Leo Buscaglia

Image of Leo Buscaglia
No one gets out of this world alive, so the time to live, learn, care, share, celebrate, and love is now.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Love Is
Image of Leo Buscaglia
There are scores of people waiting for someone just like us to come along; people who will appreciate our compassion, our encouragement, who will need our unique talents. Someone who will live a happier life merely because we took the time to share what we had to give.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Leo Buscaglia
The only thing of value we can give kids is what we are, not what we have.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Kids
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Each of our acts makes a statement as to our purpose.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Kindness
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Each of us is responsible for creating an environment of warmth and consideration for those we love. I have always tried to define a good day not in terms of one in which all things were made right and comfortable for me but rather, as a day in which I have been able to make another's day more loving and special for them. We must treat each other with dignity. Not because we merit it but because we grow best in thoughtfulness.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Love You
Image of Leo Buscaglia
A life without love, no matter how many other things we have, is an empty, meaningless one.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Matter
Image of Leo Buscaglia
The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing, and becomes nothing. He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn, feel, change, grow or love. Chained by his certitude, he is a slave; he has forfeited his freedom. Only the person who risks is truly free.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Courage
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Life is meant to be a celebration! It shouldn't be necessary to set aside special times to remind us of this fact. Wise is the person who finds a reason to make every day a special one.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Motivational
Image of Leo Buscaglia
The most painful thing to experience is not defeat but regret
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Motivational
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Love creates an "us" without destroying the "me".
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Best Love
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Everybody needs a hug. It changes your metabolism.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Love
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Live now. When you are eating, eat. When you are loving, love. when you are talking with someone, talk. When you are looking at a flower, look. Catch the beauty of the moment!
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Flower
Image of Leo Buscaglia
A wonderful realization will be the day you realize that you are unique in all the world. There is nothing that is an accident. You are a special combination for a purpose -- and don't let them tell you otherwise, even if they tell you that purpose is an illusion. (Live an illusion if you have to). You are that combination so that you can do what is essential for you to do. Don't ever believe that you have nothing to contribute. The world is an incredibly unfulfilled tapestry. And only you can fulfill that tiny space that is yours.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Believe
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Those who think they know it all have no way of finding out they don't.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Thinking
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Value yourself. The only people who appreciate a doormat are people with dirty shoes.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Dirty
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Live nutty. Just occasionally. Just once in a while. And see what happens. It brightens up the day.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Happens
Image of Leo Buscaglia
When love is accompanied with deep intimacy, it raises us to the highest level of human experience. In this exalted space, we can surrender our egos, become vulnerable and know levels of joy and well-being unique among life experiences. We attain a glimpse of the rapture that can be ours. Boundaries are blurred, there are no limitations and we rejoice in union. We become one and, at the same time, both.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Love You
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Never idealize others. They will never live up to your expectations. Don't over-analyze your relationships. Stop playing games. A growing relationship can only be nurtured by genuineness.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Leo Buscaglia
What do years have to do with age?
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Years
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Life is a great and wondrous mystery, and the only thing we know that we have for sure is what is right here right now. Don't miss it.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Leo Buscaglia
There are all kinds of symbols. Verbal language is only one. Sometimes by opening our mouths, we make dreadful errors. It's often so much nicer just to look at somebody and vibrate.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Errors
Image of Leo Buscaglia
I love to think that the day you're born, you're given the world as a birthday present.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Love is not a thing, it is not lost when given. You can offer your love completely to hundreds of people and still retain the same love you had originally.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Love You
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Happiness is intrinsic, it's an internal thing. When you build it into yourself, no external circumstances can take it away.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Happiness
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Don't look over people's shoulders. Look in their eyes. Don't talk at your children. Take their faces in your hands and talk to them. Don't make love to a body, make love to a person.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Children
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Hold on to your dreams for they are, in a sense, the stuff of which reality is made. It is through our dreams that we maintain the possibility of a better, more meaningful life.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Love
Image of Leo Buscaglia
You are the only you ... You are the best you. You will always be the second best anyone else.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Second Best
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Time has no meaning in itself unless we choose to give it significance
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Time
Image of Leo Buscaglia
We all fear what we don't know - it's natural.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Natural
Image of Leo Buscaglia
In order to learn, you have to be free. You have to be free to experiment, free to try, free to make mistakes.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Mistake
Image of Leo Buscaglia
I think we need to teach children the importance of others, and that they cannot grow in this world without taking in others. The more worlds they take in, these unique worlds, the more they can become. We need to teach them to trust others again, because we're all frightened to death of each other. We're building higher and higher walls, stronger and stronger locks. Tear down the walls! Every day I see how we're distrusting and it hurts.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Hurt
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Every moment spent in unhappiness is a moment of happiness lost.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Moments
Image of Leo Buscaglia
He who remains calm while those around him panic probably doesn't know what's going on.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Panic
Image of Leo Buscaglia
I get so sick and tired of hearing people gripe about what their parents did to them. You know what your parents did to you? The best thing they could do. The best thing they knew how, the only thing in many cases that they knew how. Nobody has set out maliciously to hurt their child, unless they were psychotic.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Hurt
Image of Leo Buscaglia
We need others. We need others to love and we need to be loved by them. There is no doubt that without it, we too, like the infant left alone, would cease to grow, cease to develop, choose madness and even death.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Love
Image of Leo Buscaglia
A life of love is one of continual growth, where the doors and windows of experience are always open to the wonder and magic that life offers. To love is to risk living fully.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Love
Image of Leo Buscaglia
We are so ruled by what people tell us we must be that we have forgotten who we are.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: People
Image of Leo Buscaglia
The only lasting trauma is the one we suffer without positive change.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Suffering
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Life is our greatest possession and love its greatest affirmation.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: And Love
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Man has no choice but to love. For when he does not, he finds his alternatives lie in loneliness, destruction and despair.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Loneliness
Image of Leo Buscaglia
If he desired to know about automobiles, he would, without question, study diligently about automobiles. If his wife desired to be a gourmet cook, she'd certainly study the art of cooking, perhaps even attending a cooking class. Yet, it never seems as obvious to him that if he wants to live in love, he must spend at least as much time as the auto mechanic or the gourmet in studying love.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Art
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Your talent is God's gift to you.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Leo Buscaglia
After all, the wrong is done. It is past and cannot be changed. We have only the present and the future upon which to move forward.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Moving
Image of Leo Buscaglia
I'd like to be remembered for being a good, kind, loving, gentle man who attempted to live wisely, and who cared a lot.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Men
Image of Leo Buscaglia
One must never be satisfied with his ability to love. No matter where he is, it is always just a beginning.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Matter
Image of Leo Buscaglia
If you want to learn to love, then you must start the process of finding out what it is, what qualities make up a loving person and how these are developed. Each person has the potential for love. But potential is never realized without work.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Quality
Image of Leo Buscaglia
It is when we ask for love less and begin giving it more that the basis of human love is revealed to us.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Love Is
Image of Leo Buscaglia
The human need to play is a powerful one. When we ignore it, we feel there is something missing in our lives.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Powerful
Image of Leo Buscaglia
There is only the moment. The now. Only what you are experiencing at this second is real.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Real