Robin Sharma

Image of Robin Sharma
Stop managing your time. Start managing your focus.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Focus
Image of Robin Sharma
Success comes from believing in you when no one believes in you.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Believe
Image of Robin Sharma
Be the master of your will but the servant of your conscience.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Masters
Image of Robin Sharma
If you're not uncomfortable on a daily basis, you're not making much progress.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Progress
Image of Robin Sharma
Mindsets are contagious. So choose the people you populate your life with extremely well.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: People
Image of Robin Sharma
If you only take small risks, you are only entitled to a small life.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Risk
Image of Robin Sharma
The less you are like others, the less others will like you.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Success
Image of Robin Sharma
What gets measured gets improved.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Inspiring
Image of Robin Sharma
Truly enlightened people never seek to be like others. Rather, they seek to be superior to their former selves.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Self
Image of Robin Sharma
Success is created through the performance of a few small daily disciplines that stack up over time to produce achievements far beyond anything you could of ever planned for. Failure, on the other hand, is just as easy to slip into. Failure's is nothing more than the inevitable outcome of a few small acts of daily neglect performed consistently over time so that they take you past the point of no return.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Past
Image of Robin Sharma
Sometimes you have to get off track to discover a better track
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Track
Image of Robin Sharma
Awareness precedes choice and choice precedes results.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Powerful
Image of Robin Sharma
The most dangerous place is in your safety zone.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Success
Image of Robin Sharma
Greatness begins beyond your comfort zone.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Powerful
Image of Robin Sharma
Small daily improvements over time lead to stunning results.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Robin Sharma
An extraordinary life is all about daily, continuous improvements in the areas that matter most.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Matter
Image of Robin Sharma
Your excuses are nothing more than the lies your fears have sold you.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Robin Sharma
Never overlook the power of simplicity.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Powerful
Image of Robin Sharma
Success is all about consistency around the fundamentals.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Greatness
Image of Robin Sharma
What you focus on grows, what you think about expands, and what you dwell upon determines your destiny.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Destiny
Image of Robin Sharma
Risk is more than is required. Learn more than is normal. Be strong. Show courage. Breathe. Excel. Love. Lead. Speak your truth. Live your values. Laugh. Cry. Innovate. Simplify. Adore mastery. Release mediocrity. Aim for genius. Stay humble. Be kinder than expected. Deliver more than is needed. Exude passion. Shatter your limits. Transcend your fears. Inspire others by your bigness. Dream big but start small. Act now. Don't stop. Change the world.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Dream
Image of Robin Sharma
The ordinary focus on what they're getting. The extraordinary think about who they're becoming.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robin Sharma
What you resist will persist; what you befriend, you will transcend.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Persist
Image of Robin Sharma
The project you are most resisting carries your greatest growth.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Robin Sharma
Potential unexpressed turns to pain.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Pain
Image of Robin Sharma
If the world watched how you worked today, would the world rise to its feet and applaud?
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Feet
Image of Robin Sharma
Sometimes success isn't about making the right decision, it's more about making some decision.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Powerful
Image of Robin Sharma
Knowledge is potential power. It transforms itself into actual power the moment you decisively act on it.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Moments
Image of Robin Sharma
Fear is nothing more than a mental monster you have created, a negative stream of consciousness
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Happiness
Image of Robin Sharma
Stop complaining about having no time for yourself and get up an hour earlier. You have the option, why not exercise it?
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Exercise
Image of Robin Sharma
Accept your teammates for what they are and inspire them to become all they can be.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Success
Image of Robin Sharma
Commit to Excellence. Become massively innovative and wear your passion on your sleeve. They might call you different or weird or even crazy. But please remember, every great leader (or visionary or brave thinker) was initially laughed at. Now they are revered.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Crazy
Image of Robin Sharma
All things being equal, the primary competitive advantage of your business will be your ability to grow Leaders Without Titles faster than your industry peers.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Success
Image of Robin Sharma
The most precious resource for businesspeople is not their time. It's their energy. Manage it well.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Robin Sharma
The best leaders blend courage with compassion.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Success
Image of Robin Sharma
Be so good at what you do that no one else in the world can do what you do.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Robin Sharma
People fear leaving their safe harbor of the known and venturing off into the unknown. Human beings crave certainty - even when it limits them.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: People
Image of Robin Sharma
The things that are hardest to do are often the things that are the best to do.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Success
Image of Robin Sharma
Every moment in front of a customer is a gorgeous opportunity to live your values.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Success
Image of Robin Sharma
Know that the thing that is easiest to do is rarely the thing that is best to do.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Robin Sharma
Make the work you are doing today better than the work you did yesterday.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Success
Image of Robin Sharma
On the other side of the fear live your possibilities.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Fear
Image of Robin Sharma
Hard work opens doors and shows the world that you are serious about being one of those rare - and special - human beings that uses the fullness of their talents for the highest and the very best.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Robin Sharma
In your quietest moments appear your most true thoughts.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Moments
Image of Robin Sharma
We grow fearless by walking into our fears.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Fear
Image of Robin Sharma
The way you begin your day determines the way you will live your day.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Way
Image of Robin Sharma
Time is your most precious commodity and yet most of us live our lives as if we have all the time in the world.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: World
Image of Robin Sharma
Doing the difficult things that you've never done awakens the talents you never knew you had.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Success
Image of Robin Sharma
Remember, there are no real failures in life, only results. There are no true tragedies, only lessons. And there are no problems, only opportunities waiting to be recognized as solutions by the person of wisdom.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Real
Image of Robin Sharma
Dreamers are mocked as impractical. The truth is they are the most practical, as their innovations lead to progress and a better way of life for all of us.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Powerful