Megan Fox

Image of Megan Fox
To be outspoken, or different at all, is a problem for women.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Different
Image of Megan Fox
My biggest regret is that I've assisted the media in making me into a cartoon character. I don't regret what has happened to me, but I regret the way I have dealt with it.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Regret
Image of Megan Fox
I have a mouth and I'm not afraid to use it.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Use
Image of Megan Fox
I have no friends and I never leave my house. You just have to make a choice to just refuse to be involved with things that could get you in trouble. It's easy when you feel upset or depressed about something to want to go to a club and want to drink, but instead I just force myself to sit and feel it and deal with it, and try to grow from it, because I don't want to go down that path. I'm one of the most isolated people in existence right now, but it's worth it because if I wasn't making that decision I would be throwing away my career.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Careers
Image of Megan Fox
I was raised to believe that you're safe in God's hands. But I don't feel safe with myself.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Believe
Image of Megan Fox
Hollywood is the most superficial thing you could possibly be a part of and if I weren't attractive, I wouldn't be working at all.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Superficial Things
Image of Megan Fox
When you think about it, we actors are kind of prostitutes. We get paid to feign attraction and love. Other people are paying to watch us kissing someone, touching someone, doing things people in a normal monogamous relationship would never do with anyone who's not their partner. It's really kind of gross.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Kissing
Image of Megan Fox
I've read the Book of Revelation a million times. It does not make sense, obviously. It needs to be decoded.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Book
Image of Megan Fox
Well, I'm clearly not ugly.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Ugly
Image of Megan Fox
I personally always find something really scary about watching little girls learning to manipulate their dads by baby talking. Then they grow up and use the same technique on their boyfriends or husbands. That scares me because it's just so sick on so many levels.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Girl
Image of Megan Fox
I’ve never really socialized, I’ve always been anti-social and preferred to be at home. I was never, even my late teens and early twenties, into clubs and parties and stuff like that.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Party
Image of Megan Fox
Until you have kids, you can't imagine how much you could possibly love a human being.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Kids
Image of Megan Fox
I've never been a big believer in formal education.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Funny
Image of Megan Fox
I have to really enjoy someone's personality, not just their looks, before I'll kiss them.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Kissing
Image of Megan Fox
I would love to do a movie naked; it would be beautiful. No one dares make that kind of film today. They did it in the 1930s in an arty way, so why not now?
- Megan Fox
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Megan Fox
I think all women in Hollywood are known as sex symbols. That's what our purpose is in this business. You're merchandised, you're a product. You're sold and it's based on sex. But that's okay. I think women should be empowered by that, not degraded.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Sex
Image of Megan Fox
I've learned that being a celebrity is like being a sacrificial lamb. At some point, no matter how high the pedestal that they put you on, they're going to tear you down.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Tears
Image of Megan Fox
I like someone who has a super gentle spirit and energy. I’m really gentle, and so I like a boy who will treat me that way.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Funny
Image of Megan Fox
Ninety-eight percent of the things that come out of my mouth are intended to be harmless or even charming. They're not ever intended to be offensive or controversial.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Eight
Image of Megan Fox
I like reading books that provide you with knowledge that you previously didn't have. And books you have a chance to grow as a human being after reading them.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Book
Image of Megan Fox
If your idea of a role model is somebody who's gonna preach to your kids that sex before marriage is wrong and cursing is wrong and women should be this and be that, then I'm not a role model. But if you want your girls to feel strong and intelligent and be outspoken and fight for what they think is right, then I want to be that type of role model, yeah.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Funny
Image of Megan Fox
Even when I'm trying to be straightforward and honest and my comments are innocent, inevitably they get turned into something sort of salacious.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Trying
Image of Megan Fox
Self-loathing doesn't keep me from being happy. But that doesn't mean I don't struggle.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Struggle
Image of Megan Fox
There are a lot of guys who think that if they show weakness or vulnerability they're not sexy anymore or attractive. In my opinion, you can't be too open or too gentle or kind or sensitive. If you really want to work on a relationship and have one that lasts, you have to be willing to go deep into human psychology and emotion. If you don't want to go there, you can be a serial dater, and I guess that's okay, but if you want a relationship with a woman, you have to be introspective and look at yourself and your family and where you've been and where you're going.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Sexy
Image of Megan Fox
I definitely have some kind of mental problem and I haven't pinpointed what it is.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Kind
Image of Megan Fox
I'll starve to death before I'll cook for myself. I think I could survive a week without eating.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Thinking
Image of Megan Fox
I like believing. I believe in all of these Irish myths, like leprechauns. Not the pot of gold, not the Lucky Charms leprechauns. But maybe was there something in the traditional sense? I believe that this stuff came from somewhere other than peoples imaginations.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Believe
Image of Megan Fox
But me contradicting a news story is not going to make my words fact. It will just create a new news story.
