Robert Englund

Image of Robert Englund
I'd rather be Vincent Price than a red-neck character actor. You can't predict what will happen.
- Robert Englund
Image of Robert Englund
Any film you make is a crap shoot.
- Robert Englund
Image of Robert Englund
When you see Robert Englund in a movie, you think he is the bad guy, but if I'm not the bad guy, and I'm supposed to just kind of fool the audience, it makes it a lot easier for whichever actor is the bad guy. So I find myself doing a lot of those, I think they're called red herring characters, faking out the audience.
- Robert Englund
Image of Robert Englund
The truth of it is when you get an audience to laugh and camp along with you, it's much easier to scare 'em again because they're using two sides of their emotions. It's much easier to set them up for a good cheap thrill scare again.
- Robert Englund
Image of Robert Englund
It's real simple - we all have nightmares, and the idea you can be in real jeopardy in them is a great gimmick. It's universal.
- Robert Englund
Image of Robert Englund
The roughest make-up I ever wore was for 'Phantom of the Opera' because the phantom's face was all disfigured, and he's trying to pass in public so he can attend his beloved opera. That was make-up over make-up.
- Robert Englund
Image of Robert Englund
I have very liberal parents. People forget that Fidel Castro was on the cover of 'Time' magazine, and the one that I remember the most - it's not necessarily my favorite - was when they dressed me as Castro when I was eight years old. I was in fatigues, camouflage hat, beard and cigar. I don't think I did that well with candy that year.
- Robert Englund
Image of Robert Englund
I'm a big fan of Brian De Palma's 'Sisters,' and I also love 'Let The Right One In.'
- Robert Englund
Image of Robert Englund
We were having a sleepover when I was eight or nine, and we all got to stay up late and watch the original 'Frankenstein.' It was uncensored, so as a child, I saw the scene where he throws the little girl into the lake, and that freaked me out. Though not as much as when he hangs the hunchback.
- Robert Englund
Image of Robert Englund
Horror does better when it's bubbling under. It's a niche. It doesn't like the limelight.
- Robert Englund
Image of Robert Englund
I did a lot of stuff before I became known for horror. I did a lot of small films in the '70s, in all kinds of styles. I worked with all kinds of people when I was just starting out: I was incredibly lucky.
- Robert Englund
Image of Robert Englund
While I still do a lot of horror, it doesn't feel to me like I'm repeating myself. I like to stay interested. I'm kind of turning into one of those elder statesmen, like a Vincent Price or a Donald Pleasence. I like to think of myself alongside those guys.
- Robert Englund
Image of Robert Englund
Fear has been good to yours truly.
- Robert Englund
Image of Robert Englund
The technologies of convenience are making our sphere of exploration and experience smaller.
- Robert Englund
Image of Robert Englund
I know there's a certain love and affection for the homemade on the Internet, and I'm all for that, too, and I appreciate it in alternative music, and I appreciate it in B-movies and in Sundance, independent films.
- Robert Englund
Image of Robert Englund
When I was 9, I went to a birthday party. We were supposed to see a cowboy movie, but the programming got screwed up and we saw 'The Bad Seed' instead. Horrifying. For years I was frightened of girls with pigtails.
- Robert Englund
Collection: Girl
Image of Robert Englund
I get a lot of teenagers going, 'Yo, Krueger,' and honking their horn and giving me the claw. Yeah, I'm recognized.
- Robert Englund
Collection: Teenager
Image of Robert Englund
We have to open our minds and be ready for the changes.
- Robert Englund
Collection: Mind
Image of Robert Englund
Everybody underestimated the universality of the concept of a nightmare or a bad dream.
- Robert Englund
Collection: Dream
Image of Robert Englund
You have to get your hands dirty. You've got to really deliver the goods, and when you do, you can get something really special.
- Robert Englund
Collection: Dirty
Image of Robert Englund
I love the idea that all genres can have subsets.
- Robert Englund
Collection: Ideas
Image of Robert Englund
People actually were worried that I was going to get stereotyped as a monster after Freddy, but my God, I got stereotyped as white trash for years, the best friend for years, the redneck for years, the nerd for years and let me tell's better to be a monster than to be a nerd.
- Robert Englund
Collection: Redneck
Image of Robert Englund
I know there really is someone out there for everyone.
- Robert Englund
Collection: Knows
Image of Robert Englund
Because I am known in the horror genre now, I try and do at least one horror movie a year for my fans, my fans have been so good to me.
