Neil Young

Image of Neil Young
Link Wray... He was the beginning of Grunge, way before anybody you know.
- Neil Young
Collection: Guitar
Image of Neil Young
Crazy friends provide for crazy times, and such crazy times we're had.
- Neil Young
Collection: Crazy
Image of Neil Young
When I speak out on corporations hurting the common man or the environment or other species, I expect a well-financed disinformation campaign to be aimed my way.
- Neil Young
Collection: Hurt
Image of Neil Young
All these people talking about morality should just take a walk downtown. They don't want to go downtown because instantly they see homeless people and they don't want to.
- Neil Young
Collection: Talking
Image of Neil Young
Hate was just a legend and war was never known. The people worked together and they lifted many stones.
- Neil Young
Collection: Song
Image of Neil Young
I see country music, I see people who take care of their own. You've got 75 year-old guys on the road. That's what I was put here to do, y'know, so I wanna make sure I surround myself with people who are gonna take care of me. 'Cause I'm in it for the long run.
- Neil Young
Collection: Country
Image of Neil Young
Faith is not reason's labour, but repose.
- Neil Young
Collection: Reason
Image of Neil Young
And you can't get away from a mirror if you stand in front of it all the time, right. But if you step away from it, you don't notice it any more. And that's what the stage is like for me. See, an image becomes meaningless in as much as it's always temporary.
- Neil Young
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Neil Young
In my life I have had various health threats: polio, seizures, a brain aneurysm. None of these things has really changed me much, although it is hard to say for sure. These are events that are part of my life. They make me who I am. I am thankful for them. They are scary.
- Neil Young
Collection: Who I Am
Image of Neil Young
Every junkie is like a setting sun.
- Neil Young
Collection: Alcohol
Image of Neil Young
Give a hippie too much money and anything can happen.
- Neil Young
Collection: Hippie
Image of Neil Young
Let's roll for justice, let's roll for truth. Let's not let our children grow up fearful in their youth.
- Neil Young
Collection: Children
Image of Neil Young
As important as the funds are, the vision is the greatest gift.
- Neil Young
Collection: Vision
Image of Neil Young
As soon as you start talking about mystique, you have none.
- Neil Young
Collection: Talking
Image of Neil Young
People don't normally change when things are going well. But I want to see what's next and keep moving. That keeps things fresh.
- Neil Young
Collection: Moving
Image of Neil Young
My career is built around a pattern that just keeps repeating itself over and over again. There's nothing surprising about it at all. My changes are as easy to predict as the sun coming up and down.
- Neil Young
Collection: Careers
Image of Neil Young
The Arabic states have to be integrated into the Iraqi reconstruction. We need the help of the Arabic community, which understands its culture. Americans arrive, invade, occupy.
- Neil Young
Collection: Community
Image of Neil Young
With a lot of songs on this record, one verse doesn't relate to the next verse. I don't think that one day really relates to the next day in life.
- Neil Young
Collection: Life
Image of Neil Young
I want to be a reflection of what's going on and let people draw their own conclusions.
- Neil Young
Collection: Reflection
Image of Neil Young
I always try to get behind the guy steering the ship. That's the kind of guy I am.
- Neil Young
Collection: Guy
Image of Neil Young
My dad passed away...and suddenly I found myself at the top of the tree and looking at the sky instead of at my mom and dad.
- Neil Young
Collection: Mom
Image of Neil Young
I don't know if I'll find the cinnamon girl. I think I already did, but I'm still singing, who knows.
- Neil Young
Collection: Girl
Image of Neil Young
The politics, I don't understand it, I'm not happy, don't feel good about it.
- Neil Young
Collection: Feel Good
Image of Neil Young
The way in which the USA and Great Britain delivered Iraq to the Iraqis, the way and means that this played out, that is the endgame.
- Neil Young
Collection: Mean
Image of Neil Young
I called the guys from Promise of the Real, whom I've been playing with, and they were all on the road. Right after I hung up the phone, I wrote another song and started writing another, and I'm going, "Hey, I can't wait. I should be doing this now!" My experience tells me that when it's there, it's there, and you can't make it wait. So I got Jimmy Keltner and Paul Bushnell, two good guys, and went in and did this record ["Peace Trail"].
