Top Optimistic Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Optimistic quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Robert Mueller
No one has ever been able to convince me that optimism is not preferable to pessimism.
- Robert Mueller
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Robin Roberts
Being optimistic is like a muscle that gets stronger with use. Makes it easier when the tough times arrive. You have to change the way you think in order to change the way you feel.
- Robin Roberts
Collection: Optimistic
Image of William Carlos Williams
One thing I am convinced more and more is true, and that is this: The only way to be truly happy is to make others happy. When you realize that and take advantage of the fact, everything is made perfect.
- William Carlos Williams
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Jonathan Nolan
Everybody is waiting for the end to come, but what if it already passed us by? What if the final joke of Judgment Day was that it had already come and gone and we were none the wiser? Apocalypse arrives quietly; the chosen are herded off to heaven, and the rest of us, the ones who failed the test, just keep on going, oblivious. Dead already, wandering around long after the gods have stopped keeping score, still optimistic about the future.
- Jonathan Nolan
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Arthur C. Brooks
Conservatives are better talking about opportunity and growth in the abstract, while liberals talk more about poor people. Right now we [americans] need a good, optimistic, conservative opportunity ideology that is totally geared toward lifting up the poor. That's what I most want to see in candidates.
- Arthur C. Brooks
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Mike Royko
Show me somebody who is always smiling, always cheerful, always optimistic, and I will show you somebody who hasn't the faintest idea what the heck is really going on.
- Mike Royko
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Muhammad Yunus
One day our grandchildren will go to museums to see what poverty was like.
- Muhammad Yunus
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Loung Ung
For me, choosing happiness has to be something that's conscious, a choice, something I act on. And I think this is something really difficult in a society where there's this falsehood that there's sunshine everywhere and all you have to do is hook yourself up to it. We're Combodians such an optimistic culture, but sometimes we have to work a lot harder to find it.
- Loung Ung
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Eddie Vedder
I'm optimistic yet disillusioned, hopeful yet frustrated.
- Eddie Vedder
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Patrick Stewart
I always have been optimistic about humanity's future. Always. Even at the most dismaying of times.
- Patrick Stewart
Collection: Optimistic
Image of L.E. Modesitt Jr.
Minds, like parachutes, function better when open, but, like fists, they strike harder when closed.
- L.E. Modesitt Jr.
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Pete Seeger
The key to the future of the world is finding the optimistic stories and letting them be known.
- Pete Seeger
Collection: Optimistic
Image of James Redfield
We must assume every event has significance and contains a message that pertains to our questions...this especially applies to what we used to call bad things...the challenge is to find the silver lining in every event, no matter how negative.
- James Redfield
Collection: Optimistic
Image of James Redfield
We can become inspired to shape a higher, more ideal future, and when we do, miracles happen.
- James Redfield
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Rick Steves
Be fanatically positive and militantly optimistic. If something is not to your liking, change your liking.
- Rick Steves
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Paul Hawken
When asked if I am pessimistic or optimistic about the future, my answer is always the same: If you look at the science about what is happening on earth and aren’t pessimistic, you don’t understand data. But if you meet the people who are working to restore this earth and the lives of the poor, and you aren’t optimistic, you haven’t got a pulse.
- Paul Hawken
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Robert M. Sapolsky
Most people who do a lot of exercise, particularly in the form of competitive athletics, have unneurotic, extraverted, optimistic personalities to begin with. (Marathon runners are exceptions to this.)
- Robert M. Sapolsky
Collection: Optimistic
Image of John Templeton
Bull-markets are born on pessimism, grow on skepticism, mature on optimism and die on euphoria.
- John Templeton
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Harry A. Blackmun
I am more optimistic though, that this court will eventually conclude that the effort to eliminate arbitrariness while preserving fairness in the infliction of [death] is so plainly doomed to failure that is - and the death penalty - must be abandoned altogether. I may not live to see that day, but I have faith that eventually it will arrive.
- Harry A. Blackmun
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Stuart Wilde
The rich get richer. Not only because they have surpluses with which to invest, but because of the overriding emotional release they experience from having wealth.
- Stuart Wilde
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Gilda Radner
It's such an act of optimism to get through a day and enjoy it and laugh and do all that without thinking about death. What spirit human beings have!
- Gilda Radner
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Bobbi Brown
I look at a woman and I don't see what's wrong with her. I see what's right.
- Bobbi Brown
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Walpola Rahula
First of all, Buddhism is neither pessimistic nor optimistic. If anything at all, it is realistic, for it takes a realistic view of life and the world. It looks at things objectively (yath?bh?tam). It does not falsely lull you into living in a fool's paradise, nor does it frighten and agonize you with all kinds of imaginary fears and sins. It tells you exactly and objectively what you are and what the world around you is, and shows you the way to perfect freedom, peace, tranquility and happiness.
