Robert Jordan

Image of Robert Jordan
To anger an Aes Sedai is to put your head in a hornets' nest.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Nests
Image of Robert Jordan
Rand al'Thor is a mule-headed, stone-willed fool of a...a...a man!
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Men
Image of Robert Jordan
Better to face the bear than run from it.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Running
Image of Robert Jordan
If you fell head first into a pigsty, you'd try to convince everybody you did it on purpose.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Trying
Image of Robert Jordan
You ride to battle?" Karede asked. "I was thinking more of a saunter," Mat said. He shook his head. "I need a feel for what Demandred is doing...I'm going out there, Karede, and putting you fellows between me and the Trollocs sounds delightful. Are you coming?
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robert Jordan
Cheer the bull, or cheer the bear; cheer both, and you will be trampled and eaten.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Cheer
Image of Robert Jordan
The yellowfly is almost too small to see, but if you leave its egg in your skin, you will lose an arm or leg before it hatches - if it does not kill you.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Eggs
Image of Robert Jordan
Schemes within schemes. The Great Serpent is a good sign for you Aes Sedai, I think. Someday you may swallow yourselves by accident.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robert Jordan
I've come to give you your gift back, Mordeth," Cauthon whispered. "I consider our debt paid in full.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Giving
Image of Robert Jordan
Before I knew what was happening, I had a fistful of spears around my neck like a collar. I could have shaved myself with one sneeze.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Necks
Image of Robert Jordan
Dance well with a woman, and she's halfway yours.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Wells
Image of Robert Jordan
A crafty enemy will set a weak ambush you are meant to break through. Confident because you have dealt with the threat, your guard relaxed, you walk into the second, stronger ambush.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Break Through
Image of Robert Jordan
It was easier to trip a fool than to knock him down.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Fool
Image of Robert Jordan
The arrogance of men never ceases to amaze me. You all think everything has to do with you, and every woman has to desire you.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Men
Image of Robert Jordan
Til shade is gone, til water is gone Into the shadow with teeth bared Screaming defiance with the last breath To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Eye
Image of Robert Jordan
I doubt you can understand the magnitude of the stupidity in your statement
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Stupidity
Image of Robert Jordan
No man should have another man's voice in his head.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Men
Image of Robert Jordan
May Your Swords Stay Sharp!" - Lan Pendragon
- Robert Jordan
Collection: May
Image of Robert Jordan
Sleep well and wake, Rand al'Thor.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Sleep
Image of Robert Jordan
Always something new, always something I didn't expect, and sometimes it isn't horrible.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Robert Jordan
The only way was forward, whatever lay at the end.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Way
Image of Robert Jordan
On the heights, all paths are paved with daggers. -Old Seanchan saying
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Daggers
Image of Robert Jordan
If you don't know everything, you must go on with what you do know.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Goes On
Image of Robert Jordan
The only man completely at peace is a man without a navel.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Men
Image of Robert Jordan
Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Dragons
Image of Robert Jordan
He came like the wind, like the wind touched everything, and like the wind was gone. -from The Dragon Reborn. By Loial, son of Arent son of Halan, the Fourth Age.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Son
Image of Robert Jordan
I surrender to it, and by surrendering, I control it.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Surrender
Image of Robert Jordan
Even a queen stubs her toe, but a wise woman watches the path.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Wise
Image of Robert Jordan
You will serve the Cyrstal Throne well. It would be a shame to see you assassinated too early. I will make certain that the first I send after you are newly trained, so that you may stop them with ease." -General Galgan to Mat
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Would Be
Image of Robert Jordan
A jealous wife is like a hornets' nest in your mattress
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Jealous
Image of Robert Jordan
The best way to avoid trouble is to make sure no one wants to trouble you.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Want
Image of Robert Jordan
Has anyone ever told you that you should wear a hat? It would fit the missing eye quite well.' -Kathana to Mat
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Eye
Image of Robert Jordan
The road ahead of you is long, dark, and, I very much fear, bloodstained. I also very much fear that you will take us all down that road. But you must live to reach the end of it.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Dark
Image of Robert Jordan
In Shinear, a woman [is] safe anywhere, any time-except from Trollocs and Myrddraal, of course-and any man [will] die to see it so.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Men
Image of Robert Jordan
Taren Ferry folk had a reputation for slyness and trickery. If you shook hands with a Taren Ferry man, people said, you counted your fingers afterwards.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Men
Image of Robert Jordan
Women often seemed to leave things unsaid, and in his limited experience it was what they did not say that proved the most trouble.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Trouble
Image of Robert Jordan
Courage to strengthen, fire to blind, music to daze, iron to bind.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Fire
Image of Robert Jordan
Love is an odd thing. As odd a thing as there is.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Love Is
Image of Robert Jordan
A slow horse does not always reach the end of the journey.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Horse
Image of Robert Jordan
Once you decide to gut a fish, there's no use waiting till it rots.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Waiting
Image of Robert Jordan
It seems to me that kings and queens can be fools when they forget what they are and act like who they are, but they're worse when they only remember what they are and forget who.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Kings
Image of Robert Jordan
Dance with her, and she will forgive much. Dance well, and she will forgive anything.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Forgiving
Image of Robert Jordan
Men," Thom murmured. "Men who shook the pillars of heaven and rocked the world on its foundations." He shook his head. "It doesn't matter. Forget about them. They are dust now.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Men
Image of Robert Jordan
The way back will come but once. Be steadfast.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Way
Image of Robert Jordan
Juilin," she asked hesitantly, "what were you going to do with the salt and cooking oil? Not exactly," she added more quickly. "Just a general idea." He looked at her for a moment. "I do not know. But they did not, either. That is the trick of it; their minds made up worse then I ever could. I have seen a tough man break when I sent for a basket of figs and some mice.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Men
Image of Robert Jordan
A flapping tongue has killed more men than sudden storms ever did.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Men
Image of Robert Jordan
I do not like odd things until I can understand them.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Odd Things
Image of Robert Jordan
As my Lord says, my Lord's leg is not a side of beef. Thank you, my Lord, for instructing me.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Beef
Image of Robert Jordan
Duty is heavy as a mountain, death is light as a feather.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Light