
Image of Moliere
The envious will die, but envy never.
- Moliere
Collection: Envy
Image of Moliere
It may cost me twenty thousand francs; but for twenty thousand francs, I will have the right to rail against the iniquity of humanity, and to devote to it my eternal hatred.
- Moliere
Collection: Hatred
Image of Moliere
All extremes does perfect reason flee, And wishes to be wise quite soberly.
- Moliere
Collection: Wise
Image of Moliere
Nearly all men die of their medicines, not of their diseases.
- Moliere
Collection: Men
Image of Moliere
We ought always to conform to the manners of the greater number, and so behave as not to draw attention to ourselves. Excess either way shocks, and every man truly wise ought to attend to this in his dress as well as language, never to be affected in anything and follow without being in too great haste the changes of fashion.
- Moliere
Collection: Wise
Image of Moliere
Then worms shall try That long preserved virginity, And your quaint honor turn to dust, And into ashes all my lust. The grave's a fine and private place But none, I think, do there embrace.
- Moliere
Collection: Thinking
Image of Moliere
Although I am a pious man, I am not the less a man.
- Moliere
Collection: Men
Image of Moliere
There's a sort of decency among the dead, a remarkable discretion: you never find them making any complaint against the doctor who killed them!
- Moliere
Collection: Doctors
Image of Moliere
The impromptu reply is precisely the touchstone of the man of wit.
- Moliere
Collection: Men
Image of Moliere
The more powerful the obstacle, the more glory we have in overcoming it; and the difficulties with which we are met are the maids of honor which set off virtue.
- Moliere
Collection: Powerful
Image of Moliere
No matter what everybody says, ultimately these things can harm us only by the way we react to them.
- Moliere
Collection: Philosophical
Image of Moliere
Man, I can assure you, is a nasty creature.
- Moliere
Collection: Men
Image of Moliere
We are easily duped by those we love.
- Moliere
Collection: Best Love
Image of Moliere
To inspire love is a woman's greatest ambition, believe me. It's the one thing woman care about and there's no woman so proud that she does not rejoice at heart in her conquests.
- Moliere
Collection: Women
Image of Moliere
Folk whose own behavior is most ridiculous are always to the fore in slandering others.
- Moliere
Collection: Ridiculous
Image of Moliere
One easily bears moral reproof, but never mockery.
- Moliere
Collection: Bears
Image of Moliere
Doubts are more cruel than the worst of truths. It is not only for what we do that we are held responsible, but also for what we do not do. A lover whose passion is extreme loves even the faults of the beloved
- Moliere
Collection: Passion
Image of Moliere
I want people to be sincere; a man of honor shouldn't speak a single word that doesn't come straight from his heart.
- Moliere
Collection: Honesty
Image of Moliere
Men often marry in hasty recklessness and repent afterward all their lives.
- Moliere
Collection: Men
Image of Moliere
Words and deeds are far from being one. Much that is talked about is left undone.
- Moliere
Collection: Deeds
Image of Moliere
Without knowledge, life is no more than the shadow of death
- Moliere
Collection: Death
Image of Moliere
Gold makes the ugly beautiful.
- Moliere
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Moliere
They [zealots] would have everybody be as blind as themselves: to them, to be clear-sighted is libertinism.
- Moliere
Collection: Enlightenment
Image of Moliere
unbroken happiness is a bore: it should have ups and downs.
- Moliere
Collection: Happiness
Image of Moliere
The secret to fencing consists in two things: to give and to not receive.
- Moliere
Collection: Two
Image of Moliere
You only die once, but you will be dead for a very long time.
- Moliere
Collection: Long
Image of Moliere
How easy love makes fools of us.
- Moliere
Collection: Greatest Love
Image of Moliere
At least it's better to be married than to be dead.
- Moliere
Collection: Marriage
Image of Moliere
The art of flatterers is to take advantage of the foibles of the great, to foster their errors, and never to give advice which may annoy.
- Moliere
Collection: Art
Image of Moliere
The proof of true love is to be unsparing in criticism.
- Moliere
Collection: Love
Image of Moliere
Without dance, a man can do nothing.
- Moliere
Collection: Men
Image of Moliere
To live without loving is not really to live.
- Moliere
Collection: Love
Image of Moliere
Doubts are more cruel than the worst of truths.
- Moliere
Collection: Worry
Image of Moliere
There is no fate more distressing for an artist than to have to show himself off before fools, to see his work exposed to the criticism of the vulgar and ignorant.
- Moliere
Collection: Fate
Image of Moliere
How strange it is to see with how much passion People see things only in their own fashion!
- Moliere
Collection: Fashion
Image of Moliere
Too great haste leads us to error.
- Moliere
Collection: Errors
Image of Moliere
Deference and intimacy live far apart.
- Moliere
Collection: Intimacy
Image of Moliere
According to the saying of an ancient philosopher, one should eat to live, and not live to eat
- Moliere
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Moliere
There is something inexpressibly charming in falling in love and, surely, the whole pleasure lies in the fact that love isn't lasting.
- Moliere
Collection: Love
Image of Moliere
And with his arms crossed he looks pityingly down from his spiritual height on everything that anyone says.
- Moliere
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Moliere
Man's greatest weakness is his love for life.
- Moliere
Collection: Love Life
Image of Moliere
The genuine Amphitryon is the Amphitryon with whom we dine.
- Moliere
Collection: Eating
Image of Moliere
I hate all men, the ones because they are mean and vicious, and the others for being complaisant with the vicious ones.
- Moliere
Collection: Hate
Image of Moliere
There is nothing so necessary for men as dancing.
- Moliere
Collection: Men
Image of Moliere
I maintain, in truth, That with a smile we should instruct our youth, Be very gentle when we have to blame, And not put them in fear of virtue's name.
- Moliere
Collection: Teaching
Image of Moliere
Wives rarely fuss about their beauty To guarantee their mate's affection.
- Moliere
Collection: Marriage
Image of Moliere
What a terrible thing to be a great lord, yet a wicked man.
- Moliere
Collection: Men
Image of Moliere
Stay awhile that we may make an end the sooner.
- Moliere
Collection: Haste