Margaret J. Wheatley

Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
No longer in a relational universe, can we study anything as separate from ourselves. Our acts of observation are part of the process that brings forth the manifestation of what we are observing.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Study
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
When error holds so much power, play disappears. Creativity ceases.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Creativity
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
The search for the lessons of the new science is still in progress, really in its infancy. In this realm, three is a new kind of freedom, where it is more rewarding to explore than to reach conclusions, more satisfying to wonder than to know, and more exciting to search than to stay put. Curiosity, not certainty, becomes the saving grace.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Learning
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
Surrendering to life offers some wonderful realizations. We learn we're capable of being in this dance, of working with whatever happens. We learn to trust ourselves and then others and, gradually, we learn that life itself can be trusted.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Realization
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
The nature of the global business environment guarantees that no matter how hard we work to create a stable and healthy organisation, our organisation will continue to experience dramatic changes far beyond our control.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Business
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
Organizations are now confronted with two sources of change: the traditional type that is initiated and managed; and external changes over which no one has control.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Change
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
In this present culture, we need to find the means to work and live together with less aggression if we are to resolve the serious problems that afflict and impede us.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Mean
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
Innovation is fostered by information gathered from new connections; from insights gained by journeys into other disciplines or places; from active, collegial networks and fluid, open boundaries. Innovation arises from ongoing circles of exchange, where information is not just accumulated or stored, but created. Knowledge is generated anew from connections that weren't there before.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Relationship
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
Who you are depends on who you meet.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Self
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
You can’t hate someone whose story you know.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Hate
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
Life now insists that we encounter groundlessness. Systems and ideas that seemed reliable and solid dissolve at an increasing rate. People who asked for our trust betray or abandon us. Strategies that worked suddenly don't. Groundlessness is a frightening place, at least at first, but as the old culture turns to mush, we would feel stronger if we stopped searching for ground, if we sought only to locate ourselves in the present and do our work from here.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Ideas
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
One of the great errors organizations make is shutting down what is a natural, life-enhancing process-chaos. We are terrified of chaos. As a manager, it signals failure. But if you move out of control and into an appreciation of natural order, you understand that the only way a system changes is when it is far from equilibrium, when it moves from the 'quiet' we treasure and is confronted with the choice to die or reorganize. And you can't reorganize to a higher level unless you risk the perils of the path through chaos.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
Let's just keep asking ourselves this question: 'Is what I'm about to do strengthening the web of connections, or is it weakening it?'
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Connections
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
All of us need better skills in listening, conversing, respecting one another's uniqueness, because these are essential for strong relationships.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Strong
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
Our willingness to acknowledge that we only see half the picture creates the conditions that make us more attractive to others. The more sincerely we acknowledge our need for their different insights and perspectives, the more they will be magnetized to join us.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Perspective
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
Listening moves us closer, it helps us become more whole, more healthy, more holy. Not listening creates fragmentation, and fragmentation is the root of all suffering.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Moving
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
In this new world, you and I make it up as we go along, not because we lack expertise or planning skills, but because that is the nature of reality. Reality changes shape and meaning because of our activity. And it is constantly new. We are required to be there, as active participants. It can't happen without us and nobody can do it for us.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Learning
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
We each create our world by what we choose to notice, creating a world of distinction that makes sense to us. We then 'see' the world through the self we have created.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Our World
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
Disorder can play a critical role in giving birth to new, higher forms of order.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Order
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
We need to move from the leader as hero, to the leader as host.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Moving
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
As we let go of the machine model of work, we begin to step back and see ourselves in new ways, to appreciate wholeness, and to design organizations that honor and make use of the totality of who we are.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
We would do well to ponder the realization that love is the most potent source of power.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Power
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
We are, always, poets, exploring possibilities of meaning in a world which is also all the time exploring possibilities.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: World
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
Power in organizations is the capacity generated by relationships. It is an energy that comes into existence through relationships.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Organization
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
Independence is a political concept, not a biological concept.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Political
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
Perseverance is a choice. It's not a simple, one-time choice, it's a daily one. There's never a final decision.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Perseverance
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
Thinking is the place where intelligent actions begin. We pause long enough to look more carefully at a situation, to see more of its character, to think about why it's happening, to notice how it's affecting us and others
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Character
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
Aggression only moves in one direction - it creates more aggression.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Moving
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
Everyone in a complex system has a slightly different interpretation. The more interpretations we gather, the easier it becomes to gain a sense of the whole.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Different
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
We could focus our efforts on discovering solutions that work uniquely for us.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Focus
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
When leaders take back power, when they act as heroes and saviors, they end up exhausted, overwhelmed, and deeply stressed.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Leadership
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
These days, our senses are bombarded with aggression. We are constantly confronted with global images of unending, escalating war and violence.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: War
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
Aggression is the most common behavior used by many organizations, a nearly invisible medium that influences all decisions and actions.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Reality
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
I've wanted to see beyond the Western, mechanical view of the world and see what else might appear when the lens was changed
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Views
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
I think it is quite dangerous for an organisation to think they can predict where they are going to need leadership. It needs to be something that people are willing to assume if it feels relevant, given the context of any situation
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Leadership
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
I think we have to notice that the business processes we use right now for thinking and planning and budgeting and strategy are all delivered on very tight agendas.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Business
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
Space is the basic ingredient of the universe; there is more of it than anything else.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Space
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
Destroying is a necessary function in life. Everything has its season, and all things eventually lose their effectiveness and die.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Death
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
Without reflection, we go blindly on our way.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Reflection
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
For me, this is a familiar image - people in the organization ready and willing to do good work, wanting to contribute their ideas, ready to take responsibility, and leaders holding them back, insisting that they wait for decisions or instructions
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
We experience problem-solving sessions as war zones, we view competing ideas as enemies, and we use problems as weapons to blame and defeat opposition forces. No wonder we can't come up with real lasting solutions!
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Real
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
Passion mutates into procedures, into rules and roles. Instead of purpose, we focus on policies. Instead of being free to create, we impose constraints that squeeze the life out of us.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Teaching
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
Without aggression, it becomes possible to think well, to be curious about differences, and to enjoy each other's company.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Thinking
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
A world based on machine images is a world filled with boundaries. In a machine, every piece knows its place.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Machines
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
Life is creative. It makes it up as it goes along.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Creative
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
Listening is a reciprocal process - we become more attentive to others if they have attended to us.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Listening
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
For us, someone who is willing to step forward and help is much more courageous than someone who is merely fulfilling the role.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Roles
Image of Margaret J. Wheatley
In the past, it was easier to believe in my own effectiveness. If I worked hard, with good colleagues and good ideas, we could make a difference. But now, I sincerely doubt that.
- Margaret J. Wheatley
Collection: Believe