Nicolas Cage

Image of Nicolas Cage
All movies on some level can aspire to be more than just whatever the label is of the movie.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Labels
Image of Nicolas Cage
I think a good movie is a good movie whether that falls into a genre or not.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Fall
Image of Nicolas Cage
I do like characters that have flaws, some sort of pathos to them that they are trying to sort out.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Character
Image of Nicolas Cage
I'm always fearful of something happening to people I love. That doesn't go away.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: People
Image of Nicolas Cage
I wasn't any good at romnace. I was a total nerd. My thing is, I was just too romantic. I was the romantic goofball. I wasn't cynical enough or harsh enough. I cared too much, so I always made a fool out of myself.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Cynical
Image of Nicolas Cage
When you're playing a spirit from another dimension, you really can do anything and get as abstract as you want and still have a context that will work within the movie. I wanted Ghost Rider to move in a way where it would be like a bad dream. I thought about cobra snakes, and the way that they will show you their backs and sway in a rhythmic motion and almost lull you to sleep before suddenly attacking. Well, I put that into the movie. And I decided to move my head in the jerky way a praying mantis does. So, I did all these things to give the movie a feeling of otherness.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Dream
Image of Nicolas Cage
My father always used to say to me, it doesn’t matter what the profession is, but if they’re the best in their field, it will always be fascinating to watch.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Dad
Image of Nicolas Cage
I don't know why it is, but I do like dancing in the extreme situations. I like that noise, I like that intensity. For some reason, it's what I respond to in terms of my taste and of my instincts.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Dancing
Image of Nicolas Cage
I certainly would never overstep my bounds and make suggestions to a director. As an actor I'm trying to fit to the best of my abilities within the director's vision, and trying to find some happy rapport where we can both bring something to it that's fresh. Usually I've been lucky in working with directors who have trusted my instincts.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Vision
Image of Nicolas Cage
When I work, I really try to get absorbed in the character. Unless I want to do something playful with the camera, I'm not too worried about where the camera is or positions.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Character
Image of Nicolas Cage
In the beginning my energy and passion for acting came from an almost punk rock need to express a lot of anger wherever that may have come from. As I got older, it became or is coming more from a place of wanting to use the craft to help others in some way, to hold a mirror up to the situations that we're going through, to actually be more cautious about the way that I use the power of film and to see if there's anything that I can do in the performances that will resonate in the public a similar string that's on people's minds and is on my mind. That way we have that relationship.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Passion
Image of Nicolas Cage
I try to keep my characters raising more questions than giving answers. I don't want to leave too much on the table. I want you to have your connection and your secret understanding of the character.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Character
Image of Nicolas Cage
I do understand sometimes when actors say there's no one to talk to, or you can't react to, there's truth in that, but for me, I've always enjoyed green screen, and blue screen.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Blue
Image of Nicolas Cage
Nobody can make a movie as exciting as Jerry Bruckheimer. When it's a Jerry Bruckheimer movie that it's going to have lots of chrome and gloss, it's going to be sexy, and it's going to be big and fun.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Sexy
Image of Nicolas Cage
I love working with younger actors because they always come into the game full of energy and ideas that challenge me and keep me learning and stimulated.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Games
Image of Nicolas Cage
I've always believed that the greatest actors are the ones that have the voices that are imitable.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Voice
Image of Nicolas Cage
I just want to keep making movies that hopefully makes some kids smile.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Kids
Image of Nicolas Cage
Sometimes I do love to rehearse, but I always switch it up depending on whom I'm working with.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Sometimes
Image of Nicolas Cage
These so called Popcorn movies, or family movies, actually provide something quite beautiful and something quite necessary, which is a family bonding experience.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Nicolas Cage
God bless the popcorn film. Especially movies where you can take the kids, because I remember looking forward to seeing these movies with my parents, and if I can give that back, I'm gonna do it.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Kids
Image of Nicolas Cage
I came out of independent film, that's my roots. I used my independent film as a laboratory, and used what I could discover in that laboratory.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Independent
Image of Nicolas Cage
When you're playing supernatural characters, there's an infinite number of possibilities with a character. And I also think they're wonderful and entertaining for the whole family. You don't have a high body count.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Character
Image of Nicolas Cage
Without impending on your own personal choice, there are going to be those that wear the hat of religion and those that wear the hat of science. I still don't really understand why they can't wear both hats, because personally, I think that they go beautifully together.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Thinking
Image of Nicolas Cage
I would say that I'm 98 percent skeptical, but the other 2 percent [is] open for the possibility of things.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Possibility
Image of Nicolas Cage
Halloween has always been fascinating to me from a very young age. I think any actor would be fascinated by Halloween because it's one of the only holidays that advocates dressing up in makeup and costumes and transforming oneself.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Halloween
Image of Nicolas Cage
I never say never, but I haven't been given the quality of script to compel me to go on television.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Quality
Image of Nicolas Cage
I actually enjoy working with green screen, because I can imagine all that stuff happening, and I really cut my teeth on a movie I made called "Adaptation" where I had to imagine four-page dialogue scenes with my twin brother, who was nothing more than a tennis ball and a gas stand.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Brother
Image of Nicolas Cage
I would like to hook up with one of the great Japanese filmmakers, like the master that made Ringu, and I would like to take 'The Wicker Man' to Japan, except this time he's a ghost.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Men
Image of Nicolas Cage
I think anything that opens my mind and triggers my imagination I’m reading. I like to read science fiction and imagine the character. Anything that keeps my imagination flowing.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Reading
Image of Nicolas Cage
Nobody can make a movie as exciting as Jerry Bruckheimer. When it’s a Jerry Bruckheimer movie that it’s going to have lots of chrome and gloss, it’s going to be sexy, and it’s going to be big and fun.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Fun