Top Gold Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Gold quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Rafael Sabatini
Gold has at all times been considered the best of testimonies of good faith.
- Rafael Sabatini
Collection: Gold
Image of George S. Clason
Without wisdom, gold is quickly lost by those who have it.
- George S. Clason
Collection: Gold
Image of Anne Bradstreet
I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold or all the riches that the East doth hold.
- Anne Bradstreet
Collection: Gold
Image of Rod Blagojevich
Each proposed B-2 stealth bomber costs three times more than it would if every part of the plane were made from solid gold. The cost is $2.3 billion each.
- Rod Blagojevich
Collection: Gold
Image of TobyMac
I cant immediately get all this coverage when my record comes out. The way I sell gold and platinum records is by being on the road.
- TobyMac
Collection: Gold
Image of Martin Short
An actor can spew out thoughts, but they're not all gold.
- Martin Short
Collection: Gold
Image of T. Colin Campbell
As you will come to see, much is governed by the Golden Rule: he who has the gold makes the rules.
- T. Colin Campbell
Collection: Gold
Image of John Desmond Bernal
All that glitters may not be gold, but at least it contains free electrons.
- John Desmond Bernal
Collection: Gold
Image of Ben Okri
Don't neglect the gold in your own back yard.
- Ben Okri
Collection: Gold
Image of Nouriel Roubini
Gold has no increasing value. And if you're really worried about, say, inflation rising, I would buy Spam. You know, you can eat Spam. You cannot eat gold.
- Nouriel Roubini
Collection: Gold
Image of J. P. Morgan
Gold is money. Everything else is credit.
- J. P. Morgan
Collection: Gold
Image of Ron Paul
I want to just obey the Constitution.The Constitution says only gold and silver can be legal tender.
- Ron Paul
Collection: Gold
Image of Antoine Rivarol
A fool may have his coat embroidered with gold, but it is a fool's coat still.
- Antoine Rivarol
Collection: Gold
Image of Mikhail Naimy
Take care that you hold not your priceless life so cheap as gold.
- Mikhail Naimy
Collection: Gold
Image of Alan Brennert
A road need not be paved in gold to find treasures at its end.
- Alan Brennert
Collection: Gold
Image of Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres
A painter can turn pennies into gold, for all subjects are capable of being transformed into poems.
- Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres
Collection: Gold
Image of Anna Dello Russo
It's all about gold. It's all about gold, gold, gold, gold! Excess!
- Anna Dello Russo
Collection: Gold
Image of Hans F. Sennholz
Every individual is a potential gold buyer, although he may not need the gold. It may be added to the store of personal wealth, and passed from generation to generation as an object of family wealth. There is no other economic good as marketable as gold.
- Hans F. Sennholz
Collection: Gold
Image of Antony C. Sutton
Those entrapped by the herd instinct are drowned in the deluges of history. But there are always the few who observe, reason, and take precautions, and thus escape the flood. For these few gold has been the asset of last resort.
- Antony C. Sutton
Collection: Gold
Image of Carlos P. Romulo
I feel like a Gold surrounded by Silver!
- Carlos P. Romulo
Collection: Gold
Image of John Denham
Though with those streams he no resemblance hold, Whose foam is amber and their gravel gold; His genuine and less guilty wealth t' explore, Search not his bottom, but survey his shore.
- John Denham
Collection: Gold
Image of Paul Eldridge
Avarice is fear sheathed in gold.
- Paul Eldridge
Collection: Gold
Image of Jim Beaver
Obviously I struck gold with Deadwood. No pun intended.
- Jim Beaver
Collection: Gold
Image of Peter Schiff
The strength in gold is revealing the general weakness in the dollar.
- Peter Schiff
Collection: Gold
Image of Marguerite Gardiner, Countess of Blessington
Genius is the gold in the mine, talent is the miner who works and brings it out.
