Olivia Wilde

Image of Olivia Wilde
I used to play hooky from school so I could watch cooking shows.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
Once, in Australia, I ate 33 pancakes in 20 minutes, and I only did it because they said a girl could never enter the competition.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
It would be so depressing to be a model and not get to say a word. There's no personality involved.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
If I have to draw attention away from some hormone-induced acne on my chin, I put on a lot of mascara.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
I wanted to be on 'Saturday Night Live' since I was ten.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
When I first did theatre, I was always doing comedies; it was always my first love. But it wasn't what I was picked for at first, for films and TV.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
What happens so often as an actor is that you retain the information about the scenes that you yourself shot and you obsess over certain scenes that you found the most challenging or interesting. The rest of the film kind of falls away in your memory or it fades a little bit.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
It's really kind of a luxury for an actor to have the opportunity to show such different types of characters. I actually left 'Cowboys & Aliens' and went straight into 'The Change-Up.' It was kind of a funny change of pace.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
Cleanses and products don't make you look more beautiful. They certainly help, but if you reach contentment, you're set. My makeup artist, Melanie Iglesias, couldn't figure out why my skin looks so good. I think it's because I'm happy!
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
I guess for my skin, I clean it and moisturize and try to drink water. How boring is this though? I'm convinced that it comes from within. If you're happy and healthy, it shows.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
When I have really blonde hair, I usually go for a more natural look, wearing way less makeup.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
I love eye makeup. I really like doing a cat eye, playing with liquid liners and different colors of liners, like emerald and deep blues, combining them with black.
- Olivia Wilde
Image of Olivia Wilde
It's really hard to get stories made that are about women. Not just women being obsessed with men, or supporting men. And it's really hard to get men to be a part of films that are about women in a leading role. I'm really interested in how we can adjust that.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Bad Ass
Image of Olivia Wilde
We fall in love with one version of someone and we expect them to stay that way, but they never do.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Falling In Love
Image of Olivia Wilde
In a thousand years, archeologists will dig up tanning beds and think we fried people as punishment.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Hate
Image of Olivia Wilde
When you're in a romantic relationship, of course, there is a lot more compromise and you have to be a lot more unselfish.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Compromise
Image of Olivia Wilde
I admire women who can be feminists and fight for women's rights, who believe in our powers as individuals and yet not apologize for beauty.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Believe
Image of Olivia Wilde
A real feminist doesn't apologize for her beauty. You can be a sexy, beautiful woman and be the smartest person in the room.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Olivia Wilde
Anything that becomes an obstacle in life is only an opportunity to learn and it's the same in any profession I think.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Olivia Wilde
Let's redefine scandal. Scandal is not who's dating who. Scandal is 1.2 million people living in tents in Haiti.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: People
Image of Olivia Wilde
The difference between romantic love and friendship love is that romantic love involves a lot of compromise. It is a very giving type of love. With friendship, you can be a little bit more autonomous. You are not expected to compromise, in the same way. Maybe that's why friendships tend to last longer.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Love Is
Image of Olivia Wilde
We have sex like Kenyan marathon runners.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Sex
Image of Olivia Wilde
I think there was no other profession for me. I was either going into an insane asylum or to be an actor.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Thinking
Image of Olivia Wilde
We need to remind ourselves of the beauty of human connection and of nature and pull ourselves out of devices for a moment and appreciate what it is just to be human beings.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Appreciate
Image of Olivia Wilde
The amazing thing about becoming a parent is that you will never again be your own first priority. The gift of motherhood is the selflessness that it introduces you to, and I think that's really freeing... I think it allows you to put yourself in other people's shoes...the empathy that it slugs you with, being a mother. And I think it makes you a better storyteller.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Mother
Image of Olivia Wilde
Enjoy the pregnancy, not racing ahead and relishing the moment. I think people see pregnancy as something to get over with, but every stage of becoming a mother is really special.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Mother
Image of Olivia Wilde
I'd like to refocus everyone's attention away from the Kardashians and onto Doctors Without Borders or aid workers. Let's redefine scandal. Scandal is not who so-and-so is dating; scandal is the fact that 1.2 million people are still living in tents in Haiti, and cholera is rampant because Nepalese U.N. soldiers dumped s- from their Porta-Potties into the river. That's a f-ing scandal. If the average 15-year-old was hearing about that instead of so-and-so's plastic surgery or cheating in Hollywood, I'd feel better about our future.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Cheating
