Patti Smith

Image of Patti Smith
Please, no matter how we advance technologically, please don't abandon the book. There is nothing in our material world more beautiful than the book.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Patti Smith
Art is by nature optimistic. Art is optimistic because it is alive.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Patti Smith
We need a new cosmology. New gods. New sacraments. Another drink.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Needs
Image of Patti Smith
Hey sister, you're just moving too fast, you're screwing up the quota.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Work
Image of Patti Smith
Angel looks down at him and says, “Oh, pretty boy, Can't you show me nothing but surrender?
- Patti Smith
Collection: Angel
Image of Patti Smith
What is the soul? What color is it? I suspected my soul, being mischievous, might slip away while I was dreaming and fail to return. I did my best not to fall asleep, to keep it inside of me where it belonged.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Dream
Image of Patti Smith
I didn't waste my time on things I didn't love.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Waste
Image of Patti Smith
The things I thought would happen didn't. Things I never anticipated unfolded.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Happens
Image of Patti Smith
I don't think anything can prepare you for one's losses.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Loss
Image of Patti Smith
It will not fall away. Man cannot judge it. For art sings of God, and ultimately belongs to Him.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Art
Image of Patti Smith
Finally, by the sea, where God is everywhere, I gradually calmed.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Sea
Image of Patti Smith
As an artist, I never wanted to be fettered by gender nor recognized or defined as a female poet, musician or singer. They don't do that with men - nobody says Picasso, the male artist. Curators call me up and say, "We want your work to be in a show about women artists," and I'm like, why? For Christ's sake, do we have to attach a gender onto everything?
- Patti Smith
Collection: Artist
Image of Patti Smith
I had no proof that I had the stuff to be an artist, though I hungered to be one.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Artist
Image of Patti Smith
I came into music because I thought the presentation of poetry wasn't vibrant enough. So I merged improvised poetry with basic rock chords.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Rocks
Image of Patti Smith
I think some of that hopelessness of my generation got passed on to later generations - the sense of uselessness.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Thinking
Image of Patti Smith
The best thing is to motivate people to do their own work. I'm not opposed to making money. But I started to play rock 'n' roll to motivate others, to shake things up, wake people up and to let other skinny, pimply marginalized weirdos know they're not alone.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Rocks
Image of Patti Smith
When I started making music, we'd lost a lot of our great people. Rock was moving in a direction I didn't like. Rock was my generation's revolutionary, sexual, poetic, and political voice, but it had become corporatized. It was going into stadiums. It was so far removed from its basic roots.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Moving
Image of Patti Smith
I've embraced rock 'n' roll because it encompasses all the things I'm interested in: poetry, revolution, sexuality, political activism - all of these things can be found in rock 'n' roll. But I am also engaged in all of these things separately.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Rocks
Image of Patti Smith
What is the impulse that drove to direct? To me, it seems so immense. Just having a rock 'n' roll band, or to go from the solitude of writing and to having to collaborate, is almost schizophrenic.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Writing
Image of Patti Smith
I don't have an image of myself, when I'm walking down the street, like I'm a rock star or something. I'm a human being, I'm a friend, I'm a mom, I'm a writer, and I'm an artist. I do play electric guitar and all of that but in the end I'm just a person. I really don't live like a rock star, economically or socially. I still live a pretty simple life beside the traveling aspect of it.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Mom
Image of Patti Smith
I always wrote like rock 'n' roll. And I always listen to rock 'n' roll as poetry.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Rocks
Image of Patti Smith
When I was working on the lyrics, I thought of all the lullabies we learn as children: "Away in the Manger," William Blake's lullabies. I realized that the key to lullabies is simplicity.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Children
Image of Patti Smith
I started going to Bible school really early in life. Being raised a Jehovah's Witness, I had to read the Bible over and over. These stories were so horrifying and really difficult to reconcile. For me, Noah wasn't the story of the graham cracker box with the little animals it was horrifying. I would ask the same questions as a child. "Well, what about the little kids? What about the dogs and cats?"