- Walpola Rahula
Collection: Optimistic
Image of I. F. Stone
The arms race is based on an optimistic view of technology and a pessimistic view of man. It assumes there is no limit to the ingenuity of science and no limit to the deviltry of human beings.
- I. F. Stone
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Viggo Mortensen
If you're not optimistic on some level, then you've given up.
- Viggo Mortensen
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Chetan Bhagat
Be so busy Improving your self that you have no time to criticize others.
- Chetan Bhagat
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Janette Oke
Buried under the biggest burden is a good place to find an even bigger blessing.
- Janette Oke
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Juan Manuel Santos
More than 70 percent of Colombians want peace. The rest are afraid of the price to be paid. But even they will realize that their worst fears will not come true. I'm quite optimistic that Colombians do back an agreement with the FARC.
- Juan Manuel Santos
Collection: Optimistic
Image of John Wyndham
It must be, I thought, one of the race's most persistent and comforting hallucinations to trust that "it can't happen here" -- that one's own time and place is beyond cataclysm.
- John Wyndham
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Gennifer Choldenko
Nobody knows how things will turn out, that's why they go ahead and play the game...You give it your all and sometimes amazing things happen, but it's hardly ever what you expect.
- Gennifer Choldenko
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Danny Boyle
It's interesting, the worse things get in cities, the tougher that cities get, the more brutal the humor is. The tougher things people face, the darker the sense of humor gets and I find that incredibly optimistic.
- Danny Boyle
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Homer Hickam
Despite the ills of our society, we largely live among compassionate, kind and optimistic people who are striving to do good. [...] Learn how to be happy and keep this in mind: You can't be happy unless you stop being afraid.
- Homer Hickam
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Charlie Pierce neither weak nor naive. It can be tough and pure and earned just as clearly as any brooding existential despair.
- Charlie Pierce
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Felix Adler
An optimist is a person who sees only the lights in the picture, whereas a pessimist sees only the shadows. An idealist, however, is one who sees the light and the shadows, but in addition sees something else: the possibility of changing the picture, of making the lights prevail over the shadows.
- Felix Adler
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Tasha Tudor
Have you ever studied a snake's face? - how optimistic they look. They have an eternal smile.
- Tasha Tudor
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Paul Kurtz
Life, when fully lived under a variety of cultural conditions, can be euphoric and optimistic; it can be a joy to experience and a wonder to behold.
- Paul Kurtz
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Alice Herz-Sommer
I was born optimistic...I was laughing from the beginning of my life.
- Alice Herz-Sommer
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Susan Cheever
There is no such thing as expecting too much.
- Susan Cheever
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Sara Henderson
One thing I've learned from my short time trying to be a farmer is that our farmers have to be the bravest, most optimistic people in the world. To go back to the land year after year, after what nature throws at them and the world economy does to their income, takes a special kind of person.
- Sara Henderson
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Dorothy Fields
Grab your coat, and get your hat Leave your worry on the doorstep Just direct your feet To the sunny side of the street.
- Dorothy Fields
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Dana Reeve
Most of the time I think we're really pretty positive and optimistic, and we're so lucky to have the life that we have and had with him.
- Dana Reeve
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Gordon S. Wood
[John] Adams never had an optimistic view of human nature, and his experience in the Congress and abroad only deepened his suspicion that his fellow Americans might not have the character to sustain a republican government.
- Gordon S. Wood
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Toyotomi Hideyoshi
Pessimism is a losing strategy. Leadership demands both confidence and optimism in abundance.
- Toyotomi Hideyoshi
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Eugene Odum
When the study of the household (ecology) and the management of the household (economics) can be merged, and when ethics can be extended to include environmental as well as human values, then we can be optimistic about the future of humankind. Accordingly, bringing together these three ‘E's' is the ultimate holism and the great challenge for our future.
- Eugene Odum
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Subhas Chandra Bose
At this unprecedented juncture in our history I have a word for you. Do not be disheartened by our temporary defeat ; be cheerful and optimistic. Above all, never lose your faith in the destiny of India. There is no power on earth which can keep India in bondage. India will be free and, that too, soon. JAl-HIND !
- Subhas Chandra Bose
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Gloria Gaither
God walks with us. He scoops us up in His arms or simply sits with us in silent strength until we cannot avoid the awesome recognition that yes, even now, He is there.
- Gloria Gaither
Collection: Optimistic
Image of James Black
[There is no shortage of scientific talent.] But [I am] much less optimistic about the managerial vision [of the pharmaceutical industry] to catalyse these talents to deliver the results we all want.
- James Black
Collection: Optimistic
Image of John Hurt
Anything which retains interest is optimistic. When the characters become disinterested, it's pessimistic. Does that make sense?
- John Hurt
Collection: Optimistic
Image of James Branch Cabell
Creeds matter very little... The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true. So I elect for neither label.
- James Branch Cabell
Collection: Optimistic
Image of Benjamin Graham
Buy when most people, including experts, are pessimistic, and sell when they are actively optimistic.
- Benjamin Graham
Collection: Optimistic