Olivia Wilde

Image of Olivia Wilde
The mark of a good marriage is partnership and continuing to feel inspired by your spouse. I had that with Tao. But the end is not necessarily the tragedy. Staying in a relationship that is no longer working is the tragedy. Living unhappily - that's the tragedy.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Marriage
Image of Olivia Wilde
I was a handful growing up.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Teen
Image of Olivia Wilde
I have very high standards for every part of life - my work, my relationships, food, love. I can't just pretend.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Food
Image of Olivia Wilde
I'm opening up my heart to the idea of dating. It's funny - my friends would always come to me for romantic advice. I know nothing, and things have changed since I was dating in high school! I'm really trying hard to spend this time working on myself.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Romantic
Image of Olivia Wilde
Fear of carbs, of gluten, of everything - we've distanced ourselves from the beauty of food, the art of it. It makes me sad when people say, 'Oh, I don't eat gluten. I don't eat cheese. I don't eat this. So I eat cardboard.'
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Sad
Image of Olivia Wilde
I have a great pack of female friends, but I also have a lot of guy friends. I believe that platonic relationship is entirely possible.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Relationship
Image of Olivia Wilde
I trust work, directors - I don't live in fear. All good experiences have come from trusting the universe. There is no other way to live or love. Otherwise, you create your own prison.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Fear
Image of Olivia Wilde
I've always been a fan of science fiction.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Science
Image of Olivia Wilde
I am so saddened and grossed out by young women who look like creepy, old aliens because of their new Barbie noses and lips. Is that a smile or a grimace?
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Smile
Image of Olivia Wilde
You realize when you're pregnant how lucky you are to have access to medical care.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Medical
Image of Olivia Wilde
There are so many young women in film school right now, and it's just about foreign sales companies, domestic sales companies agreeing to finance films directed by and starring women.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Finance
Image of Olivia Wilde
I fell in love with theater there, and after graduation I moved to Los Angeles to pursue acting.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Graduation
Image of Olivia Wilde
I think it's very healthy to spend time alone. You need to know how to be alone and not be defined by another person.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Alone
Image of Olivia Wilde
It's so important to have that independence. You know it yourself: Everyone needs evenings of their own.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Independence
Image of Olivia Wilde
I'm a natural blonde, but I feel like a brunette.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
I think what ruins relationships and causes most fights is insecurity.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
Only the really young are fearless, have the optimism, the romanticism to take unimaginable risks.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
A lot of people assume that women of a certain age who are not unattractive have no excuse for not having a perfect life. But you can have emotional baggage that is dragging you down like cement blocks tied to your feet.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
I'm pretty low-key; you'll often find me in jeans, a T-shirt and sweatshirt.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
If you fall off a horse, you get back up. I am not a quitter.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
I think that women are more sensitive to emotional infidelity than men. I think men are more scared of physical infidelity.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
Believe it or not, I'm a big fan of patchouli oil. I know it's not a universally liked fragrance. I usually combine it with other essential oils - I have many mixtures I like.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
I used to experiment all the time with my hair color.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
I remember walking into drugstores when I was younger and seeing all the hair color boxes on the shelves and just being so in awe. Having the control to dye your hair and change your look is such a part of self-expression.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
Mick Jagger has been an idol of mine since I was 10 years old. Through his music, he has taught me so much about rock n' roll, but also about the blues and about the experience of live music, going to several Rolling Stones shows, growing up.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
I got a divorce, and I felt like I finally started my career. I started making movies and projects that I just really believed in.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
I'm proud to have played characters who've inspired people to live out loud, and I'm lucky to have reached an audience that's been incredibly enthusiastic and supportive.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
Inspiration is the key to everything.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
Documentaries are a powerful and effective way of bridging the gap between worlds, breaking through to new audiences that wouldn't otherwise be engaged - in essence, not preaching to the choir.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
I don't own a scale, and Tao banned the word 'fat' from our house. If we eat too much, we say, 'I feel clogged up.'
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
I feel like the luckiest child in the world because I got to grow up in Ireland. In summer is when you really grow up. During the year, I would go back to the States, and all year long really couldn't wait to get back to Ardmore.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
Oh God, to think that you only fall in love once in your entire life is such a depressing thought.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
Weakness is something we don't like to admit we have. We hold it against people, until we experience it, and then we feel more compassion for it.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
I've thought for a long time that my body type would have worked well in the '70s. The idea that you could be a broad-shouldered, small-breasted woman and still wear really great outfits.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
I shaved the back of my head once and did the asymmetrical hair.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
But even if I'm left high and dry at the end of this wild journey, just taking it is a great feeling.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
I got an internship with the casting director of The Girl Next Door. I would hold the clipboard and help them in their casting sessions and get them lunch.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
Now I'm doing a film festival for kids and writing a script about a kidnapped journalist in Afghanistan.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
Once I took a bus from my home in Maryland to Philadelphia to live on the streets with some musicians for a few weeks, and then my parents sent me to boarding school at Andover to shape me up.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
So many people have said that to me, that what they really like about Alex is what she brings out in Marissa, and what this situation brings out in her, a hint of happiness and another side to her character.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
When you choose to be an actor, you are going against the odds.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
From a very early age, I made my decisions based on careers that I admire. The one thing that all the actresses I love have in common is that they have diversity in their careers.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
I'm now convinced that I'm a doctor. I mean, if someone says they have a pain, I'm like, 'Well, that's your spleen.'
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
I'm a natural blonde, but I feel like a brunette. I feel like people treat me now how I should be treated. People used to be shocked, when I was blond, that I wasn't stupid.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
When you're a working actor and you're happy to be one, you can't focus all your energy on acting because you will go crazy. You have to focus as much energy as you can away from yourself.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
I went through a phase when I was 13 where I would only fall in love with people over the age of 19 or 20. I never had a real relationship with any of these people, but it was definitely the guy I wanted to hang out with and wanted to go on trips with. I would be like, 'But, Daddy, he's a musician!'.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
I was a tomboy and I didn't have a bunch of brothers but I always wanted them and so I sort of adopted a few of my great friends to be my brother.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
If I'm left high and dry at the end of this wild journey, just taking it is a great feeling.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
I grew up being told by my parents each time they went off to war that they may explode, so I needed to know how things like the gadgets in the kitchen worked.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
My parents said marrying was an optimistic thing to do in pessimistic times.
- Olivia Wilde