- Megan Fox
Collection: News Stories
Image of Megan Fox
I don't really resent being on the red carpet as much as I do having to deal with the paparazzi.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Red
Image of Megan Fox
I'm the biggest nerd - I love comic books and stuff like that! I don't have any friends who are actresses. I only had one girlfriend when I was growing up. Most of my friends were boys. I was such a tomboy. I enjoyed doing guy things.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Funny
Image of Megan Fox
I do have a 22-inch waist, I will say that.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Funny
Image of Megan Fox
I feel like if you are with someone through the process of pregnancy and delivery, if nothing else, there is such an incredible amount of respect that would lead into some sort of love in one way or another.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Pregnancy
Image of Megan Fox
I've done one movie. And it's not a movie I want to stand on as far as acting ability goes. I mean, I'm not going to win an Oscar anytime soon. I'm not Meryl Streep.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Movie
Image of Megan Fox
I'm horrible to live with. I don't clean. My clothes end up wherever I take them off. I forget to flush the toilet.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Clothes
Image of Megan Fox
Almost everything I say, no matter how innocent my intentions are, seems to get sort of manipulated and sensationalized and turned into some ridiculous news story.
- Megan Fox
Collection: News Stories
Image of Megan Fox
There are a lot of people who think celebrities shouldn't complain, that the photography is just a price to pay for having this career. I guess that's bizarre. What they don't understand is that this is all stuff that's really new.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Photography
Image of Megan Fox
I'd really like to have a family at some point. Not that I'm not focused on my career - of course I am... And if a great project comes my way, then of course I'll take it. But I'm not actively out seeking something specific.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Careers
Image of Megan Fox
Everyone with an iPhone is a journalist in their own way now, especially because we live in a tabloid culture.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Iphone
Image of Megan Fox
Most of us who got into film industry in early 2000s weren't prepared for the constant vigilance that being a celebrity requires, and there's no school for learning how to handle it well or gracefully. It's a hard thing to figure out. A lot of people don't deal with it well because they're either too paranoid or they're doing things they probably shouldn't be doing in public.
- Megan Fox
Collection: School
Image of Megan Fox
Social media has changed everything in our world. The collective humanity, as it was, has such a voice these days, and that's never really existed before.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Media
Image of Megan Fox
There are a couple of different types of food I eat a lot. I was raised in the South, in Tennessee, so I’m going to go with comfort food, soul food. I would probably start with collard greens and candied baby carrots and then have some biscuits and white gravy - and for dessert, probably blackberry cobbler.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Baby
Image of Megan Fox
I have absolutely no skill set that would suggest that I would be able to do directing. [...] If I were able to, I'd like to get into that.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Skills
Image of Megan Fox
I feel like it's impossible to please the hardcore comic book fans, because they'll never be happy no matter what you do.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Book
Image of Megan Fox
I like to be open with journalists and I like to be honest. I hate being disingenuous because that's really uncomfortable for me; I don't excel at doing that.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Hate
Image of Megan Fox
I married my husband who is thirteen years older, so I will always be a trophy wife for him.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Husband
Image of Megan Fox
I am not just sitting and reading everything because honestly sometimes the scripts that appeal to me are projects that are not good projects, but I just really like the script or the characters.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Reading
Image of Megan Fox
I'm not on Twitter. I feel like it has a purpose because there are fans around the world that want to have some sort of interaction with you. But I feel like it is important to still keep some space and some distance, which is why I don't have a Twitter.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Distance
Image of Megan Fox
I'm very domestic, and I think that keeps me sane. My personal relationships keep me grounded.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Thinking
Image of Megan Fox
I don't read my own press, so I don't know what's being reported on a daily basis - I only hear about things when they reach a sort of Def-Con status, and my publicist calls me because we have to do some damage control.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Damage Control