- Neil Young
Collection: Song
Image of Neil Young
Nothing is perfect...We're really more interested in what we're saying than how we're saying it.
- Neil Young
Collection: Perfect
Image of Neil Young
It's the way I like to work for these kinds of songs [like "Peace Trail"]. It was the right time of the month; everything was looking good.
- Neil Young
Collection: Song
Image of Neil Young
Everything is minimal, and if it's over, it's over. We're abrupt with things: in and out. Especially if it's an overdub - it's gone. It does something that's not real.
- Neil Young
Collection: Real
Image of Neil Young
I think the ultimate result of it is you can get inside the record.
- Neil Young
Collection: Thinking
Image of Neil Young
This time [2016] is very similar to the '60s, as far as I can tell.
- Neil Young
Collection: I Can
Image of Neil Young
[ Vietnam War] brought the people together and made the '60s like they were. The youth were very unified against the status quo - against the old line and the new old line. It's the same exact thing today.
- Neil Young
Collection: War
Image of Neil Young
People who agree with you already agree with you -- you don't change peoples minds.
- Neil Young
Collection: People
Image of Neil Young
Love and only love will endure. Hate is everything you think it is. Love and only love will break it down.
- Neil Young
Collection: Hate
Image of Neil Young
It doesn't mean that much to me to mean that much to you.
- Neil Young
Collection: Mean
Image of Neil Young
I'm not the same as I was long ago, I've learned some new things and I hope that it shows.
- Neil Young
Collection: Song
Image of Neil Young
My life is not a political campaign. I just write about what is on my mind. I just play whatever I feel like playing. Whatever is in my soul at the time is what I want to do. I have, thank god, enough people who are still interested in what I am doing so that I can go out and keep doing it.
- Neil Young
Collection: Writing
Image of Neil Young
The person who builds a character makes foes.
- Neil Young
Collection: Character
Image of Neil Young
We live in the digital age and, unfortunately, it’s degrading our music, not improving it It’s not that digital is bad or inferior, it’s that the way it’s being used isn’t doing justice to the art. The MP3 only has 5 percent of the data present in the original recording. … The convenience of the digital age has forced people to choose between quality and convenience, but they shouldn’t have to make that choice.
- Neil Young
Collection: Art
Image of Neil Young
The money needed to run for office, the money spent on lobbying by special interests, the ever increasing economic disparity and the well-funded legislative decisions all favour corporate interests over the people's.
- Neil Young
Collection: Running
Image of Neil Young
Went looking for faith on the forest floor, and it showed up everywhere. In the sun, and the water, and the falling leaves, the falling leaves of time.
- Neil Young
Collection: Fall
Image of Neil Young
Don't let it bring you down. It's only castles burning, find someone who's turning, and you will come around.
- Neil Young
Collection: Castles
Image of Neil Young
I don't like the current political system in the USA and some other countries. Increasingly democracy has been hijacked by corporate interests.
- Neil Young
Collection: Country
Image of Neil Young
I always play more than I talk, so the more I talk, the more I'll play.
- Neil Young
Collection: Play
Image of Neil Young
The true martial artist yields to the weak, while withstanding the strong.
- Neil Young
Collection: Strong
Image of Neil Young
I dreamed I saw the silver spaceships flying in the yellow haze of the sun. There were children crying and colors flying all around the chosen ones.
- Neil Young
Collection: Song
Image of Neil Young
I like to play with people who can play simple and are not threatened by other musicians thinking they can't play. And that eliminates 99 percent of the musicians.
- Neil Young
Collection: Simple
Image of Neil Young
Imagination is my best friend.
- Neil Young
Collection: Song
Image of Neil Young
Most people think it's the other way around: that time is going faster and we're doing less. But really time seems to be going faster because we're cramming so much into it.
- Neil Young
Collection: Thinking