Philip James Bailey

Image of Philip James Bailey
It is no great misfortune to oblige ungrateful people, but an unsupportable one to be forced to be under an obligation to a scoundrel.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Ungrateful People
Image of Philip James Bailey
Where doubt there truth is - 'tis her shadow.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Doubt
Image of Philip James Bailey
The ground of all great thoughts is sadness.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Sadness
Image of Philip James Bailey
Obey thy genius, for a minister it is unto the throne of fate. Draw to thy soul, and centralize the rays which are around of the Divinity.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Fate
Image of Philip James Bailey
The worst men often give the best advice. Our deeds are sometimes better than our thoughts.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Men
Image of Philip James Bailey
Necessity, like electricity, is in ourselves and all things, and no more without us than within us.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Electricity
Image of Philip James Bailey
Night comes, world-jewelled, . . . The stars rush forth in myriads as to wage War with the lines of Darkness; and the moon, Pale ghost of Night, comes haunting the cold earth After the sun's red sea-death--quietless.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Stars
Image of Philip James Bailey
Surely the stars are images of love.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Stars
Image of Philip James Bailey
Sorrow is a stone that crushes a single bearer to the ground, while two are able to carry it with ease.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Crush
Image of Philip James Bailey
The hero is the world-man, in whose heart One passion stands for all, the most indulged.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Hero
Image of Philip James Bailey
The poet's pen is the true divining rod Which trembles towards the inner founts of feeling; Bringing to light and use, else hid from all, The many sweet clear sources which we have of good and beauty in our own deep bosoms; And marks the variations of all mind As does the needle.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Sweet
Image of Philip James Bailey
For as nightingales do upon glow-worms feed, So poets live upon the living light.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Light
Image of Philip James Bailey
Kindness is wisdom. There is none in life But needs it and may learn.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Kindness
Image of Philip James Bailey
It is fine to stand upon some lofty mountain thought, and feel the spirit stretch into a view.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Views
Image of Philip James Bailey
For ivy climbs the crumbling hall To decorate decay.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Ivy
Image of Philip James Bailey
The death-change comes. Death is another life. We bow our heads At going out, we think, and enter straight Another golden chamber of the king's Larger than this we leave, and lovelier. And then in shadowy glimpses, disconnect, The story, flower-like, closes thus its leaves. The will of God is all in all. He makes, Destroys, remakes, for His own pleasure, all.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Death
Image of Philip James Bailey
See the sun! God's crest upon His azure shield, the Heavens.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Heaven
Image of Philip James Bailey
If all were rich, gold would be penniless.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Gold
Image of Philip James Bailey
The heart is its own Fate.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Heart
Image of Philip James Bailey
We live not to ourselves, our work is life.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Work
Image of Philip James Bailey
Hell is more bearable than nothingness.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Evil
Image of Philip James Bailey
Nature means Necessity.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Nature
Image of Philip James Bailey
The strongest passion which I have is honor.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Passion
Image of Philip James Bailey
I cannot be content with less than heaven; Living, and comprehensive of all life. Thee, universal heaven, celestial all; Thee, sacrjd seat of intellective time; Field of the soul 's best wisdom : home of truth , Star-throned.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Philip James Bailey
When pride thaws, look for floods.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Pride
Image of Philip James Bailey
The truth is perilous never to the true, Nor knowledge to the wise; and to the fool, And to the false, error and truth alike, Error is worse than ignorance.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Wise
Image of Philip James Bailey
Doubt is the shadow of truth.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Doubt
Image of Philip James Bailey
Men might be better if we better deemed of them.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Men
Image of Philip James Bailey
I cannot be content with less than heaven.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Heaven
Image of Philip James Bailey
Tis light translateth night; 'tis inspiration Expounds experience; 'tis the west explains The east; 'tis time unfolds Eternity.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Philip James Bailey
Ah, nothing comes to us too soon but sorrow.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Sorrow
Image of Philip James Bailey
Dewdrops, Nature's tears, which she Sheds in her own breast for the fair which die. The sun insists on gladness; but at night, When he is gone, poor Nature loves to weep.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Night
Image of Philip James Bailey
Stars which stand as thick as dewdrops on the field of heaven.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Stars
Image of Philip James Bailey
The sun, centre and sire of light, The keystone of the world-built arch of heaven.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Light
Image of Philip James Bailey
See the gold sunshine patching, And streaming and streaking across The gray-green oaks; and catching, By its soft brown beard, the moss.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Sunshine
Image of Philip James Bailey
When night hath set her silver lamp high, Then is the time for study.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Night
Image of Philip James Bailey
The course of Nature seems a course of Death, And nothingness the whole substantial thing.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Nature
Image of Philip James Bailey
The beautiful are never desolate; But some one alway loves them--God or man. If man abandons, God himself takes them.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Beauty
Image of Philip James Bailey
Write to the mind and heart, and let the ear Glean after what it can.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Writing
Image of Philip James Bailey
A poet not in love is out at sea; He must have a lay-figure.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Love Is
Image of Philip James Bailey
The dew, 'Tis of the tears which stars weep, sweet with joy.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Sweet
Image of Philip James Bailey
England! my country, great and free! Heart of the world, I leap to thee!
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Country
Image of Philip James Bailey
Corruption springs from light: 'tis one same power Creates, preserves, destroys; matter whereon It works, on e'er self-transmutative form, Common to now the living, now the dead.
- Philip James Bailey
Collection: Spring