Olivia Wilde

Image of Olivia Wilde
It seems like a dangerous concept to have someone who's just your drinking buddy. Someone you have nothing in common with, if you're sober, is probably not a good, healthy friendship.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Drinking
Image of Olivia Wilde
Being vegan is not always easy and accessible. But it's a way of life and makes me as a person feel really good and physically look better.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Looks
Image of Olivia Wilde
You're 30: You know stuff now. Your 20s were for 'ducking up,' as my auto-correct would say, and learning from those mistakes. (For instance, never again will I convince myself that sleep is for sissies and go straight from a party to the airport. You will not 'sleep on the plane'; you'll vomit in the security line. Go to bed.)
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Mistake
Image of Olivia Wilde
It was so fascinating to be a part of this, because as the women took on these central roles that had all the good lines, therefore all the good laughs, all the great moments- the men, who had joined us to sit on stage, started squirming rather uncomfortably. And got really bored. Because they weren't used to being the supporting cast. It was fascinating to feel their discomfort, to discuss it with them afterwards when they said, 'It's boring to play the girl role.' And I said, 'Yeah. Yeah, ya think? Welcome to our world.'
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Girl
Image of Olivia Wilde
I think my confidence has developed over the years, in terms of the speed at which I will reveal how collaborative I want to be.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Thinking
Image of Olivia Wilde
I could find David Beckham naked in a cardboard box on my doorstep and I would drop him off at the pound.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Naked
Image of Olivia Wilde
In Alien, Sigourney Weaver's role was written for a man. In Salt, Angelina Jolie's role was written for Tom Cruise. These things, when reversed, do prove to be just as exciting and entertaining with women in leading roles.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Bad Ass
Image of Olivia Wilde
The mark of a good marriage is partnership and continuing to feel inspired by your spouse.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Inspired
Image of Olivia Wilde
Do some yoga. I never feel more beautiful than after I've really spent some time breathing.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Olivia Wilde
In fact, I'm softer than I've ever been, including that unfortunate semester in high school when I simultaneously discovered Krispy Kreme and pot.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: School
Image of Olivia Wilde
Beyond my desire to boycott the torture factories, I am also way happier when I eat a plant-based diet, and I feel about a thousand times more energetic.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Animal
Image of Olivia Wilde
I also discovered Pilates when I got pregnant, as people kept saying it's a great way to stay in shape, and now I can't get enough - it's amazing. It helps with aches and pain and, even for non-pregnant people, it's a great way of getting those lean muscles.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Pain
Image of Olivia Wilde
The trauma of the whole thing has been humbling, and for the first time, I'm a little bit wobbly.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Husband
Image of Olivia Wilde
I know, I've never had boobs before!
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Ridiculous
Image of Olivia Wilde
Friends, haters, it's Twitter poll time. What do you think most holds back justice and equality for women? All thoughts welcome!
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Thinking
Image of Olivia Wilde
I don't think anyone should apologize for being sexy if it comes from a genuine place, if they're not being forced into an objectifying situation.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Sexy
Image of Olivia Wilde
It's boring to play the girl role!
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Girl
Image of Olivia Wilde
Ladies and gentlemen, Otis Alexander Sudeikis has LEFT the building! (I'm the building)
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Gentleman
Image of Olivia Wilde
In the next election, can we vote to ban those ribbon things that kind of keep clothing on hangers but really just hang out of your armpits?
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Clothes
Image of Olivia Wilde
So are all the kids on the East Coast repeating school next year? Get ready to see a lot of hairy eighth graders. Storm brain drain.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Education
Image of Olivia Wilde
Not eating meat really keeps me trim....meat, and what's usually served with it, is a big calorie packer.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Meat
Image of Olivia Wilde
I had imaginary friends and even they were mean to me.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Inspirational