Nick Jonas

Image of Nick Jonas
Dreams are reality waiting to happen
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Dream
Image of Nick Jonas
It doesn't matter if the world is pulling you down. With Christ you have everything.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: World
Image of Nick Jonas
Live like you're at the bottom, even if you're at the top
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Like You
Image of Nick Jonas
I think you are the best you can be when you feel free, when you feel open. So I think keeping that mentality, keeping positive, is key.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Thinking
Image of Nick Jonas
There's always some way to find hope. Remember that.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Way
Image of Nick Jonas
I know that each and everyone of you have felt, at one point, like you couldn't go on. But then you found hope. There's always a way to find hope. Remember that.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Goes On
Image of Nick Jonas
It sounds funny, but my biggest fear is that I'm not perfect. I'm a perfectionist, and I get upset when things go wrong or when I don't do well. I used to be very uptight, but I've learned to loosen up.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Perfect
Image of Nick Jonas
My pick up line is: Slow down sugar, cause I’m a diabetic!
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Lines
Image of Nick Jonas
I think I like a challenge. I try to find projects that will push me in a new way and help me grow.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Thinking
Image of Nick Jonas
I've fallen in love with baseball.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Baseball
Image of Nick Jonas
I had an emotional breakdown since I really had no idea what diabetes was all about. I wondered, 'why me?' Then I asked myself, 'why not me?' and realized that I might be able to help other kids with diabetes.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Kids
Image of Nick Jonas
You know, so often we think we have each step figured out. And then when one thing doesn't go our way, we begin to question, we being to fear what our next step will be.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Thinking
Image of Nick Jonas
I just want to keep pushing things and growing, and we'll see what happens.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Growing
Image of Nick Jonas
I wouldn't date a girl with a bad attitude. I'm 'Mr. Positive.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Girl
Image of Nick Jonas
High school is about finding who you are, because that's more important than trying to be someone else.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: School
Image of Nick Jonas
I've always been a bit insecure about my smile, but its days like these where all I wanna do is smile.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Insecure
Image of Nick Jonas
I always had a knack for putting the peanut butter on the bread. My brother Kevin knew how to spread the jelly around real good. When we found out Joe could cut off the crusts, well, that's when we knew we had something special.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Brother
Image of Nick Jonas
Having an open dialogue, in any creative atmosphere, is really important to feeling free to tell the story the best way you can.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Creative
Image of Nick Jonas
As a songwriter, the minute you start having sex, you can totally see the difference in the writing. You become an adult - that's kind of the whole backbone of it, really, your identity as a person and what sex means to you.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Sex
Image of Nick Jonas
Taylor Swift is great for a night out as it involves a lot of tequila. With her it’s all about good friends and celebrating friendship, it’s such a positive environment to be a part of. She’s great.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Good Friend
Image of Nick Jonas
When I was in school, my former roommate went through hazing. I heard the stories, but I don't think I've seen a movie that captures the stuff that goes on.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: School
Image of Nick Jonas
When I'm [playing] a character, I can look at it and know it's not me and not be concerned with how it looks.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Character
Image of Nick Jonas
Yo, thats illogical I cant have it!
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Illogical
Image of Nick Jonas
It's the hope for all the hopeless in the worst of trying times.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Hope
Image of Nick Jonas
Sometimes there's something that you need a few takes to get it and if it takes 15 takes, it takes 15 takes. It really depends.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Needs
Image of Nick Jonas
Although I really like the people I travel with, family is just different, and having them around at all times is a really nice thing - and a luxury.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Nice
Image of Nick Jonas
I didn't ask to become a role model, but it was thrust upon all of us, regardless of whether you acknowledge it. You have to come to a decision as an adult and say, "I've got to live my life." There's nothing wrong with thinking ahead and being aware of how it might affect somebody - everything from a post to where you have dinner to who you're with. But these aren't things you can let consume your life.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Thinking
Image of Nick Jonas
I love pizza; you cant really go wrong with pizza.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Pizza
Image of Nick Jonas
I thought the popular kids were the cool kids. I got caught up in that, and it was bogus. School is about finding who you are because thats more important than not being yourself.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Being Yourself
Image of Nick Jonas
I like looking at the stars on a clear night
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Stars
Image of Nick Jonas
I’ll respond to your text message, baby.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Baby
Image of Nick Jonas
Slow down, sugar, because im a diabetic.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Sugar
Image of Nick Jonas
I'm really open to just about anything but I think the real dream is to be able to write my own thing.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Dream
Image of Nick Jonas
I feel the most connected to my art when it comes from my real life and hopefully the audience feels that.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Art
Image of Nick Jonas
As an actor, rejection is a big part of it, and I've had a lot of it. So when there's something that you really want to do, it's so great to have someone to be a part of a team as great as this team is.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Team
Image of Nick Jonas
You've got to avoid situations that make you uncomfortable.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Situation
Image of Nick Jonas
You have to keep your long hair.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Hair
Image of Nick Jonas
Jonas Brothers fans are a force to be reckoned with.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Brother
Image of Nick Jonas
Don't touch my muscles
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Muscles
Image of Nick Jonas
I love music, it kind of comes naturally and has always been a part of my world.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: World
Image of Nick Jonas
I think the differences between men and women, it's kind of hard to define what those are and the challenges, what they are. I think there are challenging things for everybody.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Thinking
Image of Nick Jonas
I think the community that you're in really can define your ability to be at peace with your circumstances.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Thinking
Image of Nick Jonas
Stop hoping, start believing.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Believe
Image of Nick Jonas
[Songwriting is] something that I own - it's my property, it's my music, it's my voice.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Voice
Image of Nick Jonas
One of the scariest things to me was, I really feel like I'm a pretty even-keeled person with a good outlook and respect level, but in that environment, deep within the character, you see how easy it is to go to that place because you're one-upping each other and it's this heavy environment filled with young men trying to make an impression. It's dangerous. It's something that I became very conscious of afterwards.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Character
Image of Nick Jonas
I got to sing with the Boss, Sting, Pink and John Legend and all of those people. It felt like the pinnacle, and then I got the call. I cried, actually and I called my dad, it was really cool.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Dad
Image of Nick Jonas
I think that this stage in my life is really, for a lot of reasons, pretty incredible. Being a solo artist and trying to take these bold steps on my own.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Thinking
Image of Nick Jonas
I'm not going to lie about it. I carry a satchel too. It's like a man purse. It's a whole thing.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Lying