Leo Buscaglia

Image of Leo Buscaglia
I was one of those fortunate individuals who grew up in a large, passionate, demonstrative Italian family where we were taught to love as naturally as we breathed and ate giant bowls of pasta!
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Passion
Image of Leo Buscaglia
To love is to risk not being loved in return.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Life
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Because you are human, you do have magic. Get in touch with it. When you feel the insanity rising, don't push it down. Let it come out. Just once-and then let me know what happens!
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Insanity
Image of Leo Buscaglia
If one wishes to know love, one must live love, in action. Thoughts, readings and discourse on love are of value only as they present questions to be acted upon.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Reading
Image of Leo Buscaglia
The oppposite of Love is not Hate - it's apathy.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Hate
Image of Leo Buscaglia
There are many miracles in the world to be celebrated and, for me, garlic is the most deserving.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Food
Image of Leo Buscaglia
The life and love we create is the life and love we live.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Love
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Love is a dynamic interaction, lived every second of our lives, all of our lives.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Love Is
Image of Leo Buscaglia
We began this process, and fantastic things happened — to the way we felt, to the way we made other people feel, and the interaction among us. All this simply by using positive words!
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Leo Buscaglia
A wife says to her husband (or vice versa), "Do you love me?""Of course," he replies. "I've been married to you for twenty years, haven't I?"How satisfied would we be if we presented someone with a vintage wine and, upon asking his opinion of it, he replied, "I'm drinking it, aren't I?"Love still needs expression between those who share it.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Love
Image of Leo Buscaglia
We are born for love, but it will die if not nurtured.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Born
Image of Leo Buscaglia
We need others. We need others to love and we need to be loved by them.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Needs
Image of Leo Buscaglia
As long as you are free, you are free to select and choose alternatives, provided that you are willing to accept the responsibility for being free. And after you've tried your alternatives, and they don't work as you would wish, don't blame me. Blame your choice. Try another alternative.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Freedom
Image of Leo Buscaglia
A growing relationship can only be nurtured by genuineness.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Relationship
Image of Leo Buscaglia
He must also know evil, hate and bigotry as real phenomena, but he must see love as the greater force. He must not doubt this even for a moment or he is lost. His only salvation is to dedicate himself to love, in the same fashion as Gandhi did to militant nonviolence, as Socrates to truth, as Jesus did to love and as More did to integrity. Only then will he have the strength to combat the forces of doubt, confusion and contradiction. He can depend upon no on or no thing for reinforcement and assurance but himself.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Love
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Everybody is teaching Everybody to Love at every moment.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Teaching
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Happiness comes only when we push our brains and hearts to the farthest reaches of which we are capable. The purpose of life is to matter-to count, to stand for something, to have it make so difference that we lived at all.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Life
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Labels are distancing phenomena. They push us away from each other.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Labels
Image of Leo Buscaglia
To the extent to which you know yourself, and we are all more alike than different, you can know others. When you love yourself, you will love others. And to the depth and extent to which you can love yourself, only to that depth and extent will you be able to love others.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Love You
Image of Leo Buscaglia
We will only begin to forgive when we can look upon the wrongdoers as ourselves, neither better nor worse. We need to remember that we coexist as mortals in the world, together, the wronged and the wrongdoer, and that, in our common humanity, the situation could readily be reversed.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Common Humanity
Image of Leo Buscaglia
We have to get children to understand that not only do they have this incredible uniqueness, but they also have something that sometimes we forget about. They are also potentiality. They are much more undiscovered than they are discovered. And there's the wonder of it. It doesn't matter where they are, they're only just beginning and the big magical trip of life is digging it all out and discovering the wonderful you.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Children
Image of Leo Buscaglia
When we feel joyful, euphoric, happy, we are more open to life, more capable of seeing things clearly and handling daily tensions.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Joyful
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Experience seems to convince us that only fools trust, that only fools believe and accept all things. If this is true, then love is most foolish. For if it is not founded on trust, belief and acceptance, it's not love.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Love
Image of Leo Buscaglia
When we give ourselves in love we become our most vulnerable. We are never safe. We become open to disappointment and hurt.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Hurt
Image of Leo Buscaglia
That's love. That's all it means. It means sharing joy with people.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Love
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Assume that people are good until you actually and specifically learn differently. And even then, know that they have potential for change and that you can help them out.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: People
