: Moving
Image of Salma Hayek
I can learn my lines fine. It’s just reading them in the first place that is the problem.
- Salma Hayek
Collection: Reading
Image of Salma Hayek
I don’t have stamina in exercise...but I have it in life.
- Salma Hayek
Collection: Exercise
Image of Salma Hayek
I was an illegal immigrant.
- Salma Hayek
Collection: Illegal
Image of Salma Hayek
Life, I've got lots of friends. I don't complain.
- Salma Hayek
Collection: Lots Of Friends
Image of Salma Hayek
There is an Arabic writer who wrote philosophy and poetry and who brought all religions and all the world together.
- Salma Hayek
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Salma Hayek
When I finally decided to leave school and pursue acting, my parents didn't take it very lightly. My friends thought that it was the tackiest thing they'd ever heard of. Acting was really beneath them. They couldn't believe that I would want to become an actress. Not now, of course.
- Salma Hayek
Collection: Believe
Image of Salma Hayek
It breaks my heart because there are some parts I know I would have the right spirit for, and I just don't get them because I have an accent.
- Salma Hayek
Collection: Heart
Image of Salma Hayek
I might not be famous one day. But I'd still be happy.
- Salma Hayek
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Salma Hayek
I don't think we are the same, women and men. We're different. But I don't think we are less than men. There are more women than men in the world - ask any single woman! So, it is shocking that men are in more positions of power.
- Salma Hayek
Collection: Men
Image of Salma Hayek
Make yourself smell nice. I even wear perfume sometimes when I'm alone.
- Salma Hayek
Collection: Nice
Image of Salma Hayek
I'm a bit of an abstract figure that people can project their fantasies on; it's pretty much what we all are, otherwise we wouldn't be stars, and people wouldn't be interested. But people project things on you that have nothing to do with what you really are, or they see a little something and then exaggerate it. And you can't really control that.
- Salma Hayek
Collection: Stars
Image of Salma Hayek
Sometimes I decide not to make something because I am proud and think I am better than that - and then I realise I have to pay the rent and I have to take something which is even worse than all the other stuff they offer you because you were being so proud not to take it! But you adjust and sometimes for one reason or another there is no strategy at the end but there is the ability to do the best that you can with what you have.
- Salma Hayek
Collection: Thinking
Image of Salma Hayek
Try to figure out who you really are and not who you want other people to think you are.
- Salma Hayek
Collection: Thinking
Image of Salma Hayek
When I speak about freedom, it's about freedom of the spirit. Freedom of the spirit can't be represented by a body. It has to be art. It has to be all the colors. It has to be something that moves and has no boundaries.
- Salma Hayek
Collection: Art
Image of Salma Hayek
It's more fun to play a good character with a good director and good actors around you. That's what makes it fun, and the more variety, the better.
- Salma Hayek
Collection: Fun
Image of Salma Hayek
I don't care if you hate me or if you like me, as long as somebody gives me a character that is really a character to play. It's fun to be able to have a character and have a director that can direct you into a character. I'm just so happy that I got a good role. I don't care if it's bad or if it's good, and I don't care if it's drama or comedy. They are just so rare to come across.
- Salma Hayek
Collection: Fun
Image of Salma Hayek
If you’re feeling blue, lock yourself in a room, stand in front of a mirror, and dance – and laugh at yourself and be sexy. Dance the silliest and ugliest you’ve ever danced. Make fun of yourself and try to recover your sense of humor.
- Salma Hayek
Collection: Fun
Image of Salma Hayek
Hollywood has definitely grown, in embracing the inclusion of Latinos in the world, because, for some time, we didn’t exist. We were not part of any stories.
- Salma Hayek
Collection: Stories
Image of Salma Hayek
I have a farm and I love it there. There’s really nothing to do, but even watching the chickens, its fun.
- Salma Hayek
Collection: Fun
Image of Salma Hayek
It’s more fun to play a good character with a good director and good actors around you. That’s what makes it fun, and the more variety, the better.
- Salma Hayek
Collection: Fun