Top Track Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Track quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Bill Bradley
I might lose because I wasn't tall enough; I might lose because I wasn't fast enough. But I wasn't going to lose because I wasn't ready.
- Bill Bradley
Collection: Track
Image of Anita Borg
None of these devices address that women keep track of many peoples lives, not just their own.
- Anita Borg
Collection: Track
Image of Harriet Tubman
I never ran my train off the track, and I never lost a passenger.
- Harriet Tubman
Collection: Track
Image of Patty Murray
So, I'm not impressed by BP's promises and I'm not ready to take the word of a company with a track record of pursuing profit over safety.
- Patty Murray
Collection: Track
Image of Carl Yastrzemski
I knew when the ball was going out (over the Green Monster). It was something I worked into the decoy, but it used to tick the pitchers off. Bill Monbouquette used to say, 'Can't you at least make it look like you can catch it?' Meanwhile, the ball would be on its way over the fence to a spot three-quarters of the way out to the railroad tracks.
- Carl Yastrzemski
Collection: Track
Image of Ron Rash
I wouldn't mind being a track and field coach.
- Ron Rash
Collection: Track
Image of Larry Page
You're probably on the right track if you feel like a sidewalk worm during a rainstorm.
- Larry Page
Collection: Track
Image of Keith Ablow
The good guys had to operate on a higher level than the killers--just for society to keep track of who was who.
- Keith Ablow
Collection: Track
Image of Rachel Caine
You better check your playlist. Because you are on the wrong track.
- Rachel Caine
Collection: Track
Image of Man Ray
When I saw I was under attack from all sides, I knew I was on the right track.
- Man Ray
Collection: Track
Image of Wright Morris
In the blur of the photograph, time leaves its gleaming, snail-like track.
- Wright Morris
Collection: Track
Image of David Perlmutter
Bad things happen. And the human brain is especially adept at making sure that we keep track of these events. This is an adaptive mechanism important for survival.
- David Perlmutter
Collection: Track
Image of Siobhan Davies
If I only made dances about my own experience in dance, it would always be on my track, and I don't want that, I want to be on the track of where dance can take me.
- Siobhan Davies
Collection: Track
Image of Alan Alda
How can I ever hope to communicate something to you unless I get signals back from you that I'm on the right track or that I've started at some place that you're familiar with?
- Alan Alda
Collection: Track
Image of Steven Wilson
Every Bass Communion track is based on a single sound source. Increasingly I find that I'm really interested in taking a particular sound and it's almost like solving a problem. If I have a sound, the problem is how can I create a piece of music from this one sound source?
- Steven Wilson
Collection: Track
Image of Avicii
There's always so much music around me now, it seems like everything has to be something with music, so in my spare time I try not to listen to anything. It's so hard for me to listen to something without trying to see a benefit in it: "Maybe I'll make my own version of that track or maybe I'll do this or that." When I'm off I just don't want to hear anything.
- Avicii
Collection: Track
Image of Candace Cameron
Priorities and purpose help keep us on track.
- Candace Cameron
Collection: Track
Image of Judith Butler
We have to be able track the ways in which fear, for instance, is monopolised by state and media institutions, ways in which fear is actually promoted and distributed as a way of bolstering the need for greater security and militarisation.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Track
Image of Robin Sharma
Sometimes you have to get off track to discover a better track
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Track
Image of Patricia Churchland
The neuroscience of consciousness is not going to stop in its tracks because some philosophers guesses that project cannot be productive.
- Patricia Churchland
Collection: Track
Image of Robert Ressler
Every ounce of information we can extract from a killer about his mind and methods gives us more ammunition to track the next one.
- Robert Ressler
Collection: Track
Image of Andrew Flintoff
I always listen to music before I go out to bat. Any track, really, just whatever I feel like at the time.
- Andrew Flintoff
Collection: Track
Image of Mildred Cable
In the desert the detachment of life from all normal intercourse imparts a sense of gravity to every rencontre, and each touch with human beings is fraught with a significance lacking in the too hurried intercourse of ordinary everyday life. On the desert track, there is no such thing as a casual meeting.
- Mildred Cable
Collection: Track
Image of Frank Broyles
John McDonnell is the Bear Bryant of track and field.