- Patti Smith
Collection: Dog
Image of Patti Smith
We have to believe, as creators - just like a doctor doing heart surgery has to believe that he can save that person's life. You have to believe that your pursuit is not just a noble pursuit, but a necessary and inborn pursuit to uncover something.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Believe
Image of Patti Smith
In any performance, you're on stage for two hours, and there's 40 seconds or maybe a whole five minutes where you feel like the whole universe is in place, and you've gone even beyond the universe that you know.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Hours
Image of Patti Smith
As a child I was such an intense daydreamer; I could be so gone that I had to be smacked to come back. They were really worried that I had some kind of catatonia or something because I would go so far out. Because all I wanted to do was talk to god as a child.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Children
Image of Patti Smith
I have disciplined myself when I'm working. When I discovered art, I realized that one could keep that search going within creation. But I also realize that in order to create the art, you have to stay, you can't go too far.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Art
Image of Patti Smith
Talking to god and coming back because that's what we have to do. That's your responsibility as a director, as an artist, as a performer. Your responsibility is back again to your people.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Patti Smith
Sometimes I get lost in watching a film. The sorrow, or the frustration, is when it doesn't happen for a long time.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Frustration
Image of Patti Smith
I'm very comfortable with being a female now but when I was a little kid I only wanted to be a boy. I didn't want to be a girl. I didn't feel like a man inside... being a boy was just cooler.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Girl
Image of Patti Smith
What helps me is watching other people negotiate loss. I think about how we dropped a bomb on people in Hiroshima and 150,000 people were killed in one night. Those people had to mourn and they had to rebuild their city right away.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Loss
Image of Patti Smith
I wrote every day. I don't think I could have written Just Kids had I not spent all of the 80s developing my craft as a writer.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Kids
Image of Patti Smith
Not everything we do as artists has deep intent. If we push barriers, that's great, but sometimes we just do our work. Whether we make some kind of statement, consciously or unconsciously, we shouldn't take the innocence away from what we do.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Artist
Image of Patti Smith
We're a culture more than ever that wants proof of everything, we want things fast, and someone sends you an email, you want to answer in five minutes. We have to allow ourselves nothingness, in our relationships too.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Email
Image of Patti Smith
Arthur Conan Doyle had to be Sherlock Holmes in order to envision how Sherlock Holmes would unravel a mystery. He had to be in Sherlock's situations. As a writer, you have to be of two minds.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Order
Image of Patti Smith
I watch a lot of crime shows. The head investigator always said to the crime solver, "What do you say?" And inevitably the other has to say something like, "Well I'm thinking he was shot in the neck with a certain gun and he seemed to be running." The solver has to picture what he's seeing first, and then express his own observations. The writer does the same.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Running
Image of Patti Smith
When I was home, traditionally since I was young, I'd write in cafés. That was the romantic notion in 1963. Café atmospheres back then were different. The café life really stemmed from the Parisians' idea of it, with poets struggling over their poems and drinking coffee. No music, no sounds, maybe a little jazz, or soul, but mostly nothing. Now you go into a café and the music is really loud, people are having business meetings, they are on their cellphones. It changes from generation to generation.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Drinking
Image of Patti Smith
Sometimes you have to abandon your own children for other children.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Children
Image of Patti Smith
I hate to be enclosed. I don't like bathroom doors - I don't shut them. In fact, in my house, I have no doors.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Hate
Image of Patti Smith
I want to keep my life as unfettered as possible. So maybe I'll just pretend to get rare books from my catalogue, and not really get them.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Book
Image of Patti Smith
[Steven Sebring] presence was also nice for my children, who, having just lost their father, quite naturally craved warm male attention. They gravitated to him right away.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Children
Image of Patti Smith
My style of performance poetry came from the beatniks, Allen Ginsberg.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Style
Image of Patti Smith
My public life was so demanding that I wasn't doing the things that I deemed the most important.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Important
Image of Patti Smith
You don't want to OD on improvisation.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Crafts
Image of Patti Smith
I think its very important to not be afraid to experience joy in the middle of sorrow.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Thinking
Image of Patti Smith
With the death of Robert Mapplethorpe, I had lost my main collaborator in taking photographs. So I didn't know who to work with.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Photograph
Image of Patti Smith
I had met Michael Stipe, and he was such a kind person, and extremely understanding, so I asked him if he knew a photographer who would come to Detroit, where I lived, who would be child friendly and who would respect my home. Michael suggested Steven [ Sebring]. One day a knock came at my door, and when I opened it, there was Steven. He's been like a brother ever since.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Brother
Image of Patti Smith
Steven [Sebring] just fell in with my family life. He helped me wash the dishes and play with the kids. I could tell that he was a person who understood families.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Kids
Image of Patti Smith
My mother loved rock and roll. She loved high-energy music.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Mother