- Robert Englund
Collection: Horror Genre
Image of Robert Englund
That old rock and roll song, "looking for love in all the wrong places," it's true.
- Robert Englund
Collection: Song
Image of Robert Englund
I think that what's happened is that there's been a rediscovery of some good old-school films and a realization that there's always a place for them. We don't have to outgrow them with the new technology and we can do them with it and we can do them without it. We shouldn't always have the demands made on us to do it.
- Robert Englund
Collection: School
Image of Robert Englund
I have some friends that just stick to the same criteria over and over again not realizing there are lots of other kinds of people and that may be what you like. People get in that mindset and put their blinders on.
- Robert Englund
Collection: People
Image of Robert Englund
With all the new technology, DVD's, Blu-Ray's, NetFlex, everyone has access to older movies. There is a new generation now of Freddy fans. Fathers that saw the movie originally, these guys are dads now, and they let their kids watch them.
- Robert Englund
Collection: Dad
Image of Robert Englund
Sometimes we spend our money on something we think is gonna be great, and the titles shall remain nameless, but they're just a little disappointing.
- Robert Englund
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robert Englund
When you see a guy flying into the air on fire, that's not me, obviously. I do all the water tricks, though.
- Robert Englund
Collection: Fire
Image of Robert Englund
There's a lot of dark horror, and a lot of sci-fi fantasy that's great, but what gets hyped a lot the big stuff. The most expensive stuff gets hyped a lot, and I love it, don't get me wrong, but there's things that fall through the cracks.
- Robert Englund
Collection: Fall
Image of Robert Englund
I always liked the skinny punk girls; I even loved them before punk.
- Robert Englund
Collection: Girl
Image of Robert Englund
I'm of the opinion that you go where you're wanted.
- Robert Englund
Collection: Opinion
Image of Robert Englund
It's hard for young people to understand when you tell them how great relationships are.
- Robert Englund
Collection: People
Image of Robert Englund
I love the idea of comedy in horror. I think this should be allowed.
- Robert Englund
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robert Englund
We used to take girls to scary movies all the time, I don't know about you, but that was the place we would go for dates.
- Robert Englund
Collection: Girl
Image of Robert Englund
I do love old horror, everytime I watch Rosemary's Baby the performances just get richer and richer and more multi-layered, and I see images that are just so politically outrageous. I love it all.
- Robert Englund
Collection: Baby
Image of Robert Englund
I liked girls with pale skin because I am a California boy, tanned and blonde hair.
- Robert Englund
Collection: Girl
Image of Robert Englund
I'd like to see a really good kind of closeted 1950s vampire movies. The war is over, the Korean war is over, we're happy now, a little bit of Cold War paranoia ya know, and then mix it up a little bit. I just think there are so many avenues that you could do that.
- Robert Englund
Collection: War
Image of Robert Englund
Whats great about Freddy in this is when he gets to comment and manipulate the back stories and the fears of the characters - especially with Jason.
- Robert Englund
Collection: Character
Image of Robert Englund
If a girl comes into your arms, that's pretty romantic.
- Robert Englund
Collection: Girl
Image of Robert Englund
If you don't invest in the characters, you don't care if they get killed. It's more fun if you know them.
- Robert Englund
Collection: Fun
Image of Robert Englund
In a great horror movie, you've gotta have some character development and you've gotta set some of your people up and you've gotta have a little back story going. You've gotta take that time for exposition.
- Robert Englund
Collection: Character
Image of Robert Englund
I'm kind of like a combination of a red herring and a fake-out.
- Robert Englund
Collection: Fake
Image of Robert Englund
I'm getting older now, and though I still surf well, it's hard for me to paddle in big surf.
- Robert Englund
Collection: Getting Older
Image of Robert Englund
I'd like to see a slasher movie set in the depression.
- Robert Englund
Collection: Movie Sets
Image of Robert Englund
Arguably, the Venice Film Festival is the second best film festival in the world, after Cannes.
- Robert Englund
Collection: Venice
Image of Robert Englund
There's plenty of great stuff out there. I think it's just what we do is we all spend our allowance on the thing that we're told is going to be the big event, and sometimes the big event is disappointing.
- Robert Englund
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robert Englund
The cowboy movies is not our go-to programmer anymore, here's a horror film.
- Robert Englund
Collection: Cowboy