- Frank Broyles
Collection: Track
Image of Kate McKinnon
I love to just get in the booth. Put some tracks down. I’m basically Rihanna.
- Kate McKinnon
Collection: Track
Image of Tina Brown
In TV, you always feel you are standing on the tracks of an oncoming train
- Tina Brown
Collection: Track
Image of David Filo
We started Yahoo in about April 1994. It started out as a way for us to keep track of things that we were interested in.
- David Filo
Collection: Track
Image of Rod Milburn
When your timing is off, so is your stride. When your cadence is off, you're in deep trouble as a hurdler.
- Rod Milburn
Collection: Track
Image of Rod Milburn
A good hurdler has to be completely familiar with everything that goes on so if something happens he can automatically make an adjustment.
- Rod Milburn
Collection: Track
Image of Selim Nurudeen
How you go over hurdle one should be how you go over hurdle ten. You need the strength to accelerate, and to maintain form.
- Selim Nurudeen
Collection: Track
Image of Alice McCall
Somehow, we have gotten off track from the basics of health and spirituality, and we get in our own way.
- Alice McCall
Collection: Track
Image of Dick Pound
I would be inclined to say 'if you are not willing to cooperate and follow the rules of your international federation you are not the right track and field association to be part of the USOC.
- Dick Pound
Collection: Track
Image of Ted Leo
If you live up against train tracks, it can make your life a living hell.
- Ted Leo
Collection: Track
Image of Nigel Godrich
I accidentally produced a Willow Smith track!
- Nigel Godrich
Collection: Track
Image of Scott D. Anthony
The most important thing here is to largely ignore what customers say, and instead watch what they do or track where they spend money.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Track
Image of Rob Brown
I get nostalgic for things that didn't really exist. I might have a cassette from the first time a Melle Mel track, say, got played on radio in Manchester. And it might be a copy of a copy of a copy of a tape and there's all these weird nuances and distortions that have affected what I know as the truth, if you like, of that track.
- Rob Brown
Collection: Track
Image of Marilyn Tavenner
CMS has a track record of successfully overseeing the many contractors our programs depend on to function. Unfortunately, a subset of those contracts for have not met expectations.
- Marilyn Tavenner
Collection: Track
Image of Bruce Dern
Track and field has always interested me.
- Bruce Dern
Collection: Track
Image of William Klein
I have a special relationship with God. And when I take the right photograph, God gives me a little bing! in the camera. And then I know I'm on the right track.
- William Klein
Collection: Track
Image of Nadine Faustin-Parker
It's really all about your training. Whatever you train for, you'll be ready for.
- Nadine Faustin-Parker
Collection: Track
Image of Nicky Romero
I've never went into the studio looking for a certain direction for my next production. I make music that I enjoy and whatever flows in my head when I'm in the studio is how the track is going to turn out.
- Nicky Romero
Collection: Track
Image of John Shaffer
The hurdles have taught me that if you work really, really hard at perfecting the little things in your life, the big picture will come together.
- John Shaffer
Collection: Track
Image of Del Worsham
As far as I'm concerned, Scott Kalitta was already a legend, and he'll be one forever because he was a champion on the track and a champion off it.
- Del Worsham
Collection: Track
Image of Piper Kerman
From a young age I had learned to get over--to cover my tracks emotionally, to hide or ignore my problems in the belief that they were mine alone to solve.
- Piper Kerman
Collection: Track
Image of Marc Edwards
I followed most of the 80's bands into the 90's as most of those folks who hadn't moved away were all still active. However, there was a point when I lost track of the new bands coming up.
- Marc Edwards
Collection: Track
Image of Planningtorock
I always want to know which tracks are the journalists' favourites.
- Planningtorock
Collection: Track
Image of Doug Aitken
The compartmentalizing is so severe, that we kind of lose track. When you sit down to dinner with friends, you're going to talk about everything, sharing this polyphony of experiences, this spectrum of culture, and it's all cross-pollinating all the time.
- Doug Aitken
Collection: Track
Image of Aphex Twin
I'm a quite erratic person: From setups to actually when I'm doing a track, it's just turning and switching and changing all the time.
- Aphex Twin
Collection: Track