- Marguerite Gardiner, Countess of Blessington
Collection: Gold
Image of Pierre Louis Maupertuis
However dangerous might be the shock of a comet, it might be so slight, that it would only do damage at the part of the Earth where it actually struck; perhaps even we might cry quits if while one kingdom were devastated, the rest of the Earth were to enjoy the rarities which a body which came from so far might bring it. Perhaps we should be very surprised to find that the debris of these masses that we despised were formed of gold and diamonds; but who would be the most astonished, we, or the comet-dwellers, who would be cast on our Earth? What strange being each would find the other!
- Pierre Louis Maupertuis
Collection: Gold
Image of Bruce Cockburn
Though chains be of gold, they are chains all the same.
- Bruce Cockburn
Collection: Gold
Image of Harville Hendrix
Conflict is the alchemical soup that transforms raw emotion and instinct into pure gold.
- Harville Hendrix
Collection: Gold
Image of Allan Sloan
Go for the gold: better one great column and some undistinguished ones than constant mediocrity.
- Allan Sloan
Collection: Gold
Image of Arnon Grunberg
The relative success of the bitcoin proves that money first and foremost depends on trust. Neither gold nor bonds are needed to back up a currency.
- Arnon Grunberg
Collection: Gold
Image of Solomon
Knowledge is of more value than gold
- Solomon
Collection: Gold
Image of Ray Dalio
If you don't own Gold, you know neither history nor economics.
- Ray Dalio
Collection: Gold
Image of Fawn M. Brodie
There is, of course, a gold mine or a buried treasure on every mortgaged homestead. Whether the farmer ever digs for it or not, it is there, haunting his daydreams when the burden of debt is most unbearable.
- Fawn M. Brodie
Collection: Gold
Image of Ingeborg Bachmann
With the aid of a minute correction - that of the dispersing lens - in a gold frame perched on her nose, Miranda can see into hell.
- Ingeborg Bachmann
Collection: Gold
Image of Laura Miller
Tracking the shiny is so much easier than digging for gold!
- Laura Miller
Collection: Gold
Image of E. L. Doctorow
Because like all whores you value propriety. You are creature of capitalism, the ethics of which are so totally corrupt and hypocritical that your beauty is no more than the beauty of gold, which is to say false and cold and useless.
- E. L. Doctorow
Collection: Gold
Image of James Grant
Nothing beats a little cash in a bear market, of course, and the oldest form of cash is gold.
- James Grant
Collection: Gold
Image of Mike Belkin
Borrowers will default. Markets will collapse. Gold (the ultimate form of safe money) will skyrocket.
- Mike Belkin
Collection: Gold
Image of Ryan Zimmerman
A Gold Glove would be one of the things I would really cherish. When I was younger, I was always smaller. I couldn't hit, so I had to work on defense.
- Ryan Zimmerman
Collection: Gold
Image of Mary Kom
Never buy gold, simply earn it
- Mary Kom
Collection: Gold
Image of Josh Williams
It's a gold rush ad we're selling the shovels.
- Josh Williams
Collection: Gold
Image of Prudentius
Hunger for gold is made greater as more gold is acquired.
- Prudentius
Collection: Gold
Image of George Jung
I've had so many great experiences in my life, of living total free will, that I wouldn't change it for all the gold in the earth.
- George Jung
Collection: Gold
Image of Bill Haywood
The mine owners did not find the gold, they did not mine the gold, they did not mill the gold, but by some weird alchemy all the gold belonged to them!
- Bill Haywood
Collection: Gold
Image of Bill Haywood
The mine owners do not find the gold.
- Bill Haywood
Collection: Gold
Image of Tracy K. Smith
time never stops, but does it end? and how many livesbefore take-off, before we find ourselves beyond ourselves, all glam-glow, all twinkle and gold?
- Tracy K. Smith
Collection: Gold
Image of Ekaterina Gordeeva
The first gold medal we had won for the Soviet Union. This one we won for each other.
- Ekaterina Gordeeva
Collection: Gold
Image of Michael Maloney
It's not what the price of gold is that matters, but rather how much stuff it will buy.
- Michael Maloney
Collection: Gold