Randy Newman

Image of Randy Newman
I ain't saying that I'm better than you, but maybe I am.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Egotism
Image of Randy Newman
To get nominated by the Republican Party you've got to be pretty reactionary, really.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Party
Image of Randy Newman
Don't forget to bring that little blonde haired girl along. You know the one, love to watch her jump up and down.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Girl
Image of Randy Newman
I am half a man, holy Jesus, what a drag.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Jesus
Image of Randy Newman
I seen her with the milkman, riding down the street. When you're through with my baby, milkman, send her home to me.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Baby
Image of Randy Newman
I'd like to explain why you fine young men had to be blown apart to defend this mud hole.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Men
Image of Randy Newman
Cleveland, city of light! City of magic!
- Randy Newman
Collection: Light
Image of Randy Newman
This one guy's wife is such a pretty brown thing, that I'm liable to give her a poke or two. Whaddaya think of that?
- Randy Newman
Collection: Thinking
Image of Randy Newman
College men from L.S.U., went in dumb, come out dumb, too.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Education
Image of Randy Newman
Crank up the Beach Boys, Baby.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Baby
Image of Randy Newman
The easiest thing I do is assignment songs. They tell me what they need me to write. I can do that fairly quickly. Writing for an orchestra is difficult. Writing songs [on your own] is most difficult of all. Though [writing for] the orchestra is close.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Song
Image of Randy Newman
This is the Republican Party who has run against Russia for 80 years and you know, (Trump) hasn't mentioned (Putin) except in a positive way.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Running
Image of Randy Newman
We don't know our ass from a hole in the ground.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Ass
Image of Randy Newman
There's a million white people better qualified than a black man to be president of America.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Men
Image of Randy Newman
More of my songs are intended to be funny than almost anyone else. Sometimes maybe it cheers me up a bit. I've got a distance from it. Sometimes what I'm writing is more important to me than the rest of my life. It's more important to me that I'm writing well than anything else.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Song
Image of Randy Newman
If I were to die tomorrow, I think they'd say Newman 56, composer of the hit song, Short People. Jumped off a mountain today.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Song
Image of Randy Newman
I have owned and played a Steinway all my life. It's the best Beethoven piano. The best Chopin piano. And the best Ray Charles piano. I like it, too.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Piano
Image of Randy Newman
I hate having to wait. I've got the thing done. I just want to see what happens.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Hate
Image of Randy Newman
Some fools in the desert with nothing to do...invented me, and they invented you. And other fools keep it all going and growing. Everybody, we're a figment of their imagination.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Imagination
Image of Randy Newman
I realized that, instead of moving people closer to a salvation decision, an answer can push them further away. Rather than engaging their minds or urging them to consider an alternative perspective, an answer can give them ammunition for future attacks against the gospel.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Moving
Image of Randy Newman
I've often written about places that are totally different from anything I know. Sometimes they turn out better.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Different
Image of Randy Newman
If you have a kid and you try irony out on them, they don't get it at 7, 8 years old. You can't really hide the Internet from kids. It worries me some particularly because I've done Disney and Pixar stuff.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Kids
Image of Randy Newman
Sometimes what I'm writing is more important to me than the rest of my life. It's more important to me that I'm writing well than anything else.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Writing
Image of Randy Newman
Things aren't black and white in the world.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Black And White
Image of Randy Newman
I'm interested in geography and weather and things like that, and if you don't write love songs, you've gotta go somewhere. I wrote a lot about places because that's what else there was. I had to stop myself from writing more of them.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Song
Image of Randy Newman
I think in most cases, unless you're writing about a character who is garrulous, you say what you've got to say and then get out. Those little conjunctions, those little turnaround words help you do it. That's the way I like to write: I get rid of things rather than add them.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Writing
Image of Randy Newman
And the Lord said: I burn down your cities - how blind you must be. I take from you your children, and you say how blessed are we. You all must be crazy to put your faith in me. That's why I love mankind.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Children
Image of Randy Newman
"Rednecks" always made me nervous to play, but I'm glad I wrote it and I continue to play it. It's just that the language is so rough.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Redneck
Image of Randy Newman
I like to write my lyrics on clay tablets.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Writing
Image of Randy Newman
The radio is blastin', someone's knockin' at the door. I'm lookin' at my girlfriend, she's passed out on the floor.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Girlfriend
Image of Randy Newman
In England, in France, in no other country would a black man have a chance to get elected. There's no two ways about it. Our country [USA] has been better about dealing with immigration and people who are different from each other than any other country in the world, that I know of.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Country
Image of Randy Newman
Still, it's clear that there are lots of people out there who are uncomfortable [about racism]. The Civil War was a long time ago but there are aspects of it that remain unsettled.
- Randy Newman
Collection: War