Image of Olivia Wilde
The amazing thing about becoming a parent is that you will never again be your own first priority.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Priorities
Image of Olivia Wilde
Trying to find this industry's tendency to celebrate the physical is a waste of time. So I'm happy to play the game. But I am also thirsty for input. I'm not a dunce whose only skill is knowing how to take a photograph, you know? And at the end of the day, I think it makes me slightly less replaceable.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Thinking
Image of Olivia Wilde
Mick Jagger has produced some great films and brought us stories about the music industry that have changed the way we think about how music is made.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Thinking
Image of Olivia Wilde
Writers get to know me very well. It always serves me in the end because I feel I have a deeper understanding of the character and sometimes they really like my ideas and they use them.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Character
Image of Olivia Wilde
I have a lot of friends who I really feel like I can kick back with and let all pretense go and be very comfortable with.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Lots Of Friends
Image of Olivia Wilde
It's great to know you've earned your place and to know that you are right for the role because my biggest fear is being offered something and showing up on set and doing one day and everyone going, "Oh geez, oh no, this isn't, she isn't.." and feeling that way myself.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Feelings
Image of Olivia Wilde
Music plays a big part in my life. I am a big music nerd.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Play
Image of Olivia Wilde
Looking natural takes so long! If you look at the runways, the look for models is predominantly natural, isn't it?
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Long
Image of Olivia Wilde
Early on, I knew I had ideas, but I wasn't sure when it was appropriate to bring them to the table and I was so intimidated by these titans that I was working for.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Ideas
Image of Olivia Wilde
I was much more into romance as a teenager and it's been a kind of new discovery for me to learn about sci-fi adventure. I think it's a really interesting genre and it's all about imagination. It's boundless what you can do in these stories.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Teenager
Image of Olivia Wilde
My life is about politics, a lot of about music, and a lot about things other than acting. I like traveling the world. But, what makes me want to stay in this business and keep doing this are movies when it's a true labor of love.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Acting
Image of Olivia Wilde
I love the eyebrow pencils. I do my brows every day. I won't leave my house without my brows! My beauty disaster from childhood was trying to look like Kate Moss and plucking all my brows off.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Eyebrows
Image of Olivia Wilde
I've learned that it's important to spend some time in a relationship with yourself and not being defined by your partner.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Important
Image of Olivia Wilde
I love the writing process. It's something that I'm interested in personally and something I always do on every movie.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Writing
Image of Olivia Wilde
I think that you sign a sort of unwritten contract when you become a public figure, when you become an actor, that you're sacrificing a certain amount of privacy and parts of your life change.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Life Changing
Image of Olivia Wilde
I can never describe myself as a movie star. I don't know when that happens but it's certainly not me.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Stars
Image of Olivia Wilde
I have to say that I approach every project with the same energy. I also think that, since I started producing, I see the process from a different perspective, which affects the way I jump on board immediately.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Thinking
Image of Olivia Wilde
Motherhood is heart-exploding, blissful hysteria.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Inspiring
Image of Olivia Wilde
The opportunity to be able to tell stories to a massive audience is really incredible and this job couldn't be more satisfying. So, any drawbacks I think are worth it if you really enjoy the work. I hope to be doing this until I die.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Jobs
Image of Olivia Wilde
I believe in a world where mothers are not expected to shed any physical evidence of their child-bearing experience. In that same world I believe there is space for exercise to be as much a gift to your brain as it is your body. I don't want to waste my time striving for some subjective definition of perfection. I'd rather rebuild my strength while dancing my ass off...literally .
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Mother
Image of Olivia Wilde
I loved being pregnant. I felt unapologetically curvy, sexy, and intensely feminine. After giving birth I joined the ranks of millions of new mothers when I moaned, 'Why do I still look pregnant?'
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Sexy
Image of Olivia Wilde
I was just learning to be by myself. He seemed to really see me, see through the bullshit...He was so handsome, and he could dance. I thought, 'He won't be interested in me; I'm not a contender. He was so cool, so funny - I was such a fan of his and had always fancied his speed and his intelligence. I thought, 'I'm not beautiful enough or his type.'
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Beautiful