Image of Leo Buscaglia
To this day I cannot see a bright daffodil, a proud gladiola, or a smooth eggplant without thinking of Papa. Like his plants and trees, I grew up as a part of his garden.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Garden
Image of Leo Buscaglia
There is a good deal of excellent research on child's play. It has shown conclusively that through play, with the freedom of action it allows and the stressless environment in which it occurs, children discover, relate to and define themselves and their world. ...It is, therefore, paradoxical that many educators and parents still differentiate between a time for learning and a time for play.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Children
Image of Leo Buscaglia
There is seemingly so little love shared in this world, it is not surprising that we ask, "Where have all the lovers gone?" Since love is the most vital energy for good that is within our power to utilize, it is puzzling why we so seldom do so. Love is just a useless, abstract idea until we put it into action...unless we are always actively living in love, we are not utilizing the greatest gift we have been given and which we, in turn, have to offer.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Love You
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Happiness and love are just a choice away.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Attitude
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Child development: Most damaging course of action is attempting to keep children from experience or protect them from pain, for it is this time that children learn that life is a magic thing, if "not a rose garden." The parent's role is primarily to stand by with a good supply of band-aids.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Children
Image of Leo Buscaglia
To laugh is to risk appearing a fool, to weep is to risk appearing too sentimental, to reach out for another is to risk involvement, and to expose feelings is to risk exposing one's true self.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Self
Image of Leo Buscaglia
This loving person is a person who abhors waste - waste of time, waste of human potential. How much time we waste. As if we were going to live forever.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Time
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Love and the self are one and the discovery of either is the realization of both.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Love
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Education should be the process of helping everyone to discover his uniqueness." -Leo Buscaglia (1924-1998)
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Education
Image of Leo Buscaglia
We created time, and now we have become the slave of time.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Leo Buscaglia
We don't love to be loved in return; we love to love.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Inspirational Love
Image of Leo Buscaglia
My rule is always, People first and things second.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: People
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Love always creates, it never destroys. In this lie's man's only promise.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Love
Image of Leo Buscaglia
He must understand that if he is the world's finest plum and someone he loves does not like plums, he has the choice of becoming a banana. But he must be warned that if he chooses to become a banana, he will be a second rate banana. But he can always be the best plum.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Love
Image of Leo Buscaglia
I don't know about you, but I don't feel that it's my vehicle that is essential. I don't know about you, but I don't feel that it's my education that is essential. I don't think what is essential about me is my house or my car or my clothes. What is essential about me? Well, I think what is essential is that I live and embrace life right now, wherever I am. I grab it in my arms! Don't spend time crying about yesterday-yesterday is over with! I forgive my past. I forgive the people who've hurt me. I don't want to spend the rest of my life blaming and pointing a finger.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Hurt
Image of Leo Buscaglia
The essence of education is not to stuff you with facts but to help you discover your uniqueness, to teach you how to develop it, and then to show you how to give it away.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Learning
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Love is trusting, accepting, and believing, without guarantee. Love is patient and waits, but it's an active waiting, not a passive one. For it is continually offering itself in a mutual revealing, a mutual sharing. Love is spontaneous and craves expression through joy, through beauty, through truth, even through tears.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Believe
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Love is like a mirror. When you love another you become his mirror and he becomes yours .... And reflecting each other's love you see infinity.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Love You
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Why do we protect children from life? It's no wonder that we become afraid to live. We're not told what life really is. We're not told that life is joy and wonder and magic and even rapture, if you can get involved enough. We're not told that life is also pain, misery, despair, unhappiness, and tears. I don't know about you, but I don't want to miss any of it. I want to embrace life, and I want to find out what it's all about. I wouldn't want to go through life without knowing what it is to cry.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Life
Image of Leo Buscaglia
Catch the beauty of the moment!
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Moments
Image of Leo Buscaglia
There are two big forces at work, external and internal. We have very little control over external forces such as tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, disasters, illness and pain. What really matters is the internal force. How do I respond to those disasters? Over that I have complete control.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Positive
Image of Leo Buscaglia
The heart is the place where we live our passions. It is frail and easily broken, but wonderfully resilient. There is no point in trying to deceive the heart. It depends upon our honesty for